New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons
An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst, NY
About the show
An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst (Queens), NY.
New Life Fellowship is a multiracial community deeply transforming lives through Jesus for the sake of the world. Visit us on the web at
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Being Wise in Correction
January 30th, 2022 | 40 mins 4 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Correction is an everyday part of our lives but that doesn't make it easy. Yet there is great wisdom found in learning how to handle correction well. Let's talk about it.
Becoming Wise in our Conflicts
January 25th, 2022 | 39 mins 20 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Proverbs, focusing on what it means to become wise in our conflicts. To be human is to enter into conflicts with others. This is unavoidable. In this message, we will gain some insights as to how to work through conflict in a way that is marked by love, integrity, and the way of Jesus.
Becoming Wise in our Work
January 16th, 2022 | 32 mins 2 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Proverbs gives us wisdom needed for our daily endeavors, that applied to the mess and challenges of our paid and unpaid work, helps us become the people of God.
Becoming Wise with Our Words
January 10th, 2022 | 42 mins 19 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on "Becoming Wise." We will look at a recurring theme in Proverbs that we must give attention to- the way we use our words. Are the words you speak bringing life or harm to those around you? By God's grace, we will be led into a way to bring healing to other through the words we use. Please take some time to reflect on this proverb before Sunday.
Searching for Wisdom
January 4th, 2022 | 42 mins 39 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday, Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series on the book of Proverbs. We explore the importance of searching for wisdom. As the new year kicks off, this is a great way to focus our hearts. Please take some time to read through Proverbs 2:1-6.
Examining Our Lives
December 29th, 2021 | 34 mins 19 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In the last Sunday sermon of 2021, Pastor Rich leads us through a spiritual reflection and examination of our lives with God. What are the spiritual disciplines you need to anchor you in a life with God?
Advent: The Light that Overcomes Our Inner Herod
December 22nd, 2021 | 39 mins 30 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday is the 4th Sunday in Advent. As we approach Christmas, we take the time to explore familiar Bible stories that have significant application for our lives. This Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches on how the light of God overcomes our inner Herod. Herod was the king in the time of Jesus's birth, and was disturbed by news of a new king. His reaction is an important lens through which to see our own fears, and impulse to control.
Advent: The Light that overcomes separation
December 14th, 2021 | 34 mins 30 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
It has become "normal" in our world to cancel, cut off and separate. The question for us as followers of Christ is not what does society say - but what does Jesus say? Join us as we explore Part 3 of our Advent series, "The Light that Overcomes Separation"
Advent: The Light that Overcomes our inner chaos - Pastor Steve Cuss
December 8th, 2021 | 45 mins 3 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Part 2 of our #advent series is all about the Light that overcomes our inner chaos. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from guest speaker and pastor, Steve Cuss!
Advent: The Light that Overcomes the Darkness
November 30th, 2021 | 47 mins 33 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday, the Advent season begins. Advent is a special season in the Church calendar where we anticipate the coming of our Lord. During Advent we are reminded that the healing we all long for will come from the Messiah. This Sunday, Pastor Rich will kick off our new Advent series entitled, The Light that Overcomes. We hear about the ways Christ's light overcomes the darkness of our world. We invite you to read through John 1:1-5.
Stories of Gratitude
November 23rd, 2021 | 46 mins 13 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Thanksgiving Service, we come together as a church community to hear stories of gratitude from fellow New Lifers. Come celebrate with us as we give thanks!
Jesus: The True King
November 16th, 2021 | 34 mins 51 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Jesus is the perfect King who wields true power and gives us a living example of what it means to belong to His kingdom.
Jesus: The True Priest
November 7th, 2021 | 51 mins 38 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Pastor Sherin continues our series by focusing on Jesus as the True Priest. What does it mean to understand Jesus' ministry as a Priest? How does this affect our worship and our purpose in the world?
Jesus: Prophet, Priest & King
October 31st, 2021 | 49 mins 4 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday we start a new 3-week series entitled, Jesus: Prophet, Priest, and King. We take a good look at the three main offices in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on Jesus as the True Prophet. We learn about the significance of this for our worship, and for the way God calls us to live in the world.
The Deeply Formed Life: Missional Presence
October 27th, 2021 | 47 mins 15 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday we bring our Deeply Formed Life series to a close. Pastor Rich preaches on our value of Missional Presence. In this message we will hear the powerful truth of God's action in the world and how we are invited to participate in it.
The Deeply Formed Life: Sexual Wholeness
October 21st, 2021 | 52 mins 44 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on The Deeply Formed Life. This series has walked us through the 5 Values that have shaped New Life Fellowship for many years. We explore the value of Sexual Wholeness (or Marriage to Christ). This is a topic that requires prayerful exploration and nuance.