New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
520 episodes of New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons since the first episode, which aired on January 12th, 2014.
Sacramental Living: God is in this place
January 20th, 2020 | 46 mins 31 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this third sermon from our Sacramental Living series, Pastor Rich preaches about the ways we miss God in ordinary moments. Using the story of Jacob, we will learn about growing in awareness of God's presence in the everyday, tangible realities of life. The hope is that we would see all of life as moments to meet God, refusing to compartmentalize our faith.
Sacramental Living: Remembering Our Baptism
January 13th, 2020 | 40 mins 26 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches through the sacrament of baptism. Whether you have already been baptized, or are considering it, this message explores what God seeks to do for and in us through our baptism. Our baptism is to impact every aspect of our lives, and our witness to Jesus.
Sacramental Living: The Bread and the Cup
January 8th, 2020 | 48 mins 29 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
We will begin the new year with a focus on the sacraments. Last Sunday, Pastor Rich preached on the significance of The Lord's Table, and how the bread and the cup are to shape our lives. We also took communion after the sermon.
Joseph: A Story of Grace
December 30th, 2019 | 34 mins 29 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Joseph doesn't have much said about him in scripture and he doesn't have a song. But the story of Grace told through his life is still miraculous for us today.
Advent: The Song of Simeon
December 23rd, 2019 | 39 mins 54 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this final week of Advent, we take a closer look at the life of Simeon as he waited for the Messiah. Pastor Sherin explores Simeon's encounter with Jesus when he is presented at the temple, and his response of praise.
Advent: The Angels' Song
December 16th, 2019 | 48 mins 1 sec
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this Advent sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the song the Angels sang when Christ was born. The lyrics to this song hold together two themes that are to mark our relationship with God.
The Song of Zechariah
December 9th, 2019 | 44 mins 16 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this second week of Advent, Pastor Rich preaches on Zechariah's song. Zechariah's story is one of waiting on God, and being surprised by God's faithfulness. As we wait for God to intervene in our lives, Zechariah (and his wife Elizabeth) teach us so much. Read through Zechariah's song and the background of his story in Luke 1:5-23.
Advent: The Song of Mary
December 5th, 2019 | 43 mins 3 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
On the first Sunday in Advent, Pastor Rich preaches through the song of Mary.
Advent is a time of waiting for God's coming in Christ. As we wait, we look with hope and expectation for the world that God will create when Christ finally reigns. Mary's song gives us a glimpse of this world to come.
Stories of Gratitude and Hope
November 25th, 2019 | 51 mins 21 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
This Thanksgiving season, New Lifers share stories of gratitude, hope, and the ways God has moved in their life.
How We Got Here: A New Story
November 18th, 2019 | 52 mins 42 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the call of Abraham, and the way God uses him to see the world restored. In Genesis 12, we see a new story of hope and blessing that responds to the stories of brokenness and pain in Genesis 1-11. As we explore this text, we will see the ways God calls us into a new future, marked by a journey of trust.
How We Got Here: Put Down Your Bricks
November 11th, 2019 | 48 mins 58 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this final sermon from our "How We Got Here" series, Pastor Rich preaches on the famous story of the Tower of Babel. Rich explores the two problems that marked the building of this tower, and how these two problems continue to impact our lives and world in significant ways. The hope is that we will choose to build a life in obedience and partnership with God, for the sake of the world.
How We Got Here: Our Sin and Faithfulness
November 4th, 2019 | 51 mins 42 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores one of the most famous stories in the entire Bible. He teaches on Noah's Ark and the Flood. Like the previous sermons on Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel, Noah's story is our story. Our world consistently feels like it's under water, and we need a way to rise above it. Pastor Rich shares how our lives are deeply connected to this story, and how God wants to use us to see a world reborn.
CDC Sunday: Shalom of the City and the Shalom of Self
October 28th, 2019 | 48 mins 21 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
We put a pause on our regular series in order to make room for New Life CDC Sunday. This Sunday we highlight the work of our CDC (community development corporation) among the poor and marginalized.
Jeremiah 29:1-14
God gives the people of God the mandate to seek the shalom (peace and prosperity) of the city. He says if the city does well, His people will do well. Sadly, this mandate is easily drowned out by the shalom of the self. In Jeremiah 29, God shows how he moves his people toward the pursuit of shalom for all.
How We Got Here: The Destructive Power of Jealousy
October 24th, 2019 | 49 mins 30 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
Pastor Rich continues our short series on the origins of our brokenness. He preaches from the famous story of Cain and Abel, highlighting the ways jealousy has damaged our world.
How We Got Here: Taking and Receiving
October 14th, 2019 | 50 mins 3 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this new sermon series, Pastor Rich explores the origin story of sin and how this story continues to be lived out in our lives and our world. Rich also explores the ways God offers freedom and healing to us as we become people who freely receive.
Vision Sunday
October 7th, 2019 | 53 mins 4 secs
new life church, new life fellowship, new life sermons, nlf, pete scazzero, rich villodas, sermons
In this sermon, Pastor Rich will unpack the 5 values of New Life that form us to be a "peculiar" people in the world. If you are new to our congregation, this serves as a great introduction to who we are as a church. If you have been a part of our church for some time, you will be invited to deepen your commitment to seeing these values work in and through your life.