{"version":"https://jsonfeed.org/version/1","title":"New Life Fellowship NYC Sermons","home_page_url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm","feed_url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/json","description":"An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst (Queens), NY. \r\n\r\nNew Life Fellowship is a multiracial community deeply transforming lives through Jesus for the sake of the world. Visit us on the web at [newlife.nyc](https://newlife.nyc/)","_fireside":{"subtitle":"An archive of Sunday messages from New Life Fellowship Church in Elmhurst, NY","pubdate":"2025-03-23T11:00:00.000-04:00","explicit":false,"copyright":"2025 by New Life Fellowship Church","owner":"New Life Fellowship Church","image":"https://media24.fireside.fm/file/fireside-images-2024/podcasts/images/b/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/cover.jpg?v=3"},"items":[{"id":"a753c7b7-83f7-42df-87ba-9c1f0183f732","title":"The Integrity of Our Words | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/561","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues to lead us through the Sermon on the Mount. He examines Jesus's statements on the integrity of our words. In a world filled with lies, half-truths, and spin, we learn what it means to align the integrity of our words to our relationship with God and others.\n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:33-37","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues to lead us through the Sermon on the Mount. He examines Jesus\u0026#39;s statements on the integrity of our words. In a world filled with lies, half-truths, and spin, we learn what it means to align the integrity of our words to our relationship with God and others.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:33-37\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues to lead us through the Sermon on the Mount. He examines Jesus's statements on the integrity of our words. In a world filled with lies, half-truths, and spin, we learn what it means to align the integrity of our words to our relationship with God and others.\r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:33-37","date_published":"2025-03-23T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a753c7b7-83f7-42df-87ba-9c1f0183f732.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19958258,"duration_in_seconds":1661}]},{"id":"44d5c38a-d725-4c45-bb16-cc177df6ced3","title":"Our Desires | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/560","content_text":"Pastor Rich explores a passage that has been problematic for many. He will unpack Jesus's words on the power of lust and how it impacts our relationships and souls. More than just a sermon on external behavior modification, Jesus will address the aspects we often overlook that lead to transformed lives and relationships.\n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:27-30","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich explores a passage that has been problematic for many. He will unpack Jesus\u0026#39;s words on the power of lust and how it impacts our relationships and souls. More than just a sermon on external behavior modification, Jesus will address the aspects we often overlook that lead to transformed lives and relationships.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:27-30\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich explores a passage that has been problematic for many. He will unpack Jesus's words on the power of lust and how it impacts our relationships and souls. More than just a sermon on external behavior modification, Jesus will address the aspects we often overlook that lead to transformed lives and relationships.\r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:27-30","date_published":"2025-03-16T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/44d5c38a-d725-4c45-bb16-cc177df6ced3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22019100,"duration_in_seconds":1832}]},{"id":"3ac88d8a-c2e2-4a9e-a5b2-fc0996098add","title":"Our Anger | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/559","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues The Narrow Path series on the Sermon on the Mount as we move through this Lenten season. He explores the role that anger has in our lives and how we can address it in a way that forms us in the way of Jesus.\n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:21-26","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues The Narrow Path series on the Sermon on the Mount as we move through this Lenten season. He explores the role that anger has in our lives and how we can address it in a way that forms us in the way of Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:21-26\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues The Narrow Path series on the Sermon on the Mount as we move through this Lenten season. He explores the role that anger has in our lives and how we can address it in a way that forms us in the way of Jesus.\r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:21-26","date_published":"2025-03-09T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3ac88d8a-c2e2-4a9e-a5b2-fc0996098add.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25163279,"duration_in_seconds":2095}]},{"id":"f1615982-eb34-40dc-ac2b-6a1081410854","title":"Forgiven and Free | The Narrow Path Series | Jason Gaboury","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/558","content_text":"Jason Gaboury continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount. He explores the lines \"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors\" written in The Lord's Prayer, and what it reveals to us about forgiveness. \n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-15","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJason Gaboury continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount. He explores the lines \u0026quot;Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors\u0026quot; written in The Lord\u0026#39;s Prayer, and what it reveals to us about forgiveness. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-15\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jason Gaboury continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount. He explores the lines \"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors\" written in The Lord's Prayer, and what it reveals to us about forgiveness. \r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-15","date_published":"2025-03-02T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f1615982-eb34-40dc-ac2b-6a1081410854.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25306415,"duration_in_seconds":2106}]},{"id":"a9cd87ac-5206-4523-913d-7f2cf1df51c4","title":"The Lord's Prayer Part 2 | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/557","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount. He explores the first three requests Jesus instructs us to pray for that make a significant difference in the ways we are formed by the world around us. \n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-11","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount. He explores the first three requests Jesus instructs us to pray for that make a significant difference in the ways we are formed by the world around us. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-11\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount. He explores the first three requests Jesus instructs us to pray for that make a significant difference in the ways we are formed by the world around us. \r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-11","date_published":"2025-02-23T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a9cd87ac-5206-4523-913d-7f2cf1df51c4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31373145,"duration_in_seconds":2612}]},{"id":"8fe0c0f1-3131-4785-92f3-f825d019cc8b","title":"The Lord's Prayer Part 1 | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/556","content_text":"We continue our series through the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Sherin prepares us for Lent by moving us ahead to the opening lines of The Lord's Prayer. In its first few words, Jesus invites us to a simple but profound connection to a God who is committed to your good.\n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-13","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue our series through the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Sherin prepares us for Lent by moving us ahead to the opening lines of The Lord\u0026#39;s Prayer. In its first few words, Jesus invites us to a simple but profound connection to a God who is committed to your good.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-13\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We continue our series through the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Sherin prepares us for Lent by moving us ahead to the opening lines of The Lord's Prayer. In its first few words, Jesus invites us to a simple but profound connection to a God who is committed to your good.\r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 6:9-13","date_published":"2025-02-16T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8fe0c0f1-3131-4785-92f3-f825d019cc8b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28152756,"duration_in_seconds":2344}]},{"id":"170626a0-d0d3-4d1c-a3ee-678f3f8d051a","title":"A Deeper Righteousness | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/555","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount, exploring Jesus' words on being the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets and the calling we have as his followers to live with a deeper righteousness than the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law. We discover how this portion of the Sermon on the Mount is good news for us and how we grow in our spiritual lives. \n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:17-20","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount, exploring Jesus\u0026#39; words on being the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets and the calling we have as his followers to live with a deeper righteousness than the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law. We discover how this portion of the Sermon on the Mount is good news for us and how we grow in our spiritual lives. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:17-20\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount, exploring Jesus' words on being the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets and the calling we have as his followers to live with a deeper righteousness than the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law. We discover how this portion of the Sermon on the Mount is good news for us and how we grow in our spiritual lives. \r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:17-20","date_published":"2025-02-09T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/170626a0-d0d3-4d1c-a3ee-678f3f8d051a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25243904,"duration_in_seconds":2101}]},{"id":"20861060-7bbb-408f-8f7b-bfd1d4359c2b","title":"Salt and Light | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Helen Kim Nowalk","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/554","content_text":"In Matthew 5, Jesus follows the Beatitudes with two metaphors that describe Christ's followers. This message, which is part of our Narrow Path Series on the Sermon On The Mount explores how Jesus' words help frame our purpose and the meaning of our lives in a hopeful, yet challenging way.\n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:13-16","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Matthew 5, Jesus follows the Beatitudes with two metaphors that describe Christ\u0026#39;s followers. This message, which is part of our Narrow Path Series on the Sermon On The Mount explores how Jesus\u0026#39; words help frame our purpose and the meaning of our lives in a hopeful, yet challenging way.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:13-16\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In Matthew 5, Jesus follows the Beatitudes with two metaphors that describe Christ's followers. This message, which is part of our Narrow Path Series on the Sermon On The Mount explores how Jesus' words help frame our purpose and the meaning of our lives in a hopeful, yet challenging way.\r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:13-16","date_published":"2025-02-02T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/20861060-7bbb-408f-8f7b-bfd1d4359c2b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26964478,"duration_in_seconds":2245}]},{"id":"b8edc2b9-1bed-499e-a743-1e5e2c6b0f26","title":"The Beatitudes Part 3 | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/553","content_text":"We continue our series on The Narrow Path with Pastor Rich leading us through the last 3 beatitudes in Jesus' Sermon On The Mount. We will spend most of our time focusing on what it means to be a peacemaker. \n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:6-8","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue our series on The Narrow Path with Pastor Rich leading us through the last 3 beatitudes in Jesus\u0026#39; Sermon On The Mount. We will spend most of our time focusing on what it means to be a peacemaker. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:6-8\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We continue our series on The Narrow Path with Pastor Rich leading us through the last 3 beatitudes in Jesus' Sermon On The Mount. We will spend most of our time focusing on what it means to be a peacemaker. \r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:6-8","date_published":"2025-01-26T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b8edc2b9-1bed-499e-a743-1e5e2c6b0f26.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30279576,"duration_in_seconds":2521}]},{"id":"1b83ae86-244e-431c-83d0-b73c64e7f567","title":"The Beatitudes Part 2 | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/552","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount, exploring Beatitudes 4-6 in the Bible. In these declarations of blessedness spoken by Jesus, we will be invited to hunger for righteousness, live mercifully, and cultivate purity of heart. \n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:6-8","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount, exploring Beatitudes 4-6 in the Bible. In these declarations of blessedness spoken by Jesus, we will be invited to hunger for righteousness, live mercifully, and cultivate purity of heart. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:6-8\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount, exploring Beatitudes 4-6 in the Bible. In these declarations of blessedness spoken by Jesus, we will be invited to hunger for righteousness, live mercifully, and cultivate purity of heart. \r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:6-8","date_published":"2025-01-19T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1b83ae86-244e-431c-83d0-b73c64e7f567.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30255171,"duration_in_seconds":2519}]},{"id":"9265a5c4-8ac8-4ec2-a320-ea4c507cd49b","title":"The Beatitudes Part 1(The People Jesus Calls Blessed)| The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/551","content_text":"We continue our series through the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Rich leads us in exploring the first three Beatitudes that Jesus teaches and we discover how Jesus’ way exposes the lies we have come to believe about our world and ourselves.\n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:3-5","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue our series through the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Rich leads us in exploring the first three Beatitudes that Jesus teaches and we discover how Jesus’ way exposes the lies we have come to believe about our world and ourselves.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:3-5\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We continue our series through the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Rich leads us in exploring the first three Beatitudes that Jesus teaches and we discover how Jesus’ way exposes the lies we have come to believe about our world and ourselves.\r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:3-5","date_published":"2025-01-12T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/9265a5c4-8ac8-4ec2-a320-ea4c507cd49b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25845913,"duration_in_seconds":2152}]},{"id":"0d6e7fd3-7a40-4ab1-be42-79c098fe87c3","title":"Narrow Path, Spacious Life | The Narrow Path Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/550","content_text":"Pastor Rich kicks off a brand new series entitled The Narrow Path. For the first three months of the year, we journey through the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), patiently working through what is regarded as the best sermon ever preached. \n\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:1-2, Matthew 7:13-14","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich kicks off a brand new series entitled The Narrow Path. For the first three months of the year, we journey through the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), patiently working through what is regarded as the best sermon ever preached. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:1-2, Matthew 7:13-14\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich kicks off a brand new series entitled The Narrow Path. For the first three months of the year, we journey through the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), patiently working through what is regarded as the best sermon ever preached. \r\n\r\nScripture Referenced: Matthew 5:1-2, Matthew 7:13-14","date_published":"2025-01-05T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0d6e7fd3-7a40-4ab1-be42-79c098fe87c3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28661159,"duration_in_seconds":2385}]},{"id":"533c5659-bd16-47ba-a497-47dcedd10e00","title":"God with the Outsiders | Advent Series 2024 | Pastor Shauna Rushing","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/549","content_text":"Read Matthew 2:1-12 and follow the path of the Magi in discovering the King they were seeking outside the places of power and prestige.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRead Matthew 2:1-12 and follow the path of the Magi in discovering the King they were seeking outside the places of power and prestige.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Read Matthew 2:1-12 and follow the path of the Magi in discovering the King they were seeking outside the places of power and prestige.","date_published":"2024-12-29T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/533c5659-bd16-47ba-a497-47dcedd10e00.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25576995,"duration_in_seconds":2131}]},{"id":"2bceea1d-0acd-41fc-8cf0-90b67ddcb1b1","title":"Glory and Peace | Advent Series 2024 | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/548","content_text":"Part 4 of our #advent series is all about glory and peace, two things that are to mark our relationship with God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 4 of our #advent series is all about glory and peace, two things that are to mark our relationship with God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 4 of our #advent series is all about glory and peace, two things that are to mark our relationship with God.","date_published":"2024-12-22T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2bceea1d-0acd-41fc-8cf0-90b67ddcb1b1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22001555,"duration_in_seconds":1833}]},{"id":"fe71a4f2-5dea-4d4c-ad9d-19a5079b3afe","title":"The Place Advent Begins | Advent 2024 Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/547","content_text":"Pastor Rich explores the Advent story of Zechariah. We look at the ways God shows up in his life, which has implications for the ways God shows up in our lives. We focus on themes of waiting, God's grace, and the limits of human potential that open us up to God's power.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich explores the Advent story of Zechariah. We look at the ways God shows up in his life, which has implications for the ways God shows up in our lives. We focus on themes of waiting, God\u0026#39;s grace, and the limits of human potential that open us up to God\u0026#39;s power.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich explores the Advent story of Zechariah. We look at the ways God shows up in his life, which has implications for the ways God shows up in our lives. We focus on themes of waiting, God's grace, and the limits of human potential that open us up to God's power.","date_published":"2024-12-15T12:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/fe71a4f2-5dea-4d4c-ad9d-19a5079b3afe.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25738746,"duration_in_seconds":2144}]},{"id":"dc4731a1-8274-46a1-b69e-dc4a03449936","title":"The Inkeeper \u0026 Scandalous Hospitality | Advent Series 2024 | Pastor AJ Sherrill","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/546","content_text":"This Sunday, we celebrate the second week of the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting for God's coming in Christ. Each Sunday during Advent, we examine four biblical characters who help us prepare our hearts for Christmas. This message focuses on the innkeeper in the nativity story.\n\nadvent #nativity #christmas","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we celebrate the second week of the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting for God\u0026#39;s coming in Christ. Each Sunday during Advent, we examine four biblical characters who help us prepare our hearts for Christmas. This message focuses on the innkeeper in the nativity story.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eadvent #nativity #christmas\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we celebrate the second week of the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting for God's coming in Christ. Each Sunday during Advent, we examine four biblical characters who help us prepare our hearts for Christmas. This message focuses on the innkeeper in the nativity story.\r\n\r\n#advent #nativity #christmas","date_published":"2024-12-08T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/dc4731a1-8274-46a1-b69e-dc4a03449936.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27674744,"duration_in_seconds":2306}]},{"id":"2827711f-3e88-4b96-bc96-4246cb222776","title":"Pointing to Jesus | Advent 2024 Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/545","content_text":"This Sunday, we celebrate the first week of the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting for God's coming in Christ. Each Sunday during Advent, we will examine four biblical characters who help us prepare our hearts for Christmas. This message focuses on John the Baptist and how he points us to Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we celebrate the first week of the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting for God\u0026#39;s coming in Christ. Each Sunday during Advent, we will examine four biblical characters who help us prepare our hearts for Christmas. This message focuses on John the Baptist and how he points us to Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we celebrate the first week of the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting for God's coming in Christ. Each Sunday during Advent, we will examine four biblical characters who help us prepare our hearts for Christmas. This message focuses on John the Baptist and how he points us to Jesus.","date_published":"2024-12-01T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2827711f-3e88-4b96-bc96-4246cb222776.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29061515,"duration_in_seconds":2421}]},{"id":"232c4f2d-dbff-4f4f-89ea-3228c9f706b3","title":"Resisting the Politics of Fear | Faith and Politics Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/544","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich leads us to consider the ways fear is used as a strategy to perpetuate hostility and division and how we can learn to love in ways that resist fear and promote healing.\n\nfaithandpolitics","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich leads us to consider the ways fear is used as a strategy to perpetuate hostility and division and how we can learn to love in ways that resist fear and promote healing.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003efaithandpolitics\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich leads us to consider the ways fear is used as a strategy to perpetuate hostility and division and how we can learn to love in ways that resist fear and promote healing.\r\n\r\n#faithandpolitics","date_published":"2024-11-19T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/232c4f2d-dbff-4f4f-89ea-3228c9f706b3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25786407,"duration_in_seconds":2148}]},{"id":"b16b10b1-247f-475c-94d7-42353739be45","title":"Putting God On Display In Polarizing Times | Faith and Politics Series | Jason Gaboury ","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/543","content_text":"God invites us to resist polarization by remembering who we are in Christ, focusing our anger in healthy ways, pursuing what’s right, and putting God on display. In part 2 of our #faithandpolitics series, New Lifer Jason Gaboury focuses on what it means to bear witness to Christ in a time of political division.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGod invites us to resist polarization by remembering who we are in Christ, focusing our anger in healthy ways, pursuing what’s right, and putting God on display. In part 2 of our #faithandpolitics series, New Lifer Jason Gaboury focuses on what it means to bear witness to Christ in a time of political division.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God invites us to resist polarization by remembering who we are in Christ, focusing our anger in healthy ways, pursuing what’s right, and putting God on display. In part 2 of our #faithandpolitics series, New Lifer Jason Gaboury focuses on what it means to bear witness to Christ in a time of political division.","date_published":"2024-11-10T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b16b10b1-247f-475c-94d7-42353739be45.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22852338,"duration_in_seconds":1904}]},{"id":"0c8409f4-fd6b-41c1-98de-ebec7f9201a5","title":"Is Christ Divided? | Faith and Politics Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/542","content_text":"This is part of a three-week series on Faith and Politics. Pastor Rich opens the series having us focus on what it means to bear the marks of Christian maturity in a culture of political division.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis is part of a three-week series on Faith and Politics. Pastor Rich opens the series having us focus on what it means to bear the marks of Christian maturity in a culture of political division.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This is part of a three-week series on Faith and Politics. Pastor Rich opens the series having us focus on what it means to bear the marks of Christian maturity in a culture of political division.","date_published":"2024-11-05T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0c8409f4-fd6b-41c1-98de-ebec7f9201a5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20826369,"duration_in_seconds":1735}]},{"id":"5839627e-296d-44d7-8979-e5c44ade6092","title":"Practicing the Presence of People | Slow Motion Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/541","content_text":"In Part 5 of our Slow Motion Series, Pastor Rich preaches on the theme of \"Practicing the Presence of People\". Looking at the life of Jesus we explore the ways we are called to connect our life with God to the practicing presence with people.