New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

524 episodes of New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons since the first episode, which aired on January 12th, 2014.

  • Grief | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Aaron Stern

    November 5th, 2023  |  43 mins 44 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    If we are to live into the fullness of our humanity, we have to embrace sadness. This isn’t a culturally popular idea. What keeps us from embracing sadness and expressing grief? And how does this look as followers of Jesus?

    Part 6 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about living into the fullness of our humanity by embracing sadness and grief.

    The Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more.

    emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #grief

  • Sabbath Rhythms | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas

    October 29th, 2023  |  40 mins 59 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Part 5 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about exploring our interior lives through the ancient practice of sabbath-keeping.

    The Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more.

  • Solitude and Our Inner Life | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas

    October 22nd, 2023  |  40 mins 33 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Part 4 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about solitude—a practice that was indispensable to Jesus throughout his life.

    The Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more.

  • Anxiety | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Sherin Swift

    October 15th, 2023  |  38 mins 57 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Part 3 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about how we can follow Christ well in the midst of so much anxiety.

    The Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more.

    emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anxiety

  • Anger | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas

    October 8th, 2023  |  44 mins 10 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Part 2 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about Jesus’ words on anger from the Sermon on the Mount.

    The Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more.

    emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anger

  • The Emotional Life of Jesus | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas

    October 1st, 2023  |  36 mins 44 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Pastor Rich opens up our new series, Life Beneath The Surface, connecting Jesus’ life to ours. Jesus experiences all of the emotions and there is much to learn from him on how to embrace our very own.

    The Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series will explore anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more.

    emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface

  • Pathway | Vision Series | Pastor Helen Kim Nowalk |

    September 24th, 2023  |  36 mins 32 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Our three part pathway describes how we seek to live out the presence and key priorities, (shared in the prior two Vision weeks) that we are called to as a church. There is much to learn from the early church regarding what it takes to live into our God-given mission.


    EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.

  • Building Together | Vision Series | Pastor Rich Villodas

    September 17th, 2023  |  56 mins 37 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This Sunday Pastor Rich leads us through our second of three Vision Sunday gatherings. We will spend time in worship, prayer, and hearing a message about building three particular areas in the life of our church.

  • Salt & Light | Vision Series | Pastor Rich Villodas

    September 10th, 2023  |  39 mins 19 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Pastor Rich kicks off our 3-part Vision Sunday series with a message focusing on the type of church Jesus calls us to be.

    Vision Sunday is a time in the year for our church to step back to remember what it means to be a church family on mission in our city.

    visionsunday #saltandlight #mission

  • Salvation | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Jackie Snape

    September 3rd, 2023  |  34 mins 59 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    What does it mean to be "saved" and how does it affect my everyday life?

    This is the final part of our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Jackie explores the meaning of the word, Salvation.

  • Confession | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Andre Grey

    August 27th, 2023  |  46 mins
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Confession is the spiritual practice that allows us to enter into the grace and mercy of God in such a way that we experience forgiveness and healing for the sins and sorrows of the past.

    This is Part 7 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, New Life East Pastor Andre explores the meaning of the word, Confession.

  • Blessed | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Matt Manno

    August 20th, 2023  |  29 mins 22 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This is Part 6 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Matt explores the meaning of the word, Blessed.

  • Holy | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Shauna Rushing

    August 13th, 2023  |  54 mins 33 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Holy is a word often associated with the character of God or obtaining moral perfection, but have you ever considered it as an identity, something that is true of us as God’s people? Come explore what holiness means with Pastor Shauna through 1 Peter 2:1-6, 9-10.

  • Faith | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Sherin Swift

    August 6th, 2023  |  53 mins 55 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Faith seems like the most basic word, but perhaps that makes it the most overlooked. In this message, Pastor Sherin reminds us of the beauty and depth of the word.

    This is Part 4 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.

    faith #lexiconoffaith #ancientwords

  • Sin | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Helen Kim-Nowalk

    July 30th, 2023  |  41 mins 15 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    This week we look at the third word of our series - Sin. It is an indispensable word in our Christian faith that helps us realize the good news of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.

    This is Part 3 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.

  • Grace | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Drew Hyun

    July 23rd, 2023  |  35 mins 51 secs
    new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons

    Grace is central to the Christian faith - grace is what makes Christianity the most exclusively inclusive message for our world today. We’ll be examining what grace looks like in the life of Jesus as he calls his disciple Peter.