New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons
An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst, NY
About the show
An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst (Queens), NY.
New Life Fellowship is a multiracial community deeply transforming lives through Jesus for the sake of the world. Visit us on the web at
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Episode 266: How Free People Live - You Shall Not Commit Adultery
April 8th, 2019 | 54 mins 44 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on one of the commands that often reminds us of the wounding we have experienced or observed in others. The 7th commandment was given to remind the people of God that their lives were to be marked by fidelity, love, and loyalty. Sadly, the people of God in the story of scripture, and throughout history have often fallen short. Pastor Rich also explores the power of sex, the call to faithfulness, and the ways that God's grace moves towards us when we fail.
Episode 265: GRC2019: Pete Scazzero - Going Beneath The Surface of Racism
April 5th, 2019 | 1 hr 13 mins
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
For the past 31 years, New Life Fellowship Church has been one of the most multiracial churches in North America. This happened out of an intentional, beneath-the-tip-of-the- iceberg approach to discipleship that deeply informed our approach to race and the gospel. (In fact, the development of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship around the world happened out of the crucible of racial reconciliation.) From the creation of speci c tools (e.g. genogram your family, incarnational listening, clean ghting) to a theology of brokenness and vulnerability and grief and loss, New Life developed speci c theological applications of the gospel to the powers and principalities around race to become a prophetic sign for the world.
Episode 264: GRC2019: Mark Charles - The spiritual price of the Doctrine of Discovery
April 3rd, 2019 | 55 mins 18 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Throughout his ministry Jesus was adamant that his kingdom was not of this world. He responded sharply whenever his disciples tried to mix his teachings with worldly power. But, in the 4th century the heresy of Christian Empire prevailed. This plenary session examines the deep spiritual cost of rejecting the teachings of Jesus that was necessary in order to create a dehumanizing doctrine of discovery.
Episode 263: Do Not Murder
April 1st, 2019 | 46 mins 43 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this message, Pastor Rich explores the 6th Commandment, “Do not murder.” In a world of anger and violence, this commandment is one we need to pay special attention to. Rich explores some nuances of this commandment that go beyond what might be apparent.
Episode 262: GRC2019: Can You Drink The Cup? - Rich Villodas
March 27th, 2019 | 43 mins 48 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Any attempt to address the connection of the gospel to matters of racial justice and reconciliation requires a spirituality marked by a “cruciformed” imagination. The death and resurrection of Jesus points to God’s great act of reconciling all things. It is out of this place that followers of Jesus are called to imitate him as we seek to build communities marked by truth, mercy, justice, and forgiveness. In this session, Rich Villodas explores the various “cups” we must drink to be people marked by the gospel’s great power to tear down barriers.
Episode 261: Honor Your Father and Mother
March 25th, 2019 | 56 mins 4 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the 5th Commandment, Honor your father and mother. For many, this commandment contains many challenges due to the complexity that often marks our families. Pastor Rich highlights some of the important nuances of this commandment aiming at helping us see the liberating ways God wants to work in our lives.
Episode 260: Becoming World Class Christians - Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil
March 18th, 2019 | 52 mins 52 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this powerful message, Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil declares that the world is waiting for us and to get ready to be deployed as world class Christians.
Episode 259: How Free People Live - Remember the Sabbath
March 12th, 2019 | 55 mins 30 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Pastor Rich continues our sermon series on the 10 Commandments. He offers some fresh perspective on the ancient practice of Sabbath-keeping. Sabbath-keeping is one of New Life's most important values, and through this message, we hope you will start the journey of keeping Sabbath or deepen it.
How Free People Live - Do Not Misuse His Name
March 4th, 2019 | 39 mins 12 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this third sermon on the Ten Commandments, we explore what it means to misuse the name of the Lord and how a free people of God are truly meant to speak.
Episode 257: How Free People Live - Do Not Make any Idols
February 27th, 2019 | 47 mins
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this second sermon on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Rich explores the act of creating idols, and the impact it has on our lives with God. Far from being a distant practice in the ancient world, we learn how subtle this practice is in our everyday lives, and what it looks like to be set free.
Episode 256: How Free People Live - No other gods
February 19th, 2019 | 49 mins 53 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich starts a new series on The 10 Commandments. He offers an introduction to this iconic and historical treasure of faith, while exploring the urgent need to take these words seriously. This sermon series will highlight the grace of God and demonstrate how everything in the 10 Commandments ultimately points to God's decisive action through Jesus Christ.
Discerning and Deciding to Step out of the Boat
February 11th, 2019 | 46 mins 23 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this final message of our Discernment series, Pastor Rich preaches through a familiar New Testament story. He explores the call to discern God's will, which results in taking a step of faith. He speaks to themes of courage, failure, and hope in the discernment process.
Episode 254: Orange Sunday
February 6th, 2019 | 56 mins 3 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
A special panel discussing the important role of our Family Ministries and the impact that has on a child's spiritual life and development.
Episode 253: Prudence as a Way of Discovering God's Will
January 28th, 2019 | 48 mins 1 sec
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores what it means to "use our heads" as we seek to discern God's will. He offers practical ways to think through some of the decisions before us, and show how God's grace moves towards us as we prudently reflect on our lives.
Episode 252: I Need You, You Need Me, We Need Him
January 23rd, 2019 | 43 mins 50 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Special guest Kelvin L. Walker continues our series on Discernment, helping us to see how God comes to us through each other.
Episode 251: Understanding and Following Your Heart
January 14th, 2019 | 46 mins 31 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the importance of understanding and following your heart as an important element of discerning God's will. This sermon will explore commonly held ideas about the role of our feelings in gaining clarity about the direction God is calling us to move towards.