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Part 5 of our Slow Motion Series, Pastor Rich preaches on the theme of \u0026quot;Practicing the Presence of People\u0026quot;. Looking at the life of Jesus we explore the ways we are called to connect our life with God to the practicing presence with people.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In Part 5 of our Slow Motion Series, Pastor Rich preaches on the theme of \"Practicing the Presence of People\". Looking at the life of Jesus we explore the ways we are called to connect our life with God to the practicing presence with people.","date_published":"2024-10-27T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5839627e-296d-44d7-8979-e5c44ade6092.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39036127,"duration_in_seconds":3253}]},{"id":"cbfcbfe4-5461-474c-b910-b7d02074bb1f","title":"Self-Reflection in a Culture of Self Absorption | Slow Motion Series | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/540","content_text":"Pastor Sherin continues our Slow Motion series by exploring how self-reflection is a critically important part of our prayer life and how it opens up space for transformation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Sherin continues our Slow Motion series by exploring how self-reflection is a critically important part of our prayer life and how it opens up space for transformation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Sherin continues our Slow Motion series by exploring how self-reflection is a critically important part of our prayer life and how it opens up space for transformation.","date_published":"2024-10-20T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/cbfcbfe4-5461-474c-b910-b7d02074bb1f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34290213,"duration_in_seconds":2857}]},{"id":"a2615cad-75f0-4b64-97c0-59dc9460faea","title":"Scripture Meditation in a Skimming Culture | Slow Motion Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/539","content_text":"This Sunday, we continue our Slow Motion series. Pastor Rich leads us through Psalm 1 as we explore what it means to slowly meditate on scripture. As we meditate, there are a number of promises God offers us.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we continue our Slow Motion series. Pastor Rich leads us through Psalm 1 as we explore what it means to slowly meditate on scripture. As we meditate, there are a number of promises God offers us.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we continue our Slow Motion series. Pastor Rich leads us through Psalm 1 as we explore what it means to slowly meditate on scripture. As we meditate, there are a number of promises God offers us.","date_published":"2024-10-13T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a2615cad-75f0-4b64-97c0-59dc9460faea.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34296479,"duration_in_seconds":2858}]},{"id":"b91e7f0e-c94e-4554-8e55-8b9c72fab950","title":"Contemplative Prayer | Slow Motion Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/538","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our Slow Motion series. We explore why contemplative prayer is one of the most important practices to remain close to God and faithfully live in the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our Slow Motion series. We explore why contemplative prayer is one of the most important practices to remain close to God and faithfully live in the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our Slow Motion series. We explore why contemplative prayer is one of the most important practices to remain close to God and faithfully live in the world.","date_published":"2024-10-06T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b91e7f0e-c94e-4554-8e55-8b9c72fab950.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25318380,"duration_in_seconds":2109}]},{"id":"86dc34d7-b133-4f54-9756-52c2c5aaef3a","title":"Contemplative Rhythms for an Exhausted Culture | Slow Motion Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/537","content_text":"Pastor Rich kicks off our Slow Motion series with a word on the violent pace we often live. In Mark 1, we learn from Jesus what it means to prioritize a slowed-down spirituality. \n\nOur 5-week series, Slow Motion, explores five practices to help us slow down our lives to be with God, ourselves, and others.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich kicks off our Slow Motion series with a word on the violent pace we often live. In Mark 1, we learn from Jesus what it means to prioritize a slowed-down spirituality. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur 5-week series, Slow Motion, explores five practices to help us slow down our lives to be with God, ourselves, and others.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich kicks off our Slow Motion series with a word on the violent pace we often live. In Mark 1, we learn from Jesus what it means to prioritize a slowed-down spirituality. \r\n\r\nOur 5-week series, Slow Motion, explores five practices to help us slow down our lives to be with God, ourselves, and others.","date_published":"2024-09-29T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/86dc34d7-b133-4f54-9756-52c2c5aaef3a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23369253,"duration_in_seconds":1947}]},{"id":"db26979a-69e8-441e-bd2a-68ce18baacf7","title":"Here For The Next Generation | NextGen Sunday | Pastor Rich \u0026 Rosie Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/536","content_text":"In this message, Pastor Rich and Rosie share their hearts for what God has for us as a community as we seek to form Christ-followers in this generation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pastor Rich and Rosie share their hearts for what God has for us as a community as we seek to form Christ-followers in this generation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pastor Rich and Rosie share their hearts for what God has for us as a community as we seek to form Christ-followers in this generation.","date_published":"2024-09-22T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/db26979a-69e8-441e-bd2a-68ce18baacf7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27703894,"duration_in_seconds":2308}]},{"id":"6a4aaf94-4e9a-469a-8d55-95a799c8f5fa","title":"Deep Roots, Strong Foundations | Vision Sunday 2024 | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/535","content_text":"This Vision Sunday message revisits who God has called us to be as a community and what God has for us in the coming year.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Vision Sunday message revisits who God has called us to be as a community and what God has for us in the coming year.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Vision Sunday message revisits who God has called us to be as a community and what God has for us in the coming year.","date_published":"2024-09-15T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6a4aaf94-4e9a-469a-8d55-95a799c8f5fa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32603732,"duration_in_seconds":2716}]},{"id":"5ec91a51-a6c5-4bc8-ada4-394686cb552f","title":"3 Important Questions | Practical Faith | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/534","content_text":"Text: James 5:13-19\n\nThis Sunday, we conclude our summer series through the book of James. We focus on 3 important questions that can significantly impact the quality of our lives if we step in the direction God calls us to.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eText: James 5:13-19\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we conclude our summer series through the book of James. We focus on 3 important questions that can significantly impact the quality of our lives if we step in the direction God calls us to.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Text: James 5:13-19\r\n\r\nThis Sunday, we conclude our summer series through the book of James. We focus on 3 important questions that can significantly impact the quality of our lives if we step in the direction God calls us to.","date_published":"2024-09-08T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5ec91a51-a6c5-4bc8-ada4-394686cb552f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24913376,"duration_in_seconds":2076}]},{"id":"4dec8ae1-829b-4f09-85ce-51f683305834","title":"Life Changing Christ Encounters | Dr. Ron Walborn","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/533","content_text":"Guest speaker and Executive Director of Urban Initiatives for Asbury Theological Seminary, Dr. Ron Walborn delivers a message titled \"Life Changing Christ Encounters\", exploring how encountering Christ in a fresh way prepares us to become a Christ encounter for others.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGuest speaker and Executive Director of Urban Initiatives for Asbury Theological Seminary, Dr. Ron Walborn delivers a message titled \u0026quot;Life Changing Christ Encounters\u0026quot;, exploring how encountering Christ in a fresh way prepares us to become a Christ encounter for others.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Guest speaker and Executive Director of Urban Initiatives for Asbury Theological Seminary, Dr. Ron Walborn delivers a message titled \"Life Changing Christ Encounters\", exploring how encountering Christ in a fresh way prepares us to become a Christ encounter for others.","date_published":"2024-09-01T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4dec8ae1-829b-4f09-85ce-51f683305834.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27669385,"duration_in_seconds":2305}]},{"id":"d1fd0faa-4341-4360-ae71-5b2c7dc7449a","title":"A Faith That Works Justice | Practical Faith | Pastor Andre Grey","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/532","content_text":"In this message, Pastor Dré focuses on faith and justice. In Chapter 5 of the Book of James, we see that James offers a prophetic lament that gives a warning to the rich oppressors and hope for the marginalized.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pastor Dré focuses on faith and justice. In Chapter 5 of the Book of James, we see that James offers a prophetic lament that gives a warning to the rich oppressors and hope for the marginalized.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pastor Dré focuses on faith and justice. In Chapter 5 of the Book of James, we see that James offers a prophetic lament that gives a warning to the rich oppressors and hope for the marginalized.","date_published":"2024-08-25T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d1fd0faa-4341-4360-ae71-5b2c7dc7449a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25820558,"duration_in_seconds":2151}]},{"id":"c7f25c15-95c8-401f-ad8a-445d14eb7ea4","title":"Faith that Works Through Conflicts | Practical Faith | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/531","content_text":"In this message, Pastor Rich explores James' words on the conflicts we have with one another. We learn how to limit our conflicts, by addressing a few interior issues James highlights.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pastor Rich explores James\u0026#39; words on the conflicts we have with one another. We learn how to limit our conflicts, by addressing a few interior issues James highlights.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pastor Rich explores James' words on the conflicts we have with one another. We learn how to limit our conflicts, by addressing a few interior issues James highlights.","date_published":"2024-08-18T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c7f25c15-95c8-401f-ad8a-445d14eb7ea4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32446058,"duration_in_seconds":2703}]},{"id":"a8d2d58d-ab16-415a-80eb-a0b005591176","title":"Faith Working through our Words | Practical Faith | Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/530","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our summer series through the book of James called \"Practical Faith\". This week, he focuses on James’ words about our faith and our tongues, exploring the important connection made between our spiritual life and the ways we use our words.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our summer series through the book of James called \u0026quot;Practical Faith\u0026quot;. This week, he focuses on James’ words about our faith and our tongues, exploring the important connection made between our spiritual life and the ways we use our words.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our summer series through the book of James called \"Practical Faith\". This week, he focuses on James’ words about our faith and our tongues, exploring the important connection made between our spiritual life and the ways we use our words.","date_published":"2024-08-11T15:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a8d2d58d-ab16-415a-80eb-a0b005591176.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29453356,"duration_in_seconds":2454}]},{"id":"5daaaabb-95aa-479e-bee8-69f69c10dda4","title":"A Faith that Works Good Deeds | Practical Faith | Helen Kim Nowalk","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/529","content_text":"The necessity of deeds (or works) in faith has been much debated. Part 4 of our #practicalfaith series explores how James teaches us that actions have a significant, revelatory, and vital role in the life of faith.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe necessity of deeds (or works) in faith has been much debated. Part 4 of our #practicalfaith series explores how James teaches us that actions have a significant, revelatory, and vital role in the life of faith.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The necessity of deeds (or works) in faith has been much debated. Part 4 of our #practicalfaith series explores how James teaches us that actions have a significant, revelatory, and vital role in the life of faith.","date_published":"2024-08-04T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5daaaabb-95aa-479e-bee8-69f69c10dda4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25416185,"duration_in_seconds":2118}]},{"id":"56adf540-223e-46dd-9419-f8d99197fbba","title":"Faith That Works Through Love | Practical Faith | Jason Gaboury","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/528","content_text":"Our faith doesn’t work when our faith doesn’t love. Part 3 of our #practicalfaith series is all about how our faith transforms our lives through love. We explore how our faith gets polluted by the world and what to do about it.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur faith doesn’t work when our faith doesn’t love. Part 3 of our #practicalfaith series is all about how our faith transforms our lives through love. We explore how our faith gets polluted by the world and what to do about it.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our faith doesn’t work when our faith doesn’t love. Part 3 of our #practicalfaith series is all about how our faith transforms our lives through love. We explore how our faith gets polluted by the world and what to do about it.","date_published":"2024-07-29T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/56adf540-223e-46dd-9419-f8d99197fbba.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22491859,"duration_in_seconds":1874}]},{"id":"d1afa417-745c-4ec1-a410-03a2d884c28c","title":"A Faith that Works Obedience | Practical Faith | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/527","content_text":"We may have a lot of unpleasant experiences associated with the word obedience, but following Jesus means obeying his commands. Part 2 of our #practicalfaith series focuses on how our faith transforms our lives through obedience.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe may have a lot of unpleasant experiences associated with the word obedience, but following Jesus means obeying his commands. Part 2 of our #practicalfaith series focuses on how our faith transforms our lives through obedience.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We may have a lot of unpleasant experiences associated with the word obedience, but following Jesus means obeying his commands. Part 2 of our #practicalfaith series focuses on how our faith transforms our lives through obedience.","date_published":"2024-07-21T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d1afa417-745c-4ec1-a410-03a2d884c28c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37351635,"duration_in_seconds":2333}]},{"id":"b10f706b-d852-4804-a32f-1adbc6972715","title":"Working Through Trials | Practical Faith | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/526","content_text":"Pastor Rich kicks off our #practicalfaith series, focusing on how our faith works to produce particular fruit in our lives, especially during trials.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich kicks off our #practicalfaith series, focusing on how our faith works to produce particular fruit in our lives, especially during trials.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich kicks off our #practicalfaith series, focusing on how our faith works to produce particular fruit in our lives, especially during trials.","date_published":"2024-07-14T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b10f706b-d852-4804-a32f-1adbc6972715.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30216052,"duration_in_seconds":1887}]},{"id":"b13f441a-ebd3-4e70-b7ec-cd84ea1e939c","title":"What are you looking for? | Pastor Shauna Rushing","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/525","content_text":"Welcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Today's message is all about the kingdom of heaven as treasure in a field. We're excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Shauna!\n\nGET UPDATES: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\nNEXT STEP: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/next\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWelcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Today\u0026#39;s message is all about the kingdom of heaven as treasure in a field. We\u0026#39;re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Shauna!\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eGET UPDATES: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nNEXT STEP: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/next\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/next\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nEVENTS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Welcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Today's message is all about the kingdom of heaven as treasure in a field. We're excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Shauna!\r\n\r\nGET UPDATES: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\r\nNEXT STEP: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/next\r\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\r\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\r\n\r\nEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc during the week for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.","date_published":"2024-07-07T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b13f441a-ebd3-4e70-b7ec-cd84ea1e939c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35102870,"duration_in_seconds":2193}]},{"id":"4b8aa098-f698-486e-80ec-72ec2e8f01c9","title":"Money and Eternity | You Can't Serve Two Masters | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/524","content_text":"Part 4 wraps up our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series. Pastor Rich explores the parable of the shrewd manager and what it has to say about money and eternity.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 4 wraps up our “You Can\u0026#39;t Serve Two Masters” series. Pastor Rich explores the parable of the shrewd manager and what it has to say about money and eternity.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 4 wraps up our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series. Pastor Rich explores the parable of the shrewd manager and what it has to say about money and eternity.","date_published":"2024-06-30T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4b8aa098-f698-486e-80ec-72ec2e8f01c9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41263470,"duration_in_seconds":2578}]},{"id":"f0a2a231-57af-4cc6-a82c-6d6388b749ae","title":"Cultivating Contentment | You Can't Serve Two Masters | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/523","content_text":"Part 3 of our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series is about cultivating contentment. How can contentment help us follow Jesus more closely?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 3 of our “You Can\u0026#39;t Serve Two Masters” series is about cultivating contentment. How can contentment help us follow Jesus more closely?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 3 of our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series is about cultivating contentment. How can contentment help us follow Jesus more closely?","date_published":"2024-06-23T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f0a2a231-57af-4cc6-a82c-6d6388b749ae.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43435952,"duration_in_seconds":3101}]},{"id":"20a70825-5d4c-4314-a6b4-0aee487c5af3","title":"Practicing Generosity | You Can't Serve Two Masters | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/522","content_text":"Part 2 of our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series is all about the spiritual practice of generosity.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 2 of our “You Can\u0026#39;t Serve Two Masters” series is all about the spiritual practice of generosity.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 2 of our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series is all about the spiritual practice of generosity.","date_published":"2024-06-16T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/20a70825-5d4c-4314-a6b4-0aee487c5af3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32735376,"duration_in_seconds":2337}]},{"id":"fe7fdb87-ac02-4b80-8797-e17893a1f572","title":"Resisting The Money God | You Can't Serve Two Masters | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/521","content_text":"Part 1 of our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series is all about Jesus’ most important teachings on the spiritual life related to money.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 1 of our “You Can\u0026#39;t Serve Two Masters” series is all about Jesus’ most important teachings on the spiritual life related to money.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 1 of our “You Can't Serve Two Masters” series is all about Jesus’ most important teachings on the spiritual life related to money.","date_published":"2024-06-09T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/fe7fdb87-ac02-4b80-8797-e17893a1f572.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26460921,"duration_in_seconds":1889}]},{"id":"c1f56683-822a-401e-ae14-cbef3bcd9948","title":"Baptism - Belonging to Jesus | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/520","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches through the sacrament of baptism. Whether you have already been baptized, or are considering it, this message will explore what God seeks to do for and in us through our baptism. Our baptism is to impact every aspect of our lives, and our witness to Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches through the sacrament of baptism. Whether you have already been baptized, or are considering it, this message will explore what God seeks to do for and in us through our baptism. Our baptism is to impact every aspect of our lives, and our witness to Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches through the sacrament of baptism. Whether you have already been baptized, or are considering it, this message will explore what God seeks to do for and in us through our baptism. Our baptism is to impact every aspect of our lives, and our witness to Jesus.","date_published":"2024-06-02T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c1f56683-822a-401e-ae14-cbef3bcd9948.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46894874,"duration_in_seconds":3348}]},{"id":"c7904be0-34f3-4975-b88e-56955bdae59d","title":"Full-Time Ministry | Everyday Mission | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/519","content_text":"This message concludes our vision series, \"Everyday Mission\". Pastor Rich speaks from Colossians 3:22-24 about being a missional presence in the workplace. We close with a \"Work Commissioning\" prayer moment. \n\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis message concludes our vision series, \u0026quot;Everyday Mission\u0026quot;. Pastor Rich speaks from Colossians 3:22-24 about being a missional presence in the workplace. We close with a \u0026quot;Work Commissioning\u0026quot; prayer moment. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This message concludes our vision series, \"Everyday Mission\". Pastor Rich speaks from Colossians 3:22-24 about being a missional presence in the workplace. We close with a \"Work Commissioning\" prayer moment. \r\n\r\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-05-26T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c7904be0-34f3-4975-b88e-56955bdae59d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40156610,"duration_in_seconds":2509}]},{"id":"144ea94d-4b84-4076-b99c-fec5fb024485","title":"Holy Spirit Mission | Everyday Mission | Pastor Helen Kim Nowalk","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/518","content_text":"Mission is integral to the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Part 7 of our Everyday Mission series explores how partnering with God on mission means learning to hear and keep in step with the Spirit.\n\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMission is integral to the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Part 7 of our Everyday Mission series explores how partnering with God on mission means learning to hear and keep in step with the Spirit.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Mission is integral to the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Part 7 of our Everyday Mission series explores how partnering with God on mission means learning to hear and keep in step with the Spirit.\r\n\r\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-05-19T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/144ea94d-4b84-4076-b99c-fec5fb024485.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30589160,"duration_in_seconds":2184}]},{"id":"d4e1a105-8b02-4035-b594-7d9712b3d777","title":"Practicing Justice | Everyday Mission | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/517","content_text":"The 6th part of our Everyday Mission series is all about what it means for us to be people of justice–– people who work for a world that's marked by harmony, equality, and fairness.\n\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe 6th part of our Everyday Mission series is all about what it means for us to be people of justice–– people who work for a world that\u0026#39;s marked by harmony, equality, and fairness.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The 6th part of our Everyday Mission series is all about what it means for us to be people of justice–– people who work for a world that's marked by harmony, equality, and fairness.\r\n\r\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-05-12T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d4e1a105-8b02-4035-b594-7d9712b3d777.