New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons

An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst, NY

About the show

An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst (Queens), NY.

New Life Fellowship is a multiracial community deeply transforming lives through Jesus for the sake of the world. Visit us on the web at

New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons on social media


  • The Holy Spirit: The Radically Accessible Presence of Jesus

    May 29th, 2022  |  47 mins 34 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday, we will start a new multi-week series on the Holy Spirit. Pastor Rich will kick off the series, exploring how radically accessible God's presence is, and what this truth means for our everyday lives. Please take some time to read through John 16.

  • NextGen Sunday: Passing Down Faith

    May 22nd, 2022  |  57 mins 37 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Every year, we set aside a Sunday to reflect on the ways we are called to love, serve, and hand down faith to the next generation. It's a key Sunday in the life of our church family. This Sunday, Pastor Rich and Rosie Villodas will share their hearts for what God has for us as a community as we seek to form Christ-followers in this generation.

  • A Question for the Road - Pastor Helen Kim Nowalk

    May 15th, 2022  |  39 mins 58 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Welcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Part 4 of our #eastertide series is all about the question to which we can return again and again to help orient ourselves in our Christian journey. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Helen!

  • A Future Greater Than This Moment

    May 8th, 2022  |  50 mins 52 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on the surprising encounters Jesus had with his disciples after the resurrection. We explore one of the most curious and confusing words Jesus speaks to his disciples, and the implications it has for our lives.

  • It's From the Lord - Pastor Matt Manno

    May 1st, 2022  |  42 mins 47 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Part 2 of our #eastertide series is all about how the risen Jesus shows his disciples the surprising ways he's going to show up in their everyday life. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Matt!

  • Encountering Jesus on the Road

    April 26th, 2022  |  37 mins 26 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    The Road from Easter Sunday can be challenging! Join us this Sunday as we explore the road ahead and what Jesus has to say to each of us.

  • The First Easter Sermon

    April 19th, 2022  |  41 mins 25 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    The Lord is risen! This Sunday we gather in person as a congregation for the first Easter since 2019! Pastor Rich preaches on the first sermon recorded on the Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. It's a sermon that has stood the test of time and has the power to transform our lives. Please read through the story before our gathering.

  • Palm Sunday - Lessons from the Triumphal Entry

    April 11th, 2022  |  41 mins 40 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday, Holy Week begins. We journey with Jesus from the joyous procession on Palm Sunday, to the horror of the Cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Pastor Rich preaches on the Triumphal Entry and what we learn from Jesus riding a donkey, and the people waving branches. These symbols have much to do with our everyday life.

  • Judging Jonah

    April 4th, 2022  |  45 mins 19 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    As we close our series on Jonah, Pastor Sherin explores Jonah's conversation with God in chapter 4. As we consider Jonah's example, what can we learn about our own reluctance to repent?

  • Jonah's Anger

    March 28th, 2022  |  48 mins 44 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday, we enter the 4th and final chapter of the book of Jonah. What we will discover might surprise many of us. After a great revival in chapter 3, Jonah is angry - very angry. Pastor Rich explores what was happening in Jonah's heart and how our hearts are similarly oriented.

  • Learning Repentance

    March 21st, 2022  |  52 mins 15 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Pastor Rich leads us through chapter 3 of Jonah. In this chapter, we learn much about what repentance looks like. Although repentance is a word that is not looked upon favorably in our secular culture, it is an important word for followers of Jesus.

  • Praying Inside of a Fish

    March 14th, 2022  |  43 mins 52 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Text: Jonah 2:7-10

    This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Last week, we explored the first half of Jonah's prayer after he was swallowed by a fish. This week we examine the rest of his prayer and what it teaches us about God and the spiritual life.

  • Jonah: God's Grace for Those Who Run

    March 7th, 2022  |  33 mins 7 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    In Jonah's story, we find our own. As we continue following Jonah's journey overboard into deep waters, we get to see the extravagant reaches of God's grace, giving us a picture of this grace in our own lives.

  • Jonah: Running from God

    February 28th, 2022  |  42 mins 49 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    We begin our Lenten sermon series through the book of Jonah. Jonah's story is one of the most familiar in all of the Bible and has much to teach us about our life before God. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on the ways Jonah tries to flee from the Lord, and the ways we do the same.

  • Proverbs: The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

    February 21st, 2022  |  40 mins 56 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday our series through the book of Proverbs will come to an end. Pastor Rich ends the series with a look at how the book of Proverbs began- with a focus on "the fear of the Lord". This is one of the most misunderstood phrases in the Bible. As a result, instead of growing in wisdom, we may find ourselves stuck. Pastor Rich explores what this important statement means, what it doesn't mean, and how to build it in our lives.

  • Proverbs: Becoming Wise with our Money

    February 15th, 2022  |  49 mins 6 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday, we continue our series through themes in the book of Proverbs. Pastor Rich preaches on "Becoming Wise with our Money." One of the most important aspects of the spiritual Iife is how we relate to money. In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the dangers of money and the opportunities before us to use it in a way that is wise and healthy.