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33408582,"duration_in_seconds":2385}]},{"id":"4a3e8cb3-6bd0-4cca-b99b-873c6cd9c03c","title":"All In | Everyday Mission | Pastor Glenn Packiam","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/516","content_text":"What does it look like to join Jesus in his work in the world? Can we do this in our daily life? Part 5 of our series, Everyday Mission is about being all in. We explore how a holy imagination can fuel our participation in the mission of God all around us.\n\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat does it look like to join Jesus in his work in the world? Can we do this in our daily life? Part 5 of our series, Everyday Mission is about being all in. We explore how a holy imagination can fuel our participation in the mission of God all around us.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What does it look like to join Jesus in his work in the world? Can we do this in our daily life? Part 5 of our series, Everyday Mission is about being all in. We explore how a holy imagination can fuel our participation in the mission of God all around us.\r\n\r\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-05-05T12:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4a3e8cb3-6bd0-4cca-b99b-873c6cd9c03c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31415622,"duration_in_seconds":1963}]},{"id":"0e8d186e-c25a-45ce-a8f3-d96f594fc6cc","title":"Everyday Evangelism | Everyday Mission | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/515","content_text":"The 4th part of our Everyday Mission series is about evangelism and how we might move through our discomfort with it. \n\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe 4th part of our Everyday Mission series is about evangelism and how we might move through our discomfort with it. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The 4th part of our Everyday Mission series is about evangelism and how we might move through our discomfort with it. \r\n\r\nOur Everyday Mission series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-04-28T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0e8d186e-c25a-45ce-a8f3-d96f594fc6cc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34008470,"duration_in_seconds":2428}]},{"id":"61f57d38-622e-48bb-a64d-e24fa08aeb62","title":"The Shift To Table Mission | Everyday Mission | Pastor Redd Sevilla","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/514","content_text":"The 3rd part of our Everyday Mission series is all about the relationship between hospitality, meals, and mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe 3rd part of our Everyday Mission series is all about the relationship between hospitality, meals, and mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The 3rd part of our Everyday Mission series is all about the relationship between hospitality, meals, and mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-04-21T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/61f57d38-622e-48bb-a64d-e24fa08aeb62.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29768421,"duration_in_seconds":2125}]},{"id":"f7db0d74-4bfd-41b3-b73a-2dc44872c137","title":"Missional Barriers | Everyday Mission | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/513","content_text":"The 2nd part of our Everyday Mission series is all about what gets in the way of being on mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe 2nd part of our Everyday Mission series is all about what gets in the way of being on mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The 2nd part of our Everyday Mission series is all about what gets in the way of being on mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-04-14T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f7db0d74-4bfd-41b3-b73a-2dc44872c137.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22108849,"duration_in_seconds":1578}]},{"id":"f3d8b138-828b-4a64-8f0b-166805e1b762","title":"Making Jesus Known | Everyday Mission | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/512","content_text":"This 1st sermon is an introduction to our serving series, Everyday Mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis 1st sermon is an introduction to our serving series, Everyday Mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This 1st sermon is an introduction to our serving series, Everyday Mission. The series explores one of our core values, being a missional church. It will examine what it means to be a community on mission, making Jesus known among our friends, family, and the world.","date_published":"2024-04-07T07:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f3d8b138-828b-4a64-8f0b-166805e1b762.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36199761,"duration_in_seconds":2261}]},{"id":"de1f4268-4c1b-4b91-99f5-c6b12c6ea2e2","title":"Easter Sunday | The God who Defeats Death","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/511","content_text":"Welcome to Easter Sunday! Today, we celebrate Jesus Christ, who defeated death to bring us eternal life. We're excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Rich!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWelcome to Easter Sunday! Today, we celebrate Jesus Christ, who defeated death to bring us eternal life. We\u0026#39;re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Rich!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Welcome to Easter Sunday! Today, we celebrate Jesus Christ, who defeated death to bring us eternal life. We're excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Rich!","date_published":"2024-03-31T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/de1f4268-4c1b-4b91-99f5-c6b12c6ea2e2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25510176,"duration_in_seconds":2125}]},{"id":"f2a39da1-d104-4849-aa5f-eebf9a53460e","title":"The Abounding Faithfulness of God | Lent Series 2024 | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/510","content_text":"This final part in our Lenten series is all about the abounding faithfulness of God. \n\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \n\nwhatisgodlike #lent #faithful #faithfulness","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis final part in our Lenten series is all about the abounding faithfulness of God. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ewhatisgodlike #lent #faithful #faithfulness\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"This final part in our Lenten series is all about the abounding faithfulness of God. \r\n\r\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \r\n\r\n#whatisgodlike #lent #faithful #faithfulness","date_published":"2024-03-24T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f2a39da1-d104-4849-aa5f-eebf9a53460e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35938803,"duration_in_seconds":2245}]},{"id":"1512144f-d1b2-422d-baaf-b936c413adf8","title":"Loyal Love | Lent Series 2024 | Pastor Shauna Rushing","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/509","content_text":"Part 5 in our Lenten series is all about the reach and richness of God’s loyal love.\n\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \n\nwhatisgodlike #lent #loyal #chesed","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 5 in our Lenten series is all about the reach and richness of God’s loyal love.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ewhatisgodlike #lent #loyal #chesed\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 5 in our Lenten series is all about the reach and richness of God’s loyal love.\r\n\r\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \r\n\r\n#whatisgodlike #lent #loyal #chesed","date_published":"2024-03-17T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1512144f-d1b2-422d-baaf-b936c413adf8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26766004,"duration_in_seconds":2230}]},{"id":"fe766d32-a874-465c-b39d-337c73b9125b","title":"Slow To Anger | Lent Series 2024 | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/508","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our 2024 Lenten series. This is part 4 and it is all about our God who is slow to anger. \n\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \n\nwhatisgodlike #lent #slowtoanger","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our 2024 Lenten series. This is part 4 and it is all about our God who is slow to anger. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ewhatisgodlike #lent #slowtoanger\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our 2024 Lenten series. This is part 4 and it is all about our God who is slow to anger. \r\n\r\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \r\n\r\n#whatisgodlike #lent #slowtoanger","date_published":"2024-03-10T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/fe766d32-a874-465c-b39d-337c73b9125b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37645792,"duration_in_seconds":2352}]},{"id":"31acaf7b-c386-48cb-9704-40cf8fe1342a","title":"Gracious | Lent 2024 Series | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/507","content_text":"In Part 3 of our Lenten series, we take a fresh look at God's grace. What does it mean for our daily lives that God is gracious to us? \n\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes that God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \n\nwhatisgodlike #lent #grace #gracious","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Part 3 of our Lenten series, we take a fresh look at God\u0026#39;s grace. What does it mean for our daily lives that God is gracious to us? \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes that God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ewhatisgodlike #lent #grace #gracious\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"In Part 3 of our Lenten series, we take a fresh look at God's grace. What does it mean for our daily lives that God is gracious to us? \r\n\r\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes that God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \r\n\r\n#whatisgodlike #lent #grace #gracious","date_published":"2024-03-03T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/31acaf7b-c386-48cb-9704-40cf8fe1342a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40754215,"duration_in_seconds":2546}]},{"id":"0cd56b86-4533-4a69-bbd2-8367e67b5e51","title":"Compassionate | Lent 2024 Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/506","content_text":"In Part 2 of our Lenten series, we look deeply at God's compassion to better learn what it means to be in a relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves. \n\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes that God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \n\nwhatisgodlike #lent #compassion","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Part 2 of our Lenten series, we look deeply at God\u0026#39;s compassion to better learn what it means to be in a relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes that God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ewhatisgodlike #lent #compassion\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"In Part 2 of our Lenten series, we look deeply at God's compassion to better learn what it means to be in a relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves. \r\n\r\nOur Lenten series examines the five core attributes that God uses to describe himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6: compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. These compelling characteristics are continuously repeated in the Bible more than any other biblical text. When something is repeated, it means it is important and we should pay close attention. Not only are these qualities of God emphasized through repetition, but they are also put on full display in the life of Jesus because he is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). \r\n\r\n#whatisgodlike #lent #compassion","date_published":"2024-02-25T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0cd56b86-4533-4a69-bbd2-8367e67b5e51.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43419058,"duration_in_seconds":2713}]},{"id":"a7d1ca43-534f-4154-a9dc-4e073322f1a6","title":"What Is God Like? | Lent 2024 Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/505","content_text":"Part 1 in our Lenten series is all about the most important words that describe #whatisGodlike. \n\nwhatisgodlike #lent","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 1 in our Lenten series is all about the most important words that describe #whatisGodlike. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ewhatisgodlike #lent\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 1 in our Lenten series is all about the most important words that describe #whatisGodlike. \r\n\r\n#whatisgodlike #lent","date_published":"2024-02-18T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a7d1ca43-534f-4154-a9dc-4e073322f1a6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43778758,"duration_in_seconds":2735}]},{"id":"409c45b1-d5a2-4365-ae5f-17cdead5a8e0","title":"Declaring The Mystery of Christ | Colossians Series | Jason Gaboury","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/504","content_text":"Part 6 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about the mystery of Christ as the fuel of our Christian life. \n\ncolossians #sufficiency #supremacy #christ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 6 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about the mystery of Christ as the fuel of our Christian life. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ecolossians #sufficiency #supremacy #christ\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 6 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about the mystery of Christ as the fuel of our Christian life. \r\n\r\n#colossians #sufficiency #supremacy #christ","date_published":"2024-02-11T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/409c45b1-d5a2-4365-ae5f-17cdead5a8e0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36247353,"duration_in_seconds":2264}]},{"id":"15eb2d53-1e47-457f-8ae5-f76ca203b613","title":"Setting Our Minds On Things Above | Colossians Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/503","content_text":"Part 5 in our series on the book of Colossians is all about what it means to have our minds \"set on things above.\" \n\ncolossians #sufficiency #supremacy #christ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 5 in our series on the book of Colossians is all about what it means to have our minds \u0026quot;set on things above.\u0026quot; \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ecolossians #sufficiency #supremacy #christ\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 5 in our series on the book of Colossians is all about what it means to have our minds \"set on things above.\" \r\n\r\n#colossians #sufficiency #supremacy #christ","date_published":"2024-02-04T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/15eb2d53-1e47-457f-8ae5-f76ca203b613.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29908421,"duration_in_seconds":2135}]},{"id":"2b901497-da7f-42ab-87f7-f91b3c2851e7","title":"Living in Appearance or Reality | Colossians Series | Pastor Helen Kim Nowalk","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/502","content_text":"Part 4 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about the human tendency that runs to live the appearance of Christian life rather than the real thing. \n\ncolossians #supremacy #sufficiency #christ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 4 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about the human tendency that runs to live the appearance of Christian life rather than the real thing. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ecolossians #supremacy #sufficiency #christ\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 4 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about the human tendency that runs to live the appearance of Christian life rather than the real thing. \r\n\r\n#colossians #supremacy #sufficiency #christ","date_published":"2024-01-28T16:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2b901497-da7f-42ab-87f7-f91b3c2851e7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36478661,"duration_in_seconds":2279}]},{"id":"e9b86188-7737-4cab-9e04-472b4b16a214","title":"Complete in Christ | Colossians Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/501","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Colossians. We explore one of the significant spiritual problems in the Colossian church that shows up in modern-day life. \n\ncolossians #supremacy #sufficiency #christ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series through the book of Colossians. We explore one of the significant spiritual problems in the Colossian church that shows up in modern-day life. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ecolossians #supremacy #sufficiency #christ\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Colossians. We explore one of the significant spiritual problems in the Colossian church that shows up in modern-day life. \r\n\r\n#colossians #supremacy #sufficiency #christ","date_published":"2024-01-21T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e9b86188-7737-4cab-9e04-472b4b16a214.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26751246,"duration_in_seconds":2229}]},{"id":"d32dc76d-131b-42bc-889a-9a57d17c6b5d","title":"Who Jesus Really Is | Colossians Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/500","content_text":"Part 2 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about who Jesus is. \n\ncolossians #supremacy #sufficiency","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 2 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about who Jesus is. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ecolossians #supremacy #sufficiency\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 2 in our series on the book of #Colossians is all about who Jesus is. \r\n\r\n#colossians #supremacy #sufficiency","date_published":"2024-01-14T23:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d32dc76d-131b-42bc-889a-9a57d17c6b5d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33201110,"duration_in_seconds":2766}]},{"id":"0cf4ce72-2a8b-442c-bd33-660e9fed75be","title":"Living in the Fullness of Christ | Colossians Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/499","content_text":"Pastor Rich leads us through a new six-week series through the book of Colossians. Colossians is a letter written by the apostle Paul that emphasizes the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. This Sunday, we explore a prayer that can transform our lives. \n\ncolossians #supremacy #sufficiency #jesus","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich leads us through a new six-week series through the book of Colossians. Colossians is a letter written by the apostle Paul that emphasizes the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. This Sunday, we explore a prayer that can transform our lives. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003ecolossians #supremacy #sufficiency #jesus\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich leads us through a new six-week series through the book of Colossians. Colossians is a letter written by the apostle Paul that emphasizes the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. This Sunday, we explore a prayer that can transform our lives. \r\n\r\n#colossians #supremacy #sufficiency #jesus","date_published":"2024-01-07T23:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0cf4ce72-2a8b-442c-bd33-660e9fed75be.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23651361,"duration_in_seconds":1970}]},{"id":"916254ca-46ad-42bf-b058-d5d3fce9235c","title":"When Christmas Comes Late | New Year's Eve Service | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/498","content_text":"Pastor Rich closes 2023 with a message that will position our community for a life-giving 2024. We explore the story of an old man and woman in the New Testament who offer wisdom as it relates to prayer, waiting, and the surprising ways of God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich closes 2023 with a message that will position our community for a life-giving 2024. We explore the story of an old man and woman in the New Testament who offer wisdom as it relates to prayer, waiting, and the surprising ways of God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich closes 2023 with a message that will position our community for a life-giving 2024. We explore the story of an old man and woman in the New Testament who offer wisdom as it relates to prayer, waiting, and the surprising ways of God.","date_published":"2023-12-31T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/916254ca-46ad-42bf-b058-d5d3fce9235c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23751356,"duration_in_seconds":1979}]},{"id":"74b230bf-0d03-46c4-a77e-ba4dec7e2be1","title":"God With Us in Sorrow | Advent Series 2023 | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/496","content_text":"Week 3 of our #godwithus series is all about the importance of joy and how Jesus leads us to joy and meets us in our pain. \n\ngodwithus #advent #sorrow #joy","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWeek 3 of our #godwithus series is all about the importance of joy and how Jesus leads us to joy and meets us in our pain. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003egodwithus #advent #sorrow #joy\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Week 3 of our #godwithus series is all about the importance of joy and how Jesus leads us to joy and meets us in our pain. \r\n\r\n#godwithus #advent #sorrow #joy","date_published":"2023-12-17T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/74b230bf-0d03-46c4-a77e-ba4dec7e2be1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30194084,"duration_in_seconds":2516}]},{"id":"3f8f8c63-b586-4dee-90ba-fd8b1c385107","title":"God With Us in Brokenness | Advent Series 2023 | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/495","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our Advent Series through selected passages in the book of Isaiah. This message explores the beautiful ways God is with us in our personal and societal brokenness, as we give attention to some of the most important qualities of the Messiah.\n\ngodwithus #advent #brokenness #peace","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our Advent Series through selected passages in the book of Isaiah. This message explores the beautiful ways God is with us in our personal and societal brokenness, as we give attention to some of the most important qualities of the Messiah.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003egodwithus #advent #brokenness #peace\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our Advent Series through selected passages in the book of Isaiah. This message explores the beautiful ways God is with us in our personal and societal brokenness, as we give attention to some of the most important qualities of the Messiah.\r\n\r\n#godwithus #advent #brokenness #peace","date_published":"2023-12-10T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3f8f8c63-b586-4dee-90ba-fd8b1c385107.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26167574,"duration_in_seconds":2180}]},{"id":"deb63bdd-e4b0-4213-bbe4-54f453bf4090","title":"God With Us in Despair | Advent Series 2023 | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/494","content_text":"Week 1 of our #godwithus series is all about how we walk as people of hope when surrounded by so much despair. \n\nadvent #godwithus #hope","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWeek 1 of our #godwithus series is all about how we walk as people of hope when surrounded by so much despair. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eadvent #godwithus #hope\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Week 1 of our #godwithus series is all about how we walk as people of hope when surrounded by so much despair. \r\n\r\n#advent #godwithus #hope","date_published":"2023-12-03T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/deb63bdd-e4b0-4213-bbe4-54f453bf4090.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27066913,"duration_in_seconds":2255}]},{"id":"6d5e707c-b722-4190-bdc1-091db5ef9abe","title":"Christ The King | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/493","content_text":"This message is about the kind of king Jesus is. On the Sunday before Advent begins, many churches worldwide focus on Jesus’s surprising way of ruling. The Advent season that follows is to be seen in this particular light. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis message is about the kind of king Jesus is. On the Sunday before Advent begins, many churches worldwide focus on Jesus’s surprising way of ruling. The Advent season that follows is to be seen in this particular light. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This message is about the kind of king Jesus is. On the Sunday before Advent begins, many churches worldwide focus on Jesus’s surprising way of ruling. The Advent season that follows is to be seen in this particular light. \r\n","date_published":"2023-11-26T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6d5e707c-b722-4190-bdc1-091db5ef9abe.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24866958,"duration_in_seconds":2072}]},{"id":"27d8041c-2868-40de-9d23-542681d41356","title":"Going Back to Go Forward | Life Beneath the Surface Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/491","content_text":"Part 7 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about the importance of paying attention to our past. \n\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \n\nemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #genogram","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 7 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about the importance of paying attention to our past. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #genogram\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 7 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about the importance of paying attention to our past. \r\n\r\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \r\n\r\n#emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #genogram","date_published":"2023-11-12T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/27d8041c-2868-40de-9d23-542681d41356.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29627318,"duration_in_seconds":2468}]},{"id":"feed10b1-dd66-4cb4-98a6-f532fb4ce707","title":"Grief | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Aaron Stern ","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/490","content_text":"If we are to live into the fullness of our humanity, we have to embrace sadness. This isn’t a culturally popular idea. What keeps us from embracing sadness and expressing grief? And how does this look as followers of Jesus?\n\nPart 6 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about living into the fullness of our humanity by embracing sadness and grief.\n\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \n\nemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #grief","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf we are to live into the fullness of our humanity, we have to embrace sadness. This isn’t a culturally popular idea. What keeps us from embracing sadness and expressing grief? And how does this look as followers of Jesus?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003ePart 6 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about living into the fullness of our humanity by embracing sadness and grief.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #grief\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"If we are to live into the fullness of our humanity, we have to embrace sadness. This isn’t a culturally popular idea. What keeps us from embracing sadness and expressing grief? And how does this look as followers of Jesus?\r\n\r\nPart 6 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about living into the fullness of our humanity by embracing sadness and grief.\r\n\r\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \r\n\r\n#emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #grief","date_published":"2023-11-05T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/feed10b1-dd66-4cb4-98a6-f532fb4ce707.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31494689,"duration_in_seconds":2624}]},{"id":"7c7d5c0b-8027-4daa-b706-53c6c4af9bf7","title":"Sabbath Rhythms | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/489","content_text":"Part 5 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about exploring our interior lives through the ancient practice of sabbath-keeping.\n\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 5 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about exploring our interior lives through the ancient practice of sabbath-keeping.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 5 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about exploring our interior lives through the ancient practice of sabbath-keeping.\r\n\r\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. ","date_published":"2023-10-29T07:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/7c7d5c0b-8027-4daa-b706-53c6c4af9bf7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29521204,"duration_in_seconds":2459}]},{"id":"ba634860-af8c-4138-abfc-a9e53e69392c","title":"Solitude and Our Inner Life | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/488","content_text":"Part 4 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about solitude—a practice that was indispensable to Jesus throughout his life. \n\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 4 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about solitude—a practice that was indispensable to Jesus throughout his life. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 4 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about solitude—a practice that was indispensable to Jesus throughout his life. \r\n\r\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. ","date_published":"2023-10-22T07:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ba634860-af8c-4138-abfc-a9e53e69392c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34075485,"duration_in_seconds":2433}]},{"id":"1ff377c4-fddc-4724-8c51-b17b7d1344df","title":"Anxiety | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/487","content_text":"Part 3 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about how we can follow Christ well in the midst of so much anxiety. \n\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \n\nemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anxiety","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 3 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about how we can follow Christ well in the midst of so much anxiety. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anxiety\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 3 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about how we can follow Christ well in the midst of so much anxiety. \r\n\r\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series focuses on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \r\n\r\n#emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anxiety","date_published":"2023-10-15T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1ff377c4-fddc-4724-8c51-b17b7d1344df.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28048377,"duration_in_seconds":2337}]},{"id":"5aab7b22-e475-4e1b-add1-aa982b345476","title":"Anger | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/486","content_text":"Part 2 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about Jesus’ words on anger from the Sermon on the Mount. \n\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \n\nemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anger","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 2 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about Jesus’ words on anger from the Sermon on the Mount. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anger\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Part 2 of our #lifebeneaththesurface series is all about Jesus’ words on anger from the Sermon on the Mount. \r\n\r\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series explores anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \r\n\r\n#emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface #anger","date_published":"2023-10-08T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5aab7b22-e475-4e1b-add1-aa982b345476.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31801858,"duration_in_seconds":2650}]},{"id":"e5c3aa87-0ad7-4f99-bd7e-818665529d90","title":"The Emotional Life of Jesus | Life Beneath the Surface | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/485","content_text":"Pastor Rich opens up our new series, Life Beneath The Surface, connecting Jesus’ life to ours. Jesus experiences all of the emotions and there is much to learn from him on how to embrace our very own.\n\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series will explore anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \n\nemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich opens up our new series, Life Beneath The Surface, connecting Jesus’ life to ours. Jesus experiences all of the emotions and there is much to learn from him on how to embrace our very own.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series will explore anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eemotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich opens up our new series, Life Beneath The Surface, connecting Jesus’ life to ours. Jesus experiences all of the emotions and there is much to learn from him on how to embrace our very own.\r\n\r\nThe Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series will explore anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. \r\n\r\n#emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface","date_published":"2023-10-01T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e5c3aa87-0ad7-4f99-bd7e-818665529d90.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26454093,"duration_in_seconds":2204}]},{"id":"663c6ac5-ad1d-4a77-92e5-f2f97fe90208","title":"Pathway | Vision Series | Pastor Helen Kim Nowalk |","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/484","content_text":"Our three part pathway describes how we seek to live out the presence and key priorities, (shared in the prior two Vision weeks) that we are called to as a church. There is much to learn from the early church regarding what it takes to live into our God-given mission.\n\nGET UPDATES: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\n\nEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur three part pathway describes how we seek to live out the presence and key priorities, (shared in the prior two Vision weeks) that we are called to as a church. There is much to learn from the early church regarding what it takes to live into our God-given mission.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eGET UPDATES: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nEVENTS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc\u003c/a\u003e after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our three part pathway describes how we seek to live out the presence and key priorities, (shared in the prior two Vision weeks) that we are called to as a church. There is much to learn from the early church regarding what it takes to live into our God-given mission.\r\n\r\nGET UPDATES: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/updates\r\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\r\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\r\n\r\nEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.","date_published":"2023-09-24T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/663c6ac5-ad1d-4a77-92e5-f2f97fe90208.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26307990,"duration_in_seconds":2192}]},{"id":"6997835b-d032-4a4f-9d60-ebcf06c39efd","title":"Building Together | Vision Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/483","content_text":"This Sunday Pastor Rich leads us through our second of three Vision Sunday gatherings. We will spend time in worship, prayer, and hearing a message about building three particular areas in the life of our church.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday Pastor Rich leads us through our second of three Vision Sunday gatherings. We will spend time in worship, prayer, and hearing a message about building three particular areas in the life of our church.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday Pastor Rich leads us through our second of three Vision Sunday gatherings. We will spend time in worship, prayer, and hearing a message about building three particular areas in the life of our church.","date_published":"2023-09-17T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6997835b-d032-4a4f-9d60-ebcf06c39efd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40771395,"duration_in_seconds":3397}]},{"id":"abb7f8a7-1942-429f-b2c0-4a59709c3336","title":"Salt \u0026 Light | Vision Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/482","content_text":"Pastor Rich kicks off our 3-part Vision Sunday series with a message focusing on the type of church Jesus calls us to be. \n\nVision Sunday is a time in the year for our church to step back to remember what it means to be a church family on mission in our city. \n\nvisionsunday #saltandlight #mission","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich kicks off our 3-part Vision Sunday series with a message focusing on the type of church Jesus calls us to be. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eVision Sunday is a time in the year for our church to step back to remember what it means to be a church family on mission in our city. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003evisionsunday #saltandlight #mission\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich kicks off our 3-part Vision Sunday series with a message focusing on the type of church Jesus calls us to be. \r\n\r\nVision Sunday is a time in the year for our church to step back to remember what it means to be a church family on mission in our city. \r\n\r\n#visionsunday #saltandlight #mission","date_published":"2023-09-10T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/abb7f8a7-1942-429f-b2c0-4a59709c3336.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28318583,"duration_in_seconds":2359}]},{"id":"12b250b1-84f6-4199-af71-f2f41a9f1640","title":"Salvation | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Jackie Snape","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/481","content_text":"What does it mean to be \"saved\" and how does it affect my everyday life?\n\nThis is the final part of our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Jackie explores the meaning of the word, Salvation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat does it mean to be \u0026quot;saved\u0026quot; and how does it affect my everyday life?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis is the final part of our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Jackie explores the meaning of the word, Salvation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What does it mean to be \"saved\" and how does it affect my everyday life?\r\n\r\nThis is the final part of our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Jackie explores the meaning of the word, Salvation.","date_published":"2023-09-03T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/12b250b1-84f6-4199-af71-f2f41a9f1640.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25191724,"duration_in_seconds":2099}]},{"id":"99db140a-25e9-4b28-8c55-117fb42b20c0","title":"Confession | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Andre Grey","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/480","content_text":"Confession is the spiritual practice that allows us to enter into the grace and mercy of God in such a way that we experience forgiveness and healing for the sins and sorrows of the past. \n\nThis is Part 7 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, New Life East Pastor Andre explores the meaning of the word, Confession.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eConfession is the spiritual practice that allows us to enter into the grace and mercy of God in such a way that we experience forgiveness and healing for the sins and sorrows of the past. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis is Part 7 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, New Life East Pastor Andre explores the meaning of the word, Confession.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Confession is the spiritual practice that allows us to enter into the grace and mercy of God in such a way that we experience forgiveness and healing for the sins and sorrows of the past. \r\n\r\nThis is Part 7 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, New Life East Pastor Andre explores the meaning of the word, Confession.","date_published":"2023-08-27T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/99db140a-25e9-4b28-8c55-117fb42b20c0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33128455,"duration_in_seconds":2760}]},{"id":"7c8124dc-bbf3-4728-811a-b1c23c4f7967","title":"Blessed | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Matt Manno","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/479","content_text":"This is Part 6 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Matt explores the meaning of the word, Blessed.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis is Part 6 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Matt explores the meaning of the word, Blessed.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This is Part 6 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. In this message, Pastor Matt explores the meaning of the word, Blessed.","date_published":"2023-08-20T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/7c8124dc-bbf3-4728-811a-b1c23c4f7967.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21147965,"duration_in_seconds":1762}]},{"id":"1f827e6b-5058-4d75-b7e4-8fce5c0d0314","title":"Holy | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Shauna Rushing","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/478","content_text":"Holy is a word often associated with the character of God or obtaining moral perfection, but have you ever considered it as an identity, something that is true of us as God’s people? Come explore what holiness means with Pastor Shauna through 1 Peter 2:1-6, 9-10.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHoly is a word often associated with the character of God or obtaining moral perfection, but have you ever considered it as an identity, something that is true of us as God’s people? Come explore what holiness means with Pastor Shauna through 1 Peter 2:1-6, 9-10.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Holy is a word often associated with the character of God or obtaining moral perfection, but have you ever considered it as an identity, something that is true of us as God’s people? Come explore what holiness means with Pastor Shauna through 1 Peter 2:1-6, 9-10.","date_published":"2023-08-13T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1f827e6b-5058-4d75-b7e4-8fce5c0d0314.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39283488,"duration_in_seconds":3273}]},{"id":"0320ab55-c122-4014-b311-9e4d006018fb","title":"Faith | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/477","content_text":"Faith seems like the most basic word, but perhaps that makes it the most overlooked. In this message, Pastor Sherin reminds us of the beauty and depth of the word.\n\nThis is Part 4 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.\n\nfaith #lexiconoffaith #ancientwords","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith seems like the most basic word, but perhaps that makes it the most overlooked. In this message, Pastor Sherin reminds us of the beauty and depth of the word.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis is Part 4 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003efaith #lexiconoffaith #ancientwords\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Faith seems like the most basic word, but perhaps that makes it the most overlooked. In this message, Pastor Sherin reminds us of the beauty and depth of the word.\r\n\r\nThis is Part 4 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.\r\n\r\n#faith #lexiconoffaith #ancientwords","date_published":"2023-08-06T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0320ab55-c122-4014-b311-9e4d006018fb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38829833,"duration_in_seconds":3235}]},{"id":"9580fee9-0223-4ba4-8e71-be1f3976d365","title":"Sin | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Helen Kim-Nowalk","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/476","content_text":"This week we look at the third word of our series - Sin. It is an indispensable word in our Christian faith that helps us realize the good news of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.\n\nThis is Part 3 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week we look at the third word of our series - Sin. It is an indispensable word in our Christian faith that helps us realize the good news of Jesus\u0026#39;s life, death, and resurrection.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis is Part 3 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week we look at the third word of our series - Sin. It is an indispensable word in our Christian faith that helps us realize the good news of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.\r\n\r\nThis is Part 3 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused.","date_published":"2023-07-30T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/9580fee9-0223-4ba4-8e71-be1f3976d365.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29710001,"duration_in_seconds":2475}]},{"id":"2af306ac-ed3f-4e66-bc6f-5395f69c9564","title":"Grace | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Drew Hyun","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/475","content_text":"Grace is central to the Christian faith - grace is what makes Christianity the most exclusively inclusive message for our world today. We’ll be examining what grace looks like in the life of Jesus as he calls his disciple Peter. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGrace is central to the Christian faith - grace is what makes Christianity the most exclusively inclusive message for our world today. We’ll be examining what grace looks like in the life of Jesus as he calls his disciple Peter. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Grace is central to the Christian faith - grace is what makes Christianity the most exclusively inclusive message for our world today. We’ll be examining what grace looks like in the life of Jesus as he calls his disciple Peter. ","date_published":"2023-07-23T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2af306ac-ed3f-4e66-bc6f-5395f69c9564.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25821289,"duration_in_seconds":2151}]},{"id":"da99ea17-41c5-49c1-aae1-a9f9518721d2","title":"The Gospel | Lexicon of Faith | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/474","content_text":"This is Part 1 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. The first word we will explore is the word Gospel. If we get the gospel wrong, we'll get many other things wrong as well.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis is Part 1 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. The first word we will explore is the word Gospel. If we get the gospel wrong, we\u0026#39;ll get many other things wrong as well.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This is Part 1 in our #lexiconoffaith summer series. The series examines 8 popular Bible words that many people have misunderstood or misused. The first word we will explore is the word Gospel. If we get the gospel wrong, we'll get many other things wrong as well.","date_published":"2023-07-16T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/da99ea17-41c5-49c1-aae1-a9f9518721d2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42599935,"duration_in_seconds":3549}]},{"id":"d1f18cfd-ab7d-43a9-99f9-fdbae6eb3845","title":"Recovery of Sight for the Missionally Blind | Pastor Redd Sevilla","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/473","content_text":"The follower of Jesus is called to bring good into the world. Forgetting or forgoing this is missional blindness. In this message, Pastor Redd encourages us with the biblical truth that brings recovery of sight to the missionally blind.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe follower of Jesus is called to bring good into the world. Forgetting or forgoing this is missional blindness. In this message, Pastor Redd encourages us with the biblical truth that brings recovery of sight to the missionally blind.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The follower of Jesus is called to bring good into the world. Forgetting or forgoing this is missional blindness. In this message, Pastor Redd encourages us with the biblical truth that brings recovery of sight to the missionally blind.","date_published":"2023-07-09T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d1f18cfd-ab7d-43a9-99f9-fdbae6eb3845.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30261166,"duration_in_seconds":2521}]},{"id":"2327186e-df8e-4108-8483-d29abb8d2e7f","title":"Honoring God with our Body | God and Our Bodies Series | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/472","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich will close our 10-week series on God and our Bodies. He will lead us through a passage that captures the thrust of the last few months of sermons. Please take some time to read through the passage before Sunday. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich will close our 10-week series on God and our Bodies. He will lead us through a passage that captures the thrust of the last few months of sermons. Please take some time to read through the passage before Sunday. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich will close our 10-week series on God and our Bodies. He will lead us through a passage that captures the thrust of the last few months of sermons. Please take some time to read through the passage before Sunday. ","date_published":"2023-07-02T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2327186e-df8e-4108-8483-d29abb8d2e7f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45933707,"duration_in_seconds":3827}]},{"id":"22aff0f1-8822-470d-b2c9-e2bab3280c58","title":"God and our Bodies: Resisting the Culture Wars","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/471","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through a topic that has caused great tension and division within the Church—Culture Wars.\n\nWe learn about the various ways the Church tends to be in relationship with the surrounding culture and how Jesus calls us to engage the world around us. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through a topic that has caused great tension and division within the Church—Culture Wars.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eWe learn about the various ways the Church tends to be in relationship with the surrounding culture and how Jesus calls us to engage the world around us. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through a topic that has caused great tension and division within the Church—Culture Wars.\r\n\r\nWe learn about the various ways the Church tends to be in relationship with the surrounding culture and how Jesus calls us to engage the world around us. ","date_published":"2023-06-18T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/22aff0f1-8822-470d-b2c9-e2bab3280c58.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39946971,"duration_in_seconds":3328}]},{"id":"0742dfff-73f5-4fcd-a7cc-b92cf6629833","title":"God and our Bodies: The Practice of Friendship","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/470","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our God and our Bodies series. He makes a connection between friendship and sexuality. Whether married or single, the practice of friendship is one of the most important components for a healthy and vibrant life. We learn how Jesus formed friendships and the invitation for all of us. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our God and our Bodies series. He makes a connection between friendship and sexuality. Whether married or single, the practice of friendship is one of the most important components for a healthy and vibrant life. We learn how Jesus formed friendships and the invitation for all of us. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our God and our Bodies series. He makes a connection between friendship and sexuality. Whether married or single, the practice of friendship is one of the most important components for a healthy and vibrant life. We learn how Jesus formed friendships and the invitation for all of us. ","date_published":"2023-06-11T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0742dfff-73f5-4fcd-a7cc-b92cf6629833.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":54755227,"duration_in_seconds":3421}]},{"id":"2ebb4cb2-91ad-4c30-8ceb-0da39d227ffb","title":"God and Our Bodies: Singleness","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/469","content_text":"We explore these passages to rethink singleness and how singles contribute to the kingdom of God and the church at large.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe explore these passages to rethink singleness and how singles contribute to the kingdom of God and the church at large.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We explore these passages to rethink singleness and how singles contribute to the kingdom of God and the church at large.","date_published":"2023-06-04T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2ebb4cb2-91ad-4c30-8ceb-0da39d227ffb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52908586,"duration_in_seconds":3306}]},{"id":"34d9dd57-49e9-4e85-919a-d8939e2685aa","title":"Marriage | God and Our Bodies | Pastor Rich and Rosie Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/468","content_text":"Pastor Rich and Rosie co-preach on the topic of Marriage. They offer important theology, as well as lessons they've learned from their own life together. No matter where you find yourself (married or single), this message will be important for you to hear. (note: the next sermon in the series will be covering the topic of Singleness.)\n\ngodandourbodies #sexuality #marriage","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich and Rosie co-preach on the topic of Marriage. They offer important theology, as well as lessons they\u0026#39;ve learned from their own life together. No matter where you find yourself (married or single), this message will be important for you to hear. (note: the next sermon in the series will be covering the topic of Singleness.)\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003egodandourbodies #sexuality #marriage\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich and Rosie co-preach on the topic of Marriage. They offer important theology, as well as lessons they've learned from their own life together. No matter where you find yourself (married or single), this message will be important for you to hear. (note: the next sermon in the series will be covering the topic of Singleness.)\r\n\r\n#godandourbodies #sexuality #marriage","date_published":"2023-05-28T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/34d9dd57-49e9-4e85-919a-d8939e2685aa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40288066,"duration_in_seconds":3357}]},{"id":"a7bf613c-80da-4357-8e49-b05066c03781","title":"NextGen Sunday 2023 | Tomorrow is Now | Pastor Rich and Rosie Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/467","content_text":"Pastor Rich and Rosie reflect on the ways we are called to love, serve and hand down the faith to the next generation.\n\nnextgen #nextgeneration","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich and Rosie reflect on the ways we are called to love, serve and hand down the faith to the next generation.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003enextgen #nextgeneration\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich and Rosie reflect on the ways we are called to love, serve and hand down the faith to the next generation.\r\n\r\n#nextgen #nextgeneration","date_published":"2023-05-21T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a7bf613c-80da-4357-8e49-b05066c03781.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34084501,"duration_in_seconds":2840}]},{"id":"16a9b1e5-1731-4393-b973-684e88471b0f","title":"Confronting Lust | God and Our Bodies | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/466","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores a passage that has been problematic for many. He unpacks Jesus's words on the power of lust and the way our relationships and souls are impacted by it. More than just a sermon on external behavior modification, he addresses the often overlooked aspects that Jesus wants us to hold on to that lead to transformed relationships and lives.\n\ngodandourbodies #lust #sexuality","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores a passage that has been problematic for many. He unpacks Jesus\u0026#39;s words on the power of lust and the way our relationships and souls are impacted by it. More than just a sermon on external behavior modification, he addresses the often overlooked aspects that Jesus wants us to hold on to that lead to transformed relationships and lives.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003egodandourbodies #lust #sexuality\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores a passage that has been problematic for many. He unpacks Jesus's words on the power of lust and the way our relationships and souls are impacted by it. More than just a sermon on external behavior modification, he addresses the often overlooked aspects that Jesus wants us to hold on to that lead to transformed relationships and lives.\r\n\r\n\r\n#godandourbodies #lust #sexuality","date_published":"2023-05-14T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/16a9b1e5-1731-4393-b973-684e88471b0f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42686693,"duration_in_seconds":3557}]},{"id":"3ff9d60d-857c-4cc3-8e19-156672f47883","title":"The Gospel and Shame | God and Our Bodies | Dr. Curt Thompson","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/465","content_text":"For Part 3 in our God and Our Bodies series, special guest speaker, Dr. Curt Thompson, guides us on the topic of The Gospel and Shame, focusing on how shame shapes us.\n\ngodandourbodies #shame","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor Part 3 in our God and Our Bodies series, special guest speaker, Dr. Curt Thompson, guides us on the topic of The Gospel and Shame, focusing on how shame shapes us.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003egodandourbodies #shame\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"For Part 3 in our God and Our Bodies series, special guest speaker, Dr. Curt Thompson, guides us on the topic of The Gospel and Shame, focusing on how shame shapes us.\r\n\r\n#godandourbodies #shame","date_published":"2023-05-07T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3ff9d60d-857c-4cc3-8e19-156672f47883.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37203882,"duration_in_seconds":3100}]},{"id":"c0279a91-f34a-407f-bf90-b300b96a7300","title":"Moving Away from Condemnation | God and Our Bodies | Pastor Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/464","content_text":"In the second week of this series, we continue to explore the ways our spirituality is connected to our sexuality and the ways this profound connection gets twisted. Pastor Sherin explores the way Jesus confronts these distortions without the condemnation we come to expect in religious spaces.\n\ngodandourbodies #condemnation","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the second week of this series, we continue to explore the ways our spirituality is connected to our sexuality and the ways this profound connection gets twisted. Pastor Sherin explores the way Jesus confronts these distortions without the condemnation we come to expect in religious spaces.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003egodandourbodies #condemnation\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"In the second week of this series, we continue to explore the ways our spirituality is connected to our sexuality and the ways this profound connection gets twisted. Pastor Sherin explores the way Jesus confronts these distortions without the condemnation we come to expect in religious spaces.\r\n\r\n#godandourbodies #condemnation","date_published":"2023-04-30T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c0279a91-f34a-407f-bf90-b300b96a7300.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40733245,"duration_in_seconds":3394}]},{"id":"6ded4115-721a-4f98-a1c0-3f5f81cec766","title":"The Connection between Spirituality and Sexuality | God and Our Bodies | Pastor Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/463","content_text":"In this series, we will explore the connection between spirituality and sexuality. Pastor Rich opens our series with a message focused on the big picture. We will learn why this is a vital issue to prayerfully examine, and identify essential truths from scripture to help us follow Jesus faithfully in this area of our lives.\n\ngodandourbodies #sexuality","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this series, we will explore the connection between spirituality and sexuality. Pastor Rich opens our series with a message focused on the big picture. We will learn why this is a vital issue to prayerfully examine, and identify essential truths from scripture to help us follow Jesus faithfully in this area of our lives.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003egodandourbodies #sexuality\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"In this series, we will explore the connection between spirituality and sexuality. Pastor Rich opens our series with a message focused on the big picture. We will learn why this is a vital issue to prayerfully examine, and identify essential truths from scripture to help us follow Jesus faithfully in this area of our lives.\r\n\r\n#godandourbodies #sexuality","date_published":"2023-04-23T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6ded4115-721a-4f98-a1c0-3f5f81cec766.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39157432,"duration_in_seconds":3263}]},{"id":"030f4ba5-26d6-4b2d-8e61-c1d452ca6e1b","title":"Reimagining Resurrection - Pastor Shauna Rushing","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/462","content_text":"As we continue to celebrate our risen Jesus, we are invited to reimagine what resurrection means for our lives in seasons of transition, loss, and pain. Like Mary Magdalene in her encounter with Jesus outside of the garden tomb, Jesus wants to give us eyes to see new possibilities. \n\neastertide #resurrection","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we continue to celebrate our risen Jesus, we are invited to reimagine what resurrection means for our lives in seasons of transition, loss, and pain. Like Mary Magdalene in her encounter with Jesus outside of the garden tomb, Jesus wants to give us eyes to see new possibilities. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch1\u003eeastertide #resurrection\u003c/h1\u003e","summary":"As we continue to celebrate our risen Jesus, we are invited to reimagine what resurrection means for our lives in seasons of transition, loss, and pain. Like Mary Magdalene in her encounter with Jesus outside of the garden tomb, Jesus wants to give us eyes to see new possibilities. \r\n\r\n#eastertide #resurrection","date_published":"2023-04-16T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/030f4ba5-26d6-4b2d-8e61-c1d452ca6e1b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37595996,"duration_in_seconds":3132}]},{"id":"e10796f2-43c1-4cc4-a746-77d5ac60d5fa","title":"The Resurrection of Jesus Makes All Things New","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/461","content_text":"Welcome to Resurrection Sunday at New Life! Today's message is all about the good news that all can be made new in Christ. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Rich!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWelcome to Resurrection Sunday at New Life! Today\u0026#39;s message is all about the good news that all can be made new in Christ. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Rich!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Welcome to Resurrection Sunday at New Life! Today's message is all about the good news that all can be made new in Christ. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Rich!","date_published":"2023-04-09T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e10796f2-43c1-4cc4-a746-77d5ac60d5fa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26995110,"duration_in_seconds":2249}]},{"id":"3f63bcd6-01ce-412e-b271-55d47e4c9783","title":"The Work of Justice","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/460","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich closes our Good and Beautiful and Kind series. We explore the call to justice in a fractured world. \n\nCONNECT: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich closes our Good and Beautiful and Kind series. We explore the call to justice in a fractured world. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eCONNECT: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nEVENTS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich closes our Good and Beautiful and Kind series. We explore the call to justice in a fractured world. \r\n\r\nCONNECT: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\r\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\r\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give","date_published":"2023-04-02T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3f63bcd6-01ce-412e-b271-55d47e4c9783.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31143850,"duration_in_seconds":2595}]},{"id":"d8f3fc52-40a8-49d3-9172-3bcbbee946a0","title":"Conflict the Builds Bridges not Barriers","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/459","content_text":"Pastor Matt leads us through the next theme in our Good and Beautiful and Kind series — Conflict. Conflict is a regular part of being human, which means that often our problems is not that we have conflict, but how we handle it. We’ll explore what it looks like to have healthy conflict that connects us to people in meaningful ways and deepens our life with God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Matt leads us through the next theme in our Good and Beautiful and Kind series — Conflict. Conflict is a regular part of being human, which means that often our problems is not that we have conflict, but how we handle it. We’ll explore what it looks like to have healthy conflict that connects us to people in meaningful ways and deepens our life with God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Matt leads us through the next theme in our Good and Beautiful and Kind series — Conflict. Conflict is a regular part of being human, which means that often our problems is not that we have conflict, but how we handle it. We’ll explore what it looks like to have healthy conflict that connects us to people in meaningful ways and deepens our life with God.","date_published":"2023-03-21T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d8f3fc52-40a8-49d3-9172-3bcbbee946a0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31951995,"duration_in_seconds":2662}]},{"id":"c4459b68-ccf5-4bea-9024-e3ca626e253e","title":"Becoming a Calm, Loving Presence","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/458","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through the next them in our Good and Beautiful and Kind Series. In a world that is torn apart by anxious reactivity, we wexplore what it means to remain close to God, to ourselves, and to one another. Please take some time to read through John 15 before Sunday.\n\nCONNECT: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\n\nEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through the next them in our Good and Beautiful and Kind Series. In a world that is torn apart by anxious reactivity, we wexplore what it means to remain close to God, to ourselves, and to one another. Please take some time to read through John 15 before Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eCONNECT: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nEVENTS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc\u003c/a\u003e after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through the next them in our Good and Beautiful and Kind Series. In a world that is torn apart by anxious reactivity, we wexplore what it means to remain close to God, to ourselves, and to one another. Please take some time to read through John 15 before Sunday.","date_published":"2023-03-17T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c4459b68-ccf5-4bea-9024-e3ca626e253e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38810384,"duration_in_seconds":3234}]},{"id":"39dc0040-bf17-4f35-abac-acc11d5fd012","title":"A Good Beautiful and Kind Life of Prayer","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/457","content_text":"Prayer is the \"oxygen\" for a life with God. So, why is it so challenging? Join us this Sunday as we explore the obstacles and beauty of a life devoted to this spiritual practice. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePrayer is the \u0026quot;oxygen\u0026quot; for a life with God. So, why is it so challenging? Join us this Sunday as we explore the obstacles and beauty of a life devoted to this spiritual practice. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Prayer is the \"oxygen\" for a life with God. So, why is it so challenging? Join us this Sunday as we explore the obstacles and beauty of a life devoted to this spiritual practice. ","date_published":"2023-03-06T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/39dc0040-bf17-4f35-abac-acc11d5fd012.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30276794,"duration_in_seconds":2523}]},{"id":"63435e7b-37d3-4858-a438-a05547f878b3","title":"Powers and Principalities","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/455","content_text":"Pastor Andre continues our lenten series based on Pastor Rich's book entitled Good and Beautiful and Kind. He explores powers \u0026amp; principalities as invisible forces that fracture our visible existence and how the gospel empowers us to do the work of resisting their schemes. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Andre continues our lenten series based on Pastor Rich\u0026#39;s book entitled Good and Beautiful and Kind. He explores powers \u0026amp; principalities as invisible forces that fracture our visible existence and how the gospel empowers us to do the work of resisting their schemes. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Andre continues our lenten series based on Pastor Rich's book entitled Good and Beautiful and Kind. He explores powers \u0026 principalities as invisible forces that fracture our visible existence and how the gospel empowers us to do the work of resisting their schemes. ","date_published":"2023-02-27T06:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/63435e7b-37d3-4858-a438-a05547f878b3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38860219,"duration_in_seconds":3238}]},{"id":"9e8c12be-4080-42e7-bc0e-7c7f73a58c72","title":"Humility: Lowering Our Defenses","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/456","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through Philippians 2––a passage of scripture known as the Christ hymn. He shares how Jesus models and invites us into a life marked by humility. This series will have important implications for all of our relationships, and how we move toward the wholeness we desire.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through Philippians 2––a passage of scripture known as the Christ hymn. He shares how Jesus models and invites us into a life marked by humility. This series will have important implications for all of our relationships, and how we move toward the wholeness we desire.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich leads us through Philippians 2––a passage of scripture known as the Christ hymn. He shares how Jesus models and invites us into a life marked by humility. This series will have important implications for all of our relationships, and how we move toward the wholeness we desire.","date_published":"2023-02-27T06:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/9e8c12be-4080-42e7-bc0e-7c7f73a58c72.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37899702,"duration_in_seconds":3158}]},{"id":"17f7486d-b44e-4138-967b-baaee9a4ba0e","title":"Sin: The Fracturing of Reality","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/454","content_text":"This Sunday, we begin a new series entitled Good and Beautiful and Kind that will take us through the season of Lent. Pastor Rich will open the series focusing on Sin. We explore ways to better understand this word and the good news that opposes it in our lives and the world. Please take some time to read through Romans 3.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we begin a new series entitled Good and Beautiful and Kind that will take us through the season of Lent. Pastor Rich will open the series focusing on Sin. We explore ways to better understand this word and the good news that opposes it in our lives and the world. Please take some time to read through Romans 3.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we begin a new series entitled Good and Beautiful and Kind that will take us through the season of Lent. Pastor Rich will open the series focusing on Sin. We explore ways to better understand this word and the good news that opposes it in our lives and the world. Please take some time to read through Romans 3.","date_published":"2023-02-19T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/17f7486d-b44e-4138-967b-baaee9a4ba0e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34367894,"duration_in_seconds":2863}]},{"id":"26e858c5-7030-4d0a-b63b-5385cf86819c","title":"Wise Counsel and Discernment","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/453","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Andre explores the essential role community and seeking wise counsel play in our decision-making when discerning God's will.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Andre explores the essential role community and seeking wise counsel play in our decision-making when discerning God\u0026#39;s will.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Andre explores the essential role community and seeking wise counsel play in our decision-making when discerning God's will.","date_published":"2023-02-01T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/26e858c5-7030-4d0a-b63b-5385cf86819c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35893547,"duration_in_seconds":2991}]},{"id":"055b4a58-100e-45c7-a2d8-6cc2a369f560","title":"Prudence and Discernment","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/452","content_text":"The 3rd part in our #discernment series is all about what it means to \"use our heads\" as we seek to discern God's will. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe 3rd part in our #discernment series is all about what it means to \u0026quot;use our heads\u0026quot; as we seek to discern God\u0026#39;s will. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The 3rd part in our #discernment series is all about what it means to \"use our heads\" as we seek to discern God's will. ","date_published":"2023-01-25T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/055b4a58-100e-45c7-a2d8-6cc2a369f560.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31165798,"duration_in_seconds":2597}]},{"id":"7f0f1870-6217-4376-80ea-5623622bb4f3","title":"Discernment: Learning to Listen to Your Heart","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/451","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the importance of understanding and discerning the movements of our heart as an important element of discerning God's will. This sermon explores commonly held ideas about the role of our feelings in gaining clarity about the direction God is calling us to move towards. Pastor Rich is preaching from Phillippians 2:12-13. Feel free to spend some time in the passage.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the importance of understanding and discerning the movements of our heart as an important element of discerning God\u0026#39;s will. This sermon explores commonly held ideas about the role of our feelings in gaining clarity about the direction God is calling us to move towards. Pastor Rich is preaching from Phillippians 2:12-13. Feel free to spend some time in the passage.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the importance of understanding and discerning the movements of our heart as an important element of discerning God's will. This sermon explores commonly held ideas about the role of our feelings in gaining clarity about the direction God is calling us to move towards. Pastor Rich is preaching from Phillippians 2:12-13. Feel free to spend some time in the passage.","date_published":"2023-01-15T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/7f0f1870-6217-4376-80ea-5623622bb4f3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32246662,"duration_in_seconds":2687}]},{"id":"526f8c95-2445-45ec-b475-1ce39831d13a","title":"Discernment: Delighting in God’s Will","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/450","content_text":"To kick off the new year, Pastor Rich leads us in a new sermon series entitled Discernment: Learning How to Discover God’s Will. If you are facing important decisions that require special direction from the Lord, this is a series you don’t want to miss. Pastor Rich will be preaching from Psalm 40:1-8. \n\nNEXT STEPS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\n\nEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTo kick off the new year, Pastor Rich leads us in a new sermon series entitled Discernment: Learning How to Discover God’s Will. If you are facing important decisions that require special direction from the Lord, this is a series you don’t want to miss. Pastor Rich will be preaching from Psalm 40:1-8. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eNEXT STEPS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nEVENTS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eEXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? Visit \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc\u003c/a\u003e after 5pm on Monday for an uninterrupted recording of the sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To kick off the new year, Pastor Rich leads us in a new sermon series entitled Discernment: Learning How to Discover God’s Will. If you are facing important decisions that require special direction from the Lord, this is a series you don’t want to miss. Pastor Rich will be preaching from Psalm 40:1-8. ","date_published":"2023-01-10T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/526f8c95-2445-45ec-b475-1ce39831d13a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34667904,"duration_in_seconds":2888}]},{"id":"4d240bfa-6203-4d41-8184-d132fa273166","title":"Advent - The Gifts of John the Baptist","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/449","content_text":"Despite John the Baptist's austere lifestyle being wildly off-brand for the holiday season, John brings three gifts we need this Christmas. This Sunday, guest speaker Jason Gaboury, Director of Alumni Relations with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, will continue our series through Advent with a message on John the Baptist.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDespite John the Baptist\u0026#39;s austere lifestyle being wildly off-brand for the holiday season, John brings three gifts we need this Christmas. This Sunday, guest speaker Jason Gaboury, Director of Alumni Relations with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, will continue our series through Advent with a message on John the Baptist.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Despite John the Baptist's austere lifestyle being wildly off-brand for the holiday season, John brings three gifts we need this Christmas. This Sunday, guest speaker Jason Gaboury, Director of Alumni Relations with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, will continue our series through Advent with a message on John the Baptist.","date_published":"2022-12-23T06:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4d240bfa-6203-4d41-8184-d132fa273166.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30545437,"duration_in_seconds":2545}]},{"id":"313ec14a-a784-444d-93f2-b12d43049b3e","title":"Advent: The Surprising Call of Mary","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/448","content_text":"This week, pastor Rich continue our series through Advent. We explore the surprising way God encounters Mary, and how God encounters and invites us to be part of his bigger story. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week, pastor Rich continue our series through Advent. We explore the surprising way God encounters Mary, and how God encounters and invites us to be part of his bigger story. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week, pastor Rich continue our series through Advent. We explore the surprising way God encounters Mary, and how God encounters and invites us to be part of his bigger story. ","date_published":"2022-12-13T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/313ec14a-a784-444d-93f2-b12d43049b3e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35638390,"duration_in_seconds":2969}]},{"id":"ca88ef6d-1297-40ac-88d0-b87349d5453f","title":"Advent: Zechariah and Elizabeth","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/447","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continue our series on the surprising ways God shows up in our lives. We will look at the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, giving particular attention to the challenge of waiting on God. Please read through the scripture passage before Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continue our series on the surprising ways God shows up in our lives. We will look at the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, giving particular attention to the challenge of waiting on God. Please read through the scripture passage before Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continue our series on the surprising ways God shows up in our lives. We will look at the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, giving particular attention to the challenge of waiting on God. Please read through the scripture passage before Sunday.","date_published":"2022-12-04T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ca88ef6d-1297-40ac-88d0-b87349d5453f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39185606,"duration_in_seconds":3265}]},{"id":"9057fe4b-7ccb-4171-a454-a1e09004934c","title":"Advent - Stories of God's Surprising Presence","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/446","content_text":"This Sunday we begin the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation, looking to the birth of Christ, as well as ultimate coming of Jesus. We kick off our series with a sermon by Pastor Rich. He teaches on the genealogy of Jesus, focusing on particular ancestors of Jesus that emphasize important lessons about the surprising grace of God. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we begin the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation, looking to the birth of Christ, as well as ultimate coming of Jesus. We kick off our series with a sermon by Pastor Rich. He teaches on the genealogy of Jesus, focusing on particular ancestors of Jesus that emphasize important lessons about the surprising grace of God. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we begin the Advent season. Advent is a time of preparation, looking to the birth of Christ, as well as ultimate coming of Jesus. We kick off our series with a sermon by Pastor Rich. He teaches on the genealogy of Jesus, focusing on particular ancestors of Jesus that emphasize important lessons about the surprising grace of God. ","date_published":"2022-11-27T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/9057fe4b-7ccb-4171-a454-a1e09004934c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31661101,"duration_in_seconds":2638}]},{"id":"41db169f-75b7-4725-971c-4c143e5a7487","title":"Stories of Gratitude and Hope","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/445","content_text":"Welcome to our Thanksgiving Sunday! Today, we will be hearing from some New Lifers as they share their stories of gratitude and hope. We are so excited to worship with you!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWelcome to our Thanksgiving Sunday! Today, we will be hearing from some New Lifers as they share their stories of gratitude and hope. We are so excited to worship with you!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Welcome to our Thanksgiving Sunday! Today, we will be hearing from some New Lifers as they share their stories of gratitude and hope. We are so excited to worship with you!","date_published":"2022-11-20T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/41db169f-75b7-4725-971c-4c143e5a7487.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32517505,"duration_in_seconds":2709}]},{"id":"126d469f-ef20-4206-b230-d68910b5d2d5","title":"We Are The Branches","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/444","content_text":"Jesus calls us into a rich and fulfilling life, but the path to that life can be confusing and sometimes mysterious. This week, Pastor Sherin explores the ways Jesus guides us toward the life He has for us, and why it is worth the journey. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus calls us into a rich and fulfilling life, but the path to that life can be confusing and sometimes mysterious. This week, Pastor Sherin explores the ways Jesus guides us toward the life He has for us, and why it is worth the journey. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus calls us into a rich and fulfilling life, but the path to that life can be confusing and sometimes mysterious. This week, Pastor Sherin explores the ways Jesus guides us toward the life He has for us, and why it is worth the journey. ","date_published":"2022-11-13T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/126d469f-ef20-4206-b230-d68910b5d2d5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34183876,"duration_in_seconds":2848}]},{"id":"e92828f8-cdaa-4309-b04e-72d07bfea5d6","title":"The Ministries of Compassion and Justice","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/443","content_text":"This Sunday, we focus on a story most people-- inside and outside the Church--know very well: the parable of the Good Samaritan. Pastor Rich explores the passage in Luke and highlight important areas of spiritual formation for our individual lives and the life of our church family.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we focus on a story most people-- inside and outside the Church--know very well: the parable of the Good Samaritan. Pastor Rich explores the passage in Luke and highlight important areas of spiritual formation for our individual lives and the life of our church family.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we focus on a story most people-- inside and outside the Church--know very well: the parable of the Good Samaritan. Pastor Rich explores the passage in Luke and highlight important areas of spiritual formation for our individual lives and the life of our church family.","date_published":"2022-11-06T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e92828f8-cdaa-4309-b04e-72d07bfea5d6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41409680,"duration_in_seconds":3450}]},{"id":"86ced584-3e49-4920-984a-bbd2c3f14ff7","title":"The Church at Laodicea","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/442","content_text":"This Sunday, we will be wrapping up our series on Jesus’ words to the 7 churches in Revelation. Pastor Rich shares on the words Jesus speaks to the church in Laodicea. We will learn how self-reliance is not a mark of the kingdom of God, and of the gracious invitation Jesus offers us daily.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we will be wrapping up our series on Jesus’ words to the 7 churches in Revelation. Pastor Rich shares on the words Jesus speaks to the church in Laodicea. We will learn how self-reliance is not a mark of the kingdom of God, and of the gracious invitation Jesus offers us daily.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we will be wrapping up our series on Jesus’ words to the 7 churches in Revelation. Pastor Rich shares on the words Jesus speaks to the church in Laodicea. We will learn how self-reliance is not a mark of the kingdom of God, and of the gracious invitation Jesus offers us daily.","date_published":"2022-11-03T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/86ced584-3e49-4920-984a-bbd2c3f14ff7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39394994,"duration_in_seconds":3282}]},{"id":"2dbb940f-70fb-4aea-8c7e-0c48c5d25af1","title":"The Church at Philadelphia","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/441","content_text":"Part 6 in our #revelation series is all about Jesus’ words to the Church in the ancient city of Philadelphia about God's character and his promises to people who find themselves experiencing weakness. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 6 in our #revelation series is all about Jesus’ words to the Church in the ancient city of Philadelphia about God\u0026#39;s character and his promises to people who find themselves experiencing weakness. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 6 in our #revelation series is all about Jesus’ words to the Church in the ancient city of Philadelphia about God's character and his promises to people who find themselves experiencing weakness. \r\n","date_published":"2022-10-25T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2dbb940f-70fb-4aea-8c7e-0c48c5d25af1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44844192,"duration_in_seconds":3737}]},{"id":"264c8589-43d5-46e9-8732-a59cd2c3b9bd","title":"Words of Confrontation to the Church in Sardis","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/440","content_text":"Jesus has strong words for a church with a reputation of being alive. This letter holds important words to help us identify self-deception and what it means to be awake.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus has strong words for a church with a reputation of being alive. This letter holds important words to help us identify self-deception and what it means to be awake.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus has strong words for a church with a reputation of being alive. This letter holds important words to help us identify self-deception and what it means to be awake.","date_published":"2022-10-18T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/264c8589-43d5-46e9-8732-a59cd2c3b9bd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37118290,"duration_in_seconds":3093}]},{"id":"d749882b-1a08-4280-a01b-104b97cf95f1","title":"The Church at Thyatira","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/439","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Revelation. We focus on Jesus’s words to the church at Thyatira. Jesus offers strong words of discipline, calling the church to a life of integrity. It’s a message the church has needed to hear since its inception. Please take some time to read through the passage.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Revelation. We focus on Jesus’s words to the church at Thyatira. Jesus offers strong words of discipline, calling the church to a life of integrity. It’s a message the church has needed to hear since its inception. Please take some time to read through the passage.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Revelation. We focus on Jesus’s words to the church at Thyatira. Jesus offers strong words of discipline, calling the church to a life of integrity. It’s a message the church has needed to hear since its inception. Please take some time to read through the passage.","date_published":"2022-10-12T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d749882b-1a08-4280-a01b-104b97cf95f1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40688996,"duration_in_seconds":3390}]},{"id":"5bb7869e-5778-49e7-9b38-56e7c35f6542","title":"The Church of Pergamum","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/437","content_text":"This Sunday we continue our series through Revelation. Pastor Rich preaches on Jesus' strong words to the church at Pergamum. We learn much about the real battle we face, the real temptations before us, and the surprising gift that awaits those in Christ. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we continue our series through Revelation. Pastor Rich preaches on Jesus\u0026#39; strong words to the church at Pergamum. We learn much about the real battle we face, the real temptations before us, and the surprising gift that awaits those in Christ. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we continue our series through Revelation. Pastor Rich preaches on Jesus' strong words to the church at Pergamum. We learn much about the real battle we face, the real temptations before us, and the surprising gift that awaits those in Christ. ","date_published":"2022-10-06T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5bb7869e-5778-49e7-9b38-56e7c35f6542.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44163491,"duration_in_seconds":3680}]},{"id":"4e3bd546-2c86-4b61-95f0-0f024b3de509","title":"The Church at Smyrna","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/436","content_text":"Text: Revelation 2:8-11\n\nThis Sunday, we continue our series through a portion of the book of Revelation. Pastor Rich leads us through Jesus’s words addressed to the church at Smyrna. This was a church that \nexperienced suffering and difficulty. Jesus offers words of consolation that we all need to hear.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eText: Revelation 2:8-11\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we continue our series through a portion of the book of Revelation. Pastor Rich leads us through Jesus’s words addressed to the church at Smyrna. This was a church that \u003cbr\u003e\nexperienced suffering and difficulty. Jesus offers words of consolation that we all need to hear.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Text: Revelation 2:8-11\r\n\r\nThis Sunday, we continue our series through a portion of the book of Revelation. Pastor Rich leads us through Jesus’s words addressed to the church at Smyrna. This was a church that \r\nexperienced suffering and difficulty. Jesus offers words of consolation that we all need to hear.","date_published":"2022-09-25T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4e3bd546-2c86-4b61-95f0-0f024b3de509.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36175621,"duration_in_seconds":3014}]},{"id":"e309933c-3e1c-4dd0-96cd-6e52bb34781f","title":"A Season of Rebuilding","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/435","content_text":"This Sunday is Vision Sunday. Every year we take a Sunday to focus on our identity and mission as a church family. Pastor Rich leads us in preaching, highlighting the particular invitations God has for us in this season. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday is Vision Sunday. Every year we take a Sunday to focus on our identity and mission as a church family. Pastor Rich leads us in preaching, highlighting the particular invitations God has for us in this season. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday is Vision Sunday. Every year we take a Sunday to focus on our identity and mission as a church family. Pastor Rich leads us in preaching, highlighting the particular invitations God has for us in this season. ","date_published":"2022-09-18T09:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e309933c-3e1c-4dd0-96cd-6e52bb34781f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42483014,"duration_in_seconds":3540}]},{"id":"670e930a-7e6b-46dc-9b3f-032bea2a156e","title":"The Love You Had at First","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/438","content_text":"This Sunday, we start a new series through a portion of Revelation. Pastor Rich is back and will be preaching on Jesus' words to the church of Ephesus. The words Jesus speaks are words the church––and our individual lives––need to hear desperately.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we start a new series through a portion of Revelation. Pastor Rich is back and will be preaching on Jesus\u0026#39; words to the church of Ephesus. The words Jesus speaks are words the church––and our individual lives––need to hear desperately.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we start a new series through a portion of Revelation. Pastor Rich is back and will be preaching on Jesus' words to the church of Ephesus. The words Jesus speaks are words the church––and our individual lives––need to hear desperately.","date_published":"2022-09-11T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/670e930a-7e6b-46dc-9b3f-032bea2a156e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36568711,"duration_in_seconds":3047}]},{"id":"6faa09f4-689f-4dba-951c-e3a2ba8ae5f4","title":"The Way of Rest","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/434","content_text":"Experiencing rest in an exhausting world is something we all long for. We'll explore how the rest we all need is not found in a good night's sleep or a relaxing vacation, because true rest only comes from a life with God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eExperiencing rest in an exhausting world is something we all long for. We\u0026#39;ll explore how the rest we all need is not found in a good night\u0026#39;s sleep or a relaxing vacation, because true rest only comes from a life with God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Experiencing rest in an exhausting world is something we all long for. We'll explore how the rest we all need is not found in a good night's sleep or a relaxing vacation, because true rest only comes from a life with God.","date_published":"2022-09-02T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6faa09f4-689f-4dba-951c-e3a2ba8ae5f4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34382925,"duration_in_seconds":2865}]},{"id":"a8558ccf-8e21-4d84-b1ae-0c9f175030d8","title":"The Holy Spirit: Series Summary","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/433","content_text":"Text: John 20:19-23\n\nThis Sunday, Pastor Rich closes out our 3-month sermon series on the Holy Spirit. We review where we have been with a particular focus on the ways Jesus wants to empower us for mission. Please take some time to meditate on our scripture passage before Sunday.\n\nNEXT STEPS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\nEVENTS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eText: John 20:19-23\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich closes out our 3-month sermon series on the Holy Spirit. We review where we have been with a particular focus on the ways Jesus wants to empower us for mission. Please take some time to meditate on our scripture passage before Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eNEXT STEPS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nEVENTS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/events\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Text: John 20:19-23\r\n\r\nThis Sunday, Pastor Rich closes out our 3-month sermon series on the Holy Spirit. We review where we have been with a particular focus on the ways Jesus wants to empower us for mission. Please take some time to meditate on our scripture passage before Sunday.","date_published":"2022-08-08T09:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a8558ccf-8e21-4d84-b1ae-0c9f175030d8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34798176,"duration_in_seconds":2899}]},{"id":"c340b8de-e2e6-486a-ae02-abf7d47d547d","title":"Walk by the Spirit","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/432","content_text":"Scripture: Galatians 5:13-26 (NIV)\n\nLiving as the freed people of God involves walking by the Spirit. We explore this instruction from Paul to the church in Galatia to learn what this means and why it matters to followers of Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eScripture: Galatians 5:13-26 (NIV)\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eLiving as the freed people of God involves walking by the Spirit. We explore this instruction from Paul to the church in Galatia to learn what this means and why it matters to followers of Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Scripture: Galatians 5:13-26 (NIV)\r\n\r\nLiving as the freed people of God involves walking by the Spirit. We explore this instruction from Paul to the church in Galatia to learn what this means and why it matters to followers of Jesus.","date_published":"2022-08-01T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c340b8de-e2e6-486a-ae02-abf7d47d547d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38926942,"duration_in_seconds":3243}]},{"id":"62200385-1686-4ea0-ba1f-fa297720a91f","title":"Cultivating the Fruit of Gentleness","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/431","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our Holy Spirit series by emphasizing one of the fruits of the Spirit - gentleness. We live in a world that does not cultivate gentleness. We live in an angry and aggressive society. We explore what it means to demonstrate another way of existing in the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our Holy Spirit series by emphasizing one of the fruits of the Spirit - gentleness. We live in a world that does not cultivate gentleness. We live in an angry and aggressive society. We explore what it means to demonstrate another way of existing in the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":" This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our Holy Spirit series by emphasizing one of the fruits of the Spirit - gentleness. We live in a world that does not cultivate gentleness. We live in an angry and aggressive society. We explore what it means to demonstrate another way of existing in the world.","date_published":"2022-07-24T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/62200385-1686-4ea0-ba1f-fa297720a91f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36190723,"duration_in_seconds":3015}]},{"id":"1dbac610-6a37-4542-ba78-52f391289cf7","title":"I.M. Power for All","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/430","content_text":"On Sunday, A. Redd Sevilla, Launch Pastor of New Life East, continues our Holy Spirit series. He teaches on how we can experience more of God’s power and love through a special gift called the filling of the Holy Spirit. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, there is more of God for you. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn Sunday, A. Redd Sevilla, Launch Pastor of New Life East, continues our Holy Spirit series. He teaches on how we can experience more of God’s power and love through a special gift called the filling of the Holy Spirit. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, there is more of God for you. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"On Sunday, A. Redd Sevilla, Launch Pastor of New Life East, continues our Holy Spirit series. He teaches on how we can experience more of God’s power and love through a special gift called the filling of the Holy Spirit. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, there is more of God for you. ","date_published":"2022-07-17T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1dbac610-6a37-4542-ba78-52f391289cf7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35097325,"duration_in_seconds":2924}]},{"id":"1aacd303-960d-4ac0-b486-c6ae7f6b85fd","title":"The Holy Spirit: Living in the Spirit","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/429","content_text":"Text: Romans 5:5-8\nTitle: Living in the Spirit\n\nThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on the Holy Spirit. We focus on what it means to live in the Spirit. This is a phrase that has often been misunderstood, and we will explore how this can be our daily reality. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eText: Romans 5:5-8\u003cbr\u003e\nTitle: Living in the Spirit\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on the Holy Spirit. We focus on what it means to live in the Spirit. This is a phrase that has often been misunderstood, and we will explore how this can be our daily reality. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Text: Romans 5:5-8\r\nTitle: Living in the Spirit\r\n\r\nThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on the Holy Spirit. We focus on what it means to live in the Spirit. This is a phrase that has often been misunderstood, and we will explore how this can be our daily reality. ","date_published":"2022-07-11T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1aacd303-960d-4ac0-b486-c6ae7f6b85fd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37379232,"duration_in_seconds":3114}]},{"id":"45e1c0b2-2da9-4e1d-a34c-998bab71376a","title":"Companionship for the Soul","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/428","content_text":"Loneliness is part of the human condition. It seems to be inescapable. But God has given us the Companion our Souls long for... Join us as we explore the Holy Spirit - God's companion for the Soul.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLoneliness is part of the human condition. It seems to be inescapable. But God has given us the Companion our Souls long for... Join us as we explore the Holy Spirit - God\u0026#39;s companion for the Soul.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Loneliness is part of the human condition. It seems to be inescapable. But God has given us the Companion our Souls long for... Join us as we explore the Holy Spirit - God's companion for the Soul.","date_published":"2022-07-06T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/45e1c0b2-2da9-4e1d-a34c-998bab71376a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32689728,"duration_in_seconds":2724}]},{"id":"3049f38b-99f9-42a5-a12f-fd1e6f9420cf","title":"The Holy Spirit: The Shy Member of the Trinity","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/427","content_text":"Text: John 16:12-15\n\nPastor Rich continues our series on the Holy Spirit. He teaches on an aspect of the Holy Spirit that often goes overlooked, namely, that the Spirit is \"shy\", Please take some time to read through this passage.\n\nNEXT STEPS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\nBULLETIN: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/bulletin\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eText: John 16:12-15\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series on the Holy Spirit. He teaches on an aspect of the Holy Spirit that often goes overlooked, namely, that the Spirit is \u0026quot;shy\u0026quot;, Please take some time to read through this passage.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eNEXT STEPS: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nBULLETIN: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/bulletin\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/bulletin\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Text: John 16:12-15\r\n\r\nPastor Rich continues our series on the Holy Spirit. He teaches on an aspect of the Holy Spirit that often goes overlooked, namely, that the Spirit is \"shy\", Please take some time to read through this passage.\r\n\r\nNEXT STEPS: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/nextsteps\r\nBULLETIN: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/bulletin\r\nGIVE: https://elmhurst.newlife.nyc/give","date_published":"2022-06-27T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3049f38b-99f9-42a5-a12f-fd1e6f9420cf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35593195,"duration_in_seconds":2966}]},{"id":"d188a988-c83c-4204-9e0e-7b8c2ebdfb14","title":"The Holy Spirit: Spiritual Gifts","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/426","content_text":"How does the Holy Spirit move in our lives through our spiritual gifts? And how do we discover our gifts? Pastor Sherin explores how using our gifts matures us in Christ and can help us find the guidance we are seeking for our daily lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHow does the Holy Spirit move in our lives through our spiritual gifts? And how do we discover our gifts? Pastor Sherin explores how using our gifts matures us in Christ and can help us find the guidance we are seeking for our daily lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"How does the Holy Spirit move in our lives through our spiritual gifts? And how do we discover our gifts? Pastor Sherin explores how using our gifts matures us in Christ and can help us find the guidance we are seeking for our daily lives.","date_published":"2022-06-20T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d188a988-c83c-4204-9e0e-7b8c2ebdfb14.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36842400,"duration_in_seconds":3070}]},{"id":"57d147b9-e7dc-4cf4-8351-e628ec3135f5","title":"The Holy Spirit: The Wind of the Spirit","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/425","content_text":"This Sunday, we continue our series through The Holy Spirit: The Radically Accessible Presence of God. Pastor Rich leads us through a famous conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus, one of the great religious leaders of ancient Israel. Jesus offers surprising words about the ways the Holy Spirit seeks to lead us through a process of re-birth. This story has much to say to us as we think about what matters most in our lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we continue our series through The Holy Spirit: The Radically Accessible Presence of God. Pastor Rich leads us through a famous conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus, one of the great religious leaders of ancient Israel. Jesus offers surprising words about the ways the Holy Spirit seeks to lead us through a process of re-birth. This story has much to say to us as we think about what matters most in our lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we continue our series through The Holy Spirit: The Radically Accessible Presence of God. Pastor Rich leads us through a famous conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus, one of the great religious leaders of ancient Israel. Jesus offers surprising words about the ways the Holy Spirit seeks to lead us through a process of re-birth. This story has much to say to us as we think about what matters most in our lives.","date_published":"2022-06-12T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/57d147b9-e7dc-4cf4-8351-e628ec3135f5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34389786,"duration_in_seconds":2865}]},{"id":"92abbbf4-8183-41a8-9ed1-2e6dbd06504f","title":"The Holy Spirit: Pentecost Sunday","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/424","content_text":"This Sunday, we continue our Holy Spirit series with a focus on the coming of the Spirit on Pentecost. Pastor Rich explores what the coming of the Holy Spirit meant for the first century church and our 21st century lives. Please take some time to read through Acts chapter 2.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we continue our Holy Spirit series with a focus on the coming of the Spirit on Pentecost. Pastor Rich explores what the coming of the Holy Spirit meant for the first century church and our 21st century lives. Please take some time to read through Acts chapter 2.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we continue our Holy Spirit series with a focus on the coming of the Spirit on Pentecost. Pastor Rich explores what the coming of the Holy Spirit meant for the first century church and our 21st century lives. Please take some time to read through Acts chapter 2.","date_published":"2022-06-05T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/92abbbf4-8183-41a8-9ed1-2e6dbd06504f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":47397312,"duration_in_seconds":3949}]},{"id":"e715a391-ec09-4c1e-a6d8-6e98afacbda8","title":"The Holy Spirit: The Radically Accessible Presence of Jesus","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/423","content_text":"This Sunday, we will start a new multi-week series on the Holy Spirit. Pastor Rich will kick off the series, exploring how radically accessible God's presence is, and what this truth means for our everyday lives. Please take some time to read through John 16.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we will start a new multi-week series on the Holy Spirit. Pastor Rich will kick off the series, exploring how radically accessible God\u0026#39;s presence is, and what this truth means for our everyday lives. Please take some time to read through John 16.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we will start a new multi-week series on the Holy Spirit. Pastor Rich will kick off the series, exploring how radically accessible God's presence is, and what this truth means for our everyday lives. Please take some time to read through John 16.","date_published":"2022-05-29T11:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e715a391-ec09-4c1e-a6d8-6e98afacbda8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34256736,"duration_in_seconds":2854}]},{"id":"76c47d0a-4b3e-4374-9088-b19fec47f2c3","title":"NextGen Sunday: Passing Down Faith","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/422","content_text":"Every year, we set aside a Sunday to reflect on the ways we are called to love, serve, and hand down faith to the next generation. It's a key Sunday in the life of our church family. This Sunday, Pastor Rich and Rosie Villodas will share their hearts for what God has for us as a community as we seek to form Christ-followers in this generation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEvery year, we set aside a Sunday to reflect on the ways we are called to love, serve, and hand down faith to the next generation. It\u0026#39;s a key Sunday in the life of our church family. This Sunday, Pastor Rich and Rosie Villodas will share their hearts for what God has for us as a community as we seek to form Christ-followers in this generation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Every year, we set aside a Sunday to reflect on the ways we are called to love, serve, and hand down faith to the next generation. It's a key Sunday in the life of our church family. This Sunday, Pastor Rich and Rosie Villodas will share their hearts for what God has for us as a community as we seek to form Christ-followers in this generation.\r\n","date_published":"2022-05-22T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/76c47d0a-4b3e-4374-9088-b19fec47f2c3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41491121,"duration_in_seconds":3457}]},{"id":"ebd4a524-c09c-4716-9b6f-90a4bc8f1930","title":"A Question for the Road - Pastor Helen Kim Nowalk","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/421","content_text":"Welcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Part 4 of our #eastertide series is all about the question to which we can return again and again to help orient ourselves in our Christian journey. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Helen!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWelcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Part 4 of our #eastertide series is all about the question to which we can return again and again to help orient ourselves in our Christian journey. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Helen!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":" Welcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Part 4 of our #eastertide series is all about the question to which we can return again and again to help orient ourselves in our Christian journey. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Helen!","date_published":"2022-05-15T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ebd4a524-c09c-4716-9b6f-90a4bc8f1930.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28785266,"duration_in_seconds":2398}]},{"id":"e80f40b7-7f18-4011-ba12-1573b6282d35","title":"A Future Greater Than This Moment","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/420","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on the surprising encounters Jesus had with his disciples after the resurrection. We explore one of the most curious and confusing words Jesus speaks to his disciples, and the implications it has for our lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on the surprising encounters Jesus had with his disciples after the resurrection. We explore one of the most curious and confusing words Jesus speaks to his disciples, and the implications it has for our lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on the surprising encounters Jesus had with his disciples after the resurrection. We explore one of the most curious and confusing words Jesus speaks to his disciples, and the implications it has for our lives. ","date_published":"2022-05-08T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e80f40b7-7f18-4011-ba12-1573b6282d35.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36634226,"duration_in_seconds":3052}]},{"id":"ed766ae7-a731-4f95-aa0d-ec07308de465","title":"It's From the Lord - Pastor Matt Manno","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/419","content_text":"Part 2 of our #eastertide series is all about how the risen Jesus shows his disciples the surprising ways he's going to show up in their everyday life. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Matt!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 2 of our #eastertide series is all about how the risen Jesus shows his disciples the surprising ways he\u0026#39;s going to show up in their everyday life. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Matt!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 2 of our #eastertide series is all about how the risen Jesus shows his disciples the surprising ways he's going to show up in their everyday life. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from Pastor Matt!","date_published":"2022-05-01T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ed766ae7-a731-4f95-aa0d-ec07308de465.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30809088,"duration_in_seconds":2567}]},{"id":"868b980f-4c32-4dc1-b1c8-2c0c05830885","title":"Encountering Jesus on the Road","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/418","content_text":"The Road from Easter Sunday can be challenging! Join us this Sunday as we explore the road ahead and what Jesus has to say to each of us.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Road from Easter Sunday can be challenging! Join us this Sunday as we explore the road ahead and what Jesus has to say to each of us.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Road from Easter Sunday can be challenging! Join us this Sunday as we explore the road ahead and what Jesus has to say to each of us.","date_published":"2022-04-26T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/868b980f-4c32-4dc1-b1c8-2c0c05830885.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26958053,"duration_in_seconds":2246}]},{"id":"91551561-7c30-4201-8c92-a1e5147e948f","title":"The First Easter Sermon","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/417","content_text":"The Lord is risen! This Sunday we gather in person as a congregation for the first Easter since 2019! Pastor Rich preaches on the first sermon recorded on the Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. It's a sermon that has stood the test of time and has the power to transform our lives. Please read through the story before our gathering.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Lord is risen! This Sunday we gather in person as a congregation for the first Easter since 2019! Pastor Rich preaches on the first sermon recorded on the Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. It\u0026#39;s a sermon that has stood the test of time and has the power to transform our lives. Please read through the story before our gathering.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Lord is risen! This Sunday we gather in person as a congregation for the first Easter since 2019! Pastor Rich preaches on the first sermon recorded on the Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. It's a sermon that has stood the test of time and has the power to transform our lives. Please read through the story before our gathering.","date_published":"2022-04-19T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/91551561-7c30-4201-8c92-a1e5147e948f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29821910,"duration_in_seconds":2485}]},{"id":"64609ad0-34d6-44aa-ba7b-4dd7478cb91e","title":"Palm Sunday - Lessons from the Triumphal Entry","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/416","content_text":"This Sunday, Holy Week begins. We journey with Jesus from the joyous procession on Palm Sunday, to the horror of the Cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Pastor Rich preaches on the Triumphal Entry and what we learn from Jesus riding a donkey, and the people waving branches. These symbols have much to do with our everyday life. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Holy Week begins. We journey with Jesus from the joyous procession on Palm Sunday, to the horror of the Cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Pastor Rich preaches on the Triumphal Entry and what we learn from Jesus riding a donkey, and the people waving branches. These symbols have much to do with our everyday life. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Holy Week begins. We journey with Jesus from the joyous procession on Palm Sunday, to the horror of the Cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Pastor Rich preaches on the Triumphal Entry and what we learn from Jesus riding a donkey, and the people waving branches. These symbols have much to do with our everyday life. ","date_published":"2022-04-11T12:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/64609ad0-34d6-44aa-ba7b-4dd7478cb91e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30006720,"duration_in_seconds":2500}]},{"id":"86b9d192-f5a2-4bf2-a811-27c072014249","title":"Judging Jonah","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/415","content_text":"As we close our series on Jonah, Pastor Sherin explores Jonah's conversation with God in chapter 4. As we consider Jonah's example, what can we learn about our own reluctance to repent?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we close our series on Jonah, Pastor Sherin explores Jonah\u0026#39;s conversation with God in chapter 4. As we consider Jonah\u0026#39;s example, what can we learn about our own reluctance to repent?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As we close our series on Jonah, Pastor Sherin explores Jonah's conversation with God in chapter 4. As we consider Jonah's example, what can we learn about our own reluctance to repent?","date_published":"2022-04-04T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/86b9d192-f5a2-4bf2-a811-27c072014249.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32631264,"duration_in_seconds":2719}]},{"id":"29d93894-975a-41ef-9b6f-515af83aab73","title":"Jonah's Anger","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/414","content_text":"This Sunday, we enter the 4th and final chapter of the book of Jonah. What we will discover might surprise many of us. After a great revival in chapter 3, Jonah is angry - very angry. Pastor Rich explores what was happening in Jonah's heart and how our hearts are similarly oriented.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we enter the 4th and final chapter of the book of Jonah. What we will discover might surprise many of us. After a great revival in chapter 3, Jonah is angry - very angry. Pastor Rich explores what was happening in Jonah\u0026#39;s heart and how our hearts are similarly oriented.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we enter the 4th and final chapter of the book of Jonah. What we will discover might surprise many of us. After a great revival in chapter 3, Jonah is angry - very angry. Pastor Rich explores what was happening in Jonah's heart and how our hearts are similarly oriented.","date_published":"2022-03-28T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/29d93894-975a-41ef-9b6f-515af83aab73.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35093211,"duration_in_seconds":2924}]},{"id":"55c9bfdc-bbb8-48e7-8e4a-6a1e5c8f8062","title":"Learning Repentance","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/413","content_text":"This Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Pastor Rich leads us through chapter 3 of Jonah. In this chapter, we learn much about what repentance looks like. Although repentance is a word that is not looked upon favorably in our secular culture, it is an important word for followers of Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Pastor Rich leads us through chapter 3 of Jonah. In this chapter, we learn much about what repentance looks like. Although repentance is a word that is not looked upon favorably in our secular culture, it is an important word for followers of Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Pastor Rich leads us through chapter 3 of Jonah. In this chapter, we learn much about what repentance looks like. Although repentance is a word that is not looked upon favorably in our secular culture, it is an important word for followers of Jesus.","date_published":"2022-03-21T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/55c9bfdc-bbb8-48e7-8e4a-6a1e5c8f8062.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37621655,"duration_in_seconds":3135}]},{"id":"0a0639cb-d705-4953-889d-b80e09b54f8a","title":"Praying Inside of a Fish","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/412","content_text":"Text: Jonah 2:7-10\n\nThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Last week, we explored the first half of Jonah's prayer after he was swallowed by a fish. This week we examine the rest of his prayer and what it teaches us about God and the spiritual life. \n\nNEXT STEPS: https://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\nBULLETIN: https://newlife.nyc/bulletin\nGIVE: https://newlife.nyc/give","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eText: Jonah 2:7-10\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Last week, we explored the first half of Jonah\u0026#39;s prayer after he was swallowed by a fish. This week we examine the rest of his prayer and what it teaches us about God and the spiritual life. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eNEXT STEPS: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nBULLETIN: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/bulletin\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/bulletin\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Text: Jonah 2:7-10\r\n\r\nThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our Lenten series through the book of Jonah. Last week, we explored the first half of Jonah's prayer after he was swallowed by a fish. This week we examine the rest of his prayer and what it teaches us about God and the spiritual life. ","date_published":"2022-03-14T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0a0639cb-d705-4953-889d-b80e09b54f8a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31594752,"duration_in_seconds":2632}]},{"id":"44519721-bfaf-4a52-9bc0-c86275067532","title":"Jonah: God's Grace for Those Who Run","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/411","content_text":"In Jonah's story, we find our own. As we continue following Jonah's journey overboard into deep waters, we get to see the extravagant reaches of God's grace, giving us a picture of this grace in our own lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Jonah\u0026#39;s story, we find our own. As we continue following Jonah\u0026#39;s journey overboard into deep waters, we get to see the extravagant reaches of God\u0026#39;s grace, giving us a picture of this grace in our own lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In Jonah's story, we find our own. As we continue following Jonah's journey overboard into deep waters, we get to see the extravagant reaches of God's grace, giving us a picture of this grace in our own lives.","date_published":"2022-03-07T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/44519721-bfaf-4a52-9bc0-c86275067532.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23844960,"duration_in_seconds":1987}]},{"id":"04bc51f3-d0b1-4d3d-83c9-704f6c9214e9","title":"Jonah: Running from God","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/410","content_text":"We begin our Lenten sermon series through the book of Jonah. Jonah's story is one of the most familiar in all of the Bible and has much to teach us about our life before God. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on the ways Jonah tries to flee from the Lord, and the ways we do the same. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe begin our Lenten sermon series through the book of Jonah. Jonah\u0026#39;s story is one of the most familiar in all of the Bible and has much to teach us about our life before God. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on the ways Jonah tries to flee from the Lord, and the ways we do the same. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We begin our Lenten sermon series through the book of Jonah. Jonah's story is one of the most familiar in all of the Bible and has much to teach us about our life before God. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on the ways Jonah tries to flee from the Lord, and the ways we do the same. ","date_published":"2022-02-28T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/04bc51f3-d0b1-4d3d-83c9-704f6c9214e9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30828384,"duration_in_seconds":2569}]},{"id":"a44469ed-64f1-431b-8f12-576a7b9fbff2","title":"Proverbs: The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/409","content_text":"This Sunday our series through the book of Proverbs will come to an end. Pastor Rich ends the series with a look at how the book of Proverbs began- with a focus on \"the fear of the Lord\". This is one of the most misunderstood phrases in the Bible. As a result, instead of growing in wisdom, we may find ourselves stuck. Pastor Rich explores what this important statement means, what it doesn't mean, and how to build it in our lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday our series through the book of Proverbs will come to an end. Pastor Rich ends the series with a look at how the book of Proverbs began- with a focus on \u0026quot;the fear of the Lord\u0026quot;. This is one of the most misunderstood phrases in the Bible. As a result, instead of growing in wisdom, we may find ourselves stuck. Pastor Rich explores what this important statement means, what it doesn\u0026#39;t mean, and how to build it in our lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday our series through the book of Proverbs will come to an end. Pastor Rich ends the series with a look at how the book of Proverbs began- with a focus on \"the fear of the Lord\". This is one of the most misunderstood phrases in the Bible. As a result, instead of growing in wisdom, we may find ourselves stuck. Pastor Rich explores what this important statement means, what it doesn't mean, and how to build it in our lives.","date_published":"2022-02-21T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a44469ed-64f1-431b-8f12-576a7b9fbff2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29472192,"duration_in_seconds":2456}]},{"id":"ce64b923-104b-4869-bb4f-878542c4c80d","title":"Proverbs: Becoming Wise with our Money","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/408","content_text":"This Sunday, we continue our series through themes in the book of Proverbs. Pastor Rich preaches on \"Becoming Wise with our Money.\" One of the most important aspects of the spiritual Iife is how we relate to money. In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the dangers of money and the opportunities before us to use it in a way that is wise and healthy.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we continue our series through themes in the book of Proverbs. Pastor Rich preaches on \u0026quot;Becoming Wise with our Money.\u0026quot; One of the most important aspects of the spiritual Iife is how we relate to money. In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the dangers of money and the opportunities before us to use it in a way that is wise and healthy.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we continue our series through themes in the book of Proverbs. Pastor Rich preaches on \"Becoming Wise with our Money.\" One of the most important aspects of the spiritual Iife is how we relate to money. In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the dangers of money and the opportunities before us to use it in a way that is wise and healthy.","date_published":"2022-02-15T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ce64b923-104b-4869-bb4f-878542c4c80d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35361227,"duration_in_seconds":2946}]},{"id":"502dda4d-7803-4470-95f3-cb17c0193389","title":"Being Wise in Correction","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/407","content_text":"Correction is an everyday part of our lives but that doesn't make it easy. Yet there is great wisdom found in learning how to handle correction well. Let's talk about it.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCorrection is an everyday part of our lives but that doesn\u0026#39;t make it easy. Yet there is great wisdom found in learning how to handle correction well. Let\u0026#39;s talk about it.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Correction is an everyday part of our lives but that doesn't make it easy. Yet there is great wisdom found in learning how to handle correction well. Let's talk about it.","date_published":"2022-01-30T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/502dda4d-7803-4470-95f3-cb17c0193389.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28854720,"duration_in_seconds":2404}]},{"id":"f715b958-9002-4442-a14c-b23cb8741e94","title":"Becoming Wise in our Conflicts","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/406","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Proverbs, focusing on what it means to become wise in our conflicts. To be human is to enter into conflicts with others. This is unavoidable. In this message, we will gain some insights as to how to work through conflict in a way that is marked by love, integrity, and the way of Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Proverbs, focusing on what it means to become wise in our conflicts. To be human is to enter into conflicts with others. This is unavoidable. In this message, we will gain some insights as to how to work through conflict in a way that is marked by love, integrity, and the way of Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through the book of Proverbs, focusing on what it means to become wise in our conflicts. To be human is to enter into conflicts with others. This is unavoidable. In this message, we will gain some insights as to how to work through conflict in a way that is marked by love, integrity, and the way of Jesus.","date_published":"2022-01-25T06:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f715b958-9002-4442-a14c-b23cb8741e94.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28322496,"duration_in_seconds":2360}]},{"id":"4eb545b6-772a-49b7-bc06-08515e840589","title":"Becoming Wise in our Work","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/405","content_text":"Proverbs gives us wisdom needed for our daily endeavors, that applied to the mess and challenges of our paid and unpaid work, helps us become the people of God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eProverbs gives us wisdom needed for our daily endeavors, that applied to the mess and challenges of our paid and unpaid work, helps us become the people of God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs gives us wisdom needed for our daily endeavors, that applied to the mess and challenges of our paid and unpaid work, helps us become the people of God.","date_published":"2022-01-16T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4eb545b6-772a-49b7-bc06-08515e840589.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23066496,"duration_in_seconds":1922}]},{"id":"40208de3-c035-47c6-8143-0b26bfbded2b","title":"Becoming Wise with Our Words","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/404","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on \"Becoming Wise.\" We will look at a recurring theme in Proverbs that we must give attention to- the way we use our words. Are the words you speak bringing life or harm to those around you? By God's grace, we will be led into a way to bring healing to other through the words we use. Please take some time to reflect on this proverb before Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on \u0026quot;Becoming Wise.\u0026quot; We will look at a recurring theme in Proverbs that we must give attention to- the way we use our words. Are the words you speak bringing life or harm to those around you? By God\u0026#39;s grace, we will be led into a way to bring healing to other through the words we use. Please take some time to reflect on this proverb before Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on \"Becoming Wise.\" We will look at a recurring theme in Proverbs that we must give attention to- the way we use our words. Are the words you speak bringing life or harm to those around you? By God's grace, we will be led into a way to bring healing to other through the words we use. Please take some time to reflect on this proverb before Sunday.","date_published":"2022-01-10T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/40208de3-c035-47c6-8143-0b26bfbded2b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30479328,"duration_in_seconds":2539}]},{"id":"7b094c23-566f-4cb2-bd52-e04176d73eb3","title":"Searching for Wisdom","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/403","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series on the book of Proverbs. We explore the importance of searching for wisdom. As the new year kicks off, this is a great way to focus our hearts. Please take some time to read through Proverbs 2:1-6.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series on the book of Proverbs. We explore the importance of searching for wisdom. As the new year kicks off, this is a great way to focus our hearts. Please take some time to read through Proverbs 2:1-6.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series on the book of Proverbs. We explore the importance of searching for wisdom. As the new year kicks off, this is a great way to focus our hearts. Please take some time to read through Proverbs 2:1-6.","date_published":"2022-01-04T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/7b094c23-566f-4cb2-bd52-e04176d73eb3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30708000,"duration_in_seconds":2559}]},{"id":"3c2ad993-da04-490d-af75-eb0fb4b2680e","title":"Examining Our Lives","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/402","content_text":"In the last Sunday sermon of 2021, Pastor Rich leads us through a spiritual reflection and examination of our lives with God. What are the spiritual disciplines you need to anchor you in a life with God?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the last Sunday sermon of 2021, Pastor Rich leads us through a spiritual reflection and examination of our lives with God. What are the spiritual disciplines you need to anchor you in a life with God?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In the last Sunday sermon of 2021, Pastor Rich leads us through a spiritual reflection and examination of our lives with God. What are the spiritual disciplines you need to anchor you in a life with God?","date_published":"2021-12-29T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3c2ad993-da04-490d-af75-eb0fb4b2680e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24715584,"duration_in_seconds":2059}]},{"id":"ac83784c-6f21-4601-8626-7e799f0c8a4f","title":"Advent: The Light that Overcomes Our Inner Herod","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/401","content_text":"This Sunday is the 4th Sunday in Advent. As we approach Christmas, we take the time to explore familiar Bible stories that have significant application for our lives. This Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches on how the light of God overcomes our inner Herod. Herod was the king in the time of Jesus's birth, and was disturbed by news of a new king. His reaction is an important lens through which to see our own fears, and impulse to control. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday is the 4th Sunday in Advent. As we approach Christmas, we take the time to explore familiar Bible stories that have significant application for our lives. This Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches on how the light of God overcomes our inner Herod. Herod was the king in the time of Jesus\u0026#39;s birth, and was disturbed by news of a new king. His reaction is an important lens through which to see our own fears, and impulse to control. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday is the 4th Sunday in Advent. As we approach Christmas, we take the time to explore familiar Bible stories that have significant application for our lives. This Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches on how the light of God overcomes our inner Herod. Herod was the king in the time of Jesus's birth, and was disturbed by news of a new king. His reaction is an important lens through which to see our own fears, and impulse to control. \r\n","date_published":"2021-12-22T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ac83784c-6f21-4601-8626-7e799f0c8a4f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28446336,"duration_in_seconds":2370}]},{"id":"d1cb43ab-535c-4b49-9ffb-48b28f29f5c7","title":"Advent: The Light that overcomes separation","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/400","content_text":"It has become \"normal\" in our world to cancel, cut off and separate. The question for us as followers of Christ is not what does society say - but what does Jesus say? Join us as we explore Part 3 of our Advent series, \"The Light that Overcomes Separation\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt has become \u0026quot;normal\u0026quot; in our world to cancel, cut off and separate. The question for us as followers of Christ is not what does society say - but what does Jesus say? Join us as we explore Part 3 of our Advent series, \u0026quot;The Light that Overcomes Separation\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It has become \"normal\" in our world to cancel, cut off and separate. The question for us as followers of Christ is not what does society say - but what does Jesus say? Join us as we explore Part 3 of our Advent series, \"The Light that Overcomes Separation\"","date_published":"2021-12-14T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d1cb43ab-535c-4b49-9ffb-48b28f29f5c7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24848640,"duration_in_seconds":2070}]},{"id":"dcdc6a01-8c5f-4b45-89b1-aac29c8b2610","title":"Advent: The Light that Overcomes our inner chaos - Pastor Steve Cuss","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/399","content_text":"Part 2 of our #advent series is all about the Light that overcomes our inner chaos. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from guest speaker and pastor, Steve Cuss!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 2 of our #advent series is all about the Light that overcomes our inner chaos. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from guest speaker and pastor, Steve Cuss!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 2 of our #advent series is all about the Light that overcomes our inner chaos. We’re excited to worship with you and hear a message from guest speaker and pastor, Steve Cuss!","date_published":"2021-12-08T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/dcdc6a01-8c5f-4b45-89b1-aac29c8b2610.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32441184,"duration_in_seconds":2703}]},{"id":"48d4922f-5231-4df7-b6b0-2568cb5ccb50","title":"Advent: The Light that Overcomes the Darkness","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/398","content_text":"This Sunday, the Advent season begins. Advent is a special season in the Church calendar where we anticipate the coming of our Lord. During Advent we are reminded that the healing we all long for will come from the Messiah. This Sunday, Pastor Rich will kick off our new Advent series entitled, The Light that Overcomes. We hear about the ways Christ's light overcomes the darkness of our world. We invite you to read through John 1:1-5.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, the Advent season begins. Advent is a special season in the Church calendar where we anticipate the coming of our Lord. During Advent we are reminded that the healing we all long for will come from the Messiah. This Sunday, Pastor Rich will kick off our new Advent series entitled, The Light that Overcomes. We hear about the ways Christ\u0026#39;s light overcomes the darkness of our world. We invite you to read through John 1:1-5.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, the Advent season begins. Advent is a special season in the Church calendar where we anticipate the coming of our Lord. During Advent we are reminded that the healing we all long for will come from the Messiah. This Sunday, Pastor Rich will kick off our new Advent series entitled, The Light that Overcomes. We hear about the ways Christ's light overcomes the darkness of our world. We invite you to read through John 1:1-5.","date_published":"2021-11-30T10:45:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/48d4922f-5231-4df7-b6b0-2568cb5ccb50.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34241828,"duration_in_seconds":2853}]},{"id":"89907efa-783e-428f-a601-fc6c9fecde5d","title":"Stories of Gratitude","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/397","content_text":"This Thanksgiving Service, we come together as a church community to hear stories of gratitude from fellow New Lifers. Come celebrate with us as we give thanks!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Thanksgiving Service, we come together as a church community to hear stories of gratitude from fellow New Lifers. Come celebrate with us as we give thanks!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Thanksgiving Service, we come together as a church community to hear stories of gratitude from fellow New Lifers. Come celebrate with us as we give thanks!","date_published":"2021-11-23T19:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/89907efa-783e-428f-a601-fc6c9fecde5d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33280104,"duration_in_seconds":2773}]},{"id":"0fa67909-fd29-4f38-9a2a-ec6848b2e48f","title":"Jesus: The True King","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/396","content_text":"Jesus is the perfect King who wields true power and gives us a living example of what it means to belong to His kingdom.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus is the perfect King who wields true power and gives us a living example of what it means to belong to His kingdom.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus is the perfect King who wields true power and gives us a living example of what it means to belong to His kingdom.","date_published":"2021-11-16T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0fa67909-fd29-4f38-9a2a-ec6848b2e48f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25100120,"duration_in_seconds":2091}]},{"id":"87b55fe7-a70e-4d8b-ba5b-fed2b5f00921","title":"Jesus: The True Priest","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/395","content_text":"Pastor Sherin continues our series by focusing on Jesus as the True Priest. What does it mean to understand Jesus' ministry as a Priest? How does this affect our worship and our purpose in the world?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Sherin continues our series by focusing on Jesus as the True Priest. What does it mean to understand Jesus\u0026#39; ministry as a Priest? How does this affect our worship and our purpose in the world?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Sherin continues our series by focusing on Jesus as the True Priest. What does it mean to understand Jesus' ministry as a Priest? How does this affect our worship and our purpose in the world?","date_published":"2021-11-07T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/87b55fe7-a70e-4d8b-ba5b-fed2b5f00921.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37180290,"duration_in_seconds":3098}]},{"id":"36bfdbda-4702-49a9-9232-d56e1cf58fcd","title":"Jesus: Prophet, Priest \u0026 King","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/394","content_text":"This Sunday we start a new 3-week series entitled, Jesus: Prophet, Priest, and King. We take a good look at the three main offices in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on Jesus as the True Prophet. We learn about the significance of this for our worship, and for the way God calls us to live in the world. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we start a new 3-week series entitled, Jesus: Prophet, Priest, and King. We take a good look at the three main offices in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on Jesus as the True Prophet. We learn about the significance of this for our worship, and for the way God calls us to live in the world. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we start a new 3-week series entitled, Jesus: Prophet, Priest, and King. We take a good look at the three main offices in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Pastor Rich kicks off our series focusing on Jesus as the True Prophet. We learn about the significance of this for our worship, and for the way God calls us to live in the world. ","date_published":"2021-10-31T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/36bfdbda-4702-49a9-9232-d56e1cf58fcd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35337600,"duration_in_seconds":2944}]},{"id":"97bc57c4-d9d9-4a88-b856-423a38d8ad6a","title":"The Deeply Formed Life: Missional Presence","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/393","content_text":"This Sunday we bring our Deeply Formed Life series to a close. Pastor Rich preaches on our value of Missional Presence. In this message we will hear the powerful truth of God's action in the world and how we are invited to participate in it.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we bring our Deeply Formed Life series to a close. Pastor Rich preaches on our value of Missional Presence. In this message we will hear the powerful truth of God\u0026#39;s action in the world and how we are invited to participate in it.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we bring our Deeply Formed Life series to a close. Pastor Rich preaches on our value of Missional Presence. In this message we will hear the powerful truth of God's action in the world and how we are invited to participate in it.","date_published":"2021-10-27T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/97bc57c4-d9d9-4a88-b856-423a38d8ad6a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34021728,"duration_in_seconds":2835}]},{"id":"c2757fc4-fbfb-40dd-be51-92e62e76d3ff","title":"The Deeply Formed Life: Sexual Wholeness","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/392","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on The Deeply Formed Life. This series has walked us through the 5 Values that have shaped New Life Fellowship for many years. We explore the value of Sexual Wholeness (or Marriage to Christ). This is a topic that requires prayerful exploration and nuance. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on The Deeply Formed Life. This series has walked us through the 5 Values that have shaped New Life Fellowship for many years. We explore the value of Sexual Wholeness (or Marriage to Christ). This is a topic that requires prayerful exploration and nuance. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on The Deeply Formed Life. This series has walked us through the 5 Values that have shaped New Life Fellowship for many years. We explore the value of Sexual Wholeness (or Marriage to Christ). This is a topic that requires prayerful exploration and nuance. ","date_published":"2021-10-21T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c2757fc4-fbfb-40dd-be51-92e62e76d3ff.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37974528,"duration_in_seconds":3164}]},{"id":"d1619335-9531-4554-94ce-233f7a8a570a","title":"The Deeply Formed Life: Emotional Health","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/391","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series through The Deeply Formed Life. We explore the call to live fully human lives as we pay attention to our interior world—in particular, our emotions.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series through The Deeply Formed Life. We explore the call to live fully human lives as we pay attention to our interior world—in particular, our emotions.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series through The Deeply Formed Life. We explore the call to live fully human lives as we pay attention to our interior world—in particular, our emotions.","date_published":"2021-10-10T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d1619335-9531-4554-94ce-233f7a8a570a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34743168,"duration_in_seconds":2895}]},{"id":"538797ad-a072-4ba2-8e11-57d3eef0951f","title":"The Deeply Formed Life: Racial Reconciliation","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/390","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through The Deeply Formed Life. In this series, we are exploring the 5 values that have formed New Life Fellowship over 3 decades. We focus on Racial Reconciliation this Sunday. In a world that continues to be marked by racial hostility, injustice, and fragmentation, we will hear a vision for our individual and community life that will help us show what is possible when Jesus is at the center.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through The Deeply Formed Life. In this series, we are exploring the 5 values that have formed New Life Fellowship over 3 decades. We focus on Racial Reconciliation this Sunday. In a world that continues to be marked by racial hostility, injustice, and fragmentation, we will hear a vision for our individual and community life that will help us show what is possible when Jesus is at the center.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through The Deeply Formed Life. In this series, we are exploring the 5 values that have formed New Life Fellowship over 3 decades. We focus on Racial Reconciliation this Sunday. In a world that continues to be marked by racial hostility, injustice, and fragmentation, we will hear a vision for our individual and community life that will help us show what is possible when Jesus is at the center.","date_published":"2021-10-06T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/538797ad-a072-4ba2-8e11-57d3eef0951f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36089103,"duration_in_seconds":3007}]},{"id":"a4ee410e-af43-454f-abdd-150cce010508","title":"Contemplative Rhythms","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/389","content_text":"Pastor Rich starts week 1 of our Deeply Formed Life series. He explores the importance of cultivating contemplative rhythms for an exhausted world. We look to Jesus as one who lived with a rhythm that sustained the work He gave Himself to.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich starts week 1 of our Deeply Formed Life series. He explores the importance of cultivating contemplative rhythms for an exhausted world. We look to Jesus as one who lived with a rhythm that sustained the work He gave Himself to.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich starts week 1 of our Deeply Formed Life series. He explores the importance of cultivating contemplative rhythms for an exhausted world. We look to Jesus as one who lived with a rhythm that sustained the work He gave Himself to.","date_published":"2021-09-26T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a4ee410e-af43-454f-abdd-150cce010508.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33990912,"duration_in_seconds":2832}]},{"id":"adb46037-178d-4b2c-a346-f1e7b65f787c","title":"The Deeply Formed Church","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/388","content_text":"This Sunday is VISION SUNDAY. Every September, we take a Sunday to be reminded about who we are as a community, and what God has called us to in this moment. In this sermon, we hear a fresh word about our congregational identity and the invitations God has for us.\n\nNEXT STEPS: https://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\nGIVE: https://newlife.nyc/give/","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday is VISION SUNDAY. Every September, we take a Sunday to be reminded about who we are as a community, and what God has called us to in this moment. In this sermon, we hear a fresh word about our congregational identity and the invitations God has for us.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eNEXT STEPS: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\nGIVE: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/give/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/give/\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday is VISION SUNDAY. Every September, we take a Sunday to be reminded about who we are as a community, and what God has called us to in this moment. In this sermon, we hear a fresh word about our congregational identity and the invitations God has for us.\r\n\r\nNEXT STEPS: https://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\r\nGIVE: https://newlife.nyc/give/","date_published":"2021-09-19T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/adb46037-178d-4b2c-a346-f1e7b65f787c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32658048,"duration_in_seconds":2721}]},{"id":"b2cd9f3c-b8fe-47af-b462-f6fedfcf3536","title":"Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/387","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series on spiritual disciplines. He teaches on the often misunderstood discipline of fasting. You will receive important theology and practical ways to begin integrating this practice in your life.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series on spiritual disciplines. He teaches on the often misunderstood discipline of fasting. You will receive important theology and practical ways to begin integrating this practice in your life.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series on spiritual disciplines. He teaches on the often misunderstood discipline of fasting. You will receive important theology and practical ways to begin integrating this practice in your life.","date_published":"2021-09-08T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b2cd9f3c-b8fe-47af-b462-f6fedfcf3536.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37796256,"duration_in_seconds":3149}]},{"id":"1708910c-cf8b-4a81-805f-caa9cca9962e","title":"When There Is No Hope - Drew Hyun","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/386","content_text":"How do we manage through life when we face difficulty, suffering, and loss? How do we maintain hope in hopeless circumstances? We will examine how the early church persevered and even thrived in the midst of challenge and difficulty and how we can be equipped to persevere and press forward today.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHow do we manage through life when we face difficulty, suffering, and loss? How do we maintain hope in hopeless circumstances? We will examine how the early church persevered and even thrived in the midst of challenge and difficulty and how we can be equipped to persevere and press forward today.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"How do we manage through life when we face difficulty, suffering, and loss? How do we maintain hope in hopeless circumstances? We will examine how the early church persevered and even thrived in the midst of challenge and difficulty and how we can be equipped to persevere and press forward today.","date_published":"2021-08-30T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1708910c-cf8b-4a81-805f-caa9cca9962e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26345376,"duration_in_seconds":2195}]},{"id":"15ff38ae-89d3-4e03-9b10-494f63e37cc2","title":"Spiritual Disciplines: Confession","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/385","content_text":"This week, we will explore the discipline of Confession. We often have negative associations with confession, but Pastor Sherin will examine how this liberating practice can open us up to transformation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week, we will explore the discipline of Confession. We often have negative associations with confession, but Pastor Sherin will examine how this liberating practice can open us up to transformation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":" This week, we will explore the discipline of Confession. We often have negative associations with confession, but Pastor Sherin will examine how this liberating practice can open us up to transformation.\r\n\r\n","date_published":"2021-08-22T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/15ff38ae-89d3-4e03-9b10-494f63e37cc2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26511264,"duration_in_seconds":2209}]},{"id":"5df0d8a9-5021-48cc-a512-6d478648f62b","title":"Spiritual Disciplines: Serving","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/384","content_text":"Welcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Part 3 of our series on #SpiritualDisciplines is all about the important discipline of serving","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWelcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Part 3 of our series on #SpiritualDisciplines is all about the important discipline of serving\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Welcome to our Sunday Worship Gathering! Part 3 of our series on #SpiritualDisciplines is all about the important discipline of serving","date_published":"2021-08-15T06:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5df0d8a9-5021-48cc-a512-6d478648f62b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27982656,"duration_in_seconds":2331}]},{"id":"f8f1fe74-6044-4b80-ab8f-0e8b96c7a256","title":"Spiritual Disciplines: Meditation","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/383","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our summer series on Spiritual Disciplines. He preaches on the important discipline of meditation. This discipline has the potential to deepen our lives in Christ in significant ways.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our summer series on Spiritual Disciplines. He preaches on the important discipline of meditation. This discipline has the potential to deepen our lives in Christ in significant ways.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our summer series on Spiritual Disciplines. He preaches on the important discipline of meditation. This discipline has the potential to deepen our lives in Christ in significant ways.","date_published":"2021-08-08T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f8f1fe74-6044-4b80-ab8f-0e8b96c7a256.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34242624,"duration_in_seconds":2853}]},{"id":"4eca299f-4db7-4428-88b6-ef2a05a022d5","title":"Spiritual Disciplines: The Way of Silence","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/382","content_text":"Sometimes the thing we need most is the thing most difficult to achieve. This week join us as we explore The Way of Silence: what it means for us as individuals and as a community.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSometimes the thing we need most is the thing most difficult to achieve. This week join us as we explore The Way of Silence: what it means for us as individuals and as a community.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Sometimes the thing we need most is the thing most difficult to achieve. This week please join us as we explore The Way of Silence: what it means for us as individuals and as a community.","date_published":"2021-08-02T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4eca299f-4db7-4428-88b6-ef2a05a022d5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23491296,"duration_in_seconds":1957}]},{"id":"5ab15aa3-34af-4395-af88-0082d853b863","title":"The Promises of God: The Lord will Make His Way to You","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/381","content_text":"Have you ever felt far from God? The Lord promises that Jesus will make a way to you. In Luke 3:1-14, we read that no obstacle, no sin, not even God's wrath, will keep Jesus from coming near to you. We invite you meditate on Luke 3:1-14 to prepare your hearts to receive this promise.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHave you ever felt far from God? The Lord promises that Jesus will make a way to you. In Luke 3:1-14, we read that no obstacle, no sin, not even God\u0026#39;s wrath, will keep Jesus from coming near to you. We invite you meditate on Luke 3:1-14 to prepare your hearts to receive this promise.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Have you ever felt far from God? The Lord promises that Jesus will make a way to you. In Luke 3:1-14, we read that no obstacle, no sin, not even God's wrath, will keep Jesus from coming near to you. We invite you meditate on Luke 3:1-14 to prepare your hearts to receive this promise.","date_published":"2021-07-27T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5ab15aa3-34af-4395-af88-0082d853b863.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29866736,"duration_in_seconds":2488}]},{"id":"8ea85c43-cf98-4733-a4d7-36ef2c5d5742","title":"The Promises of God: The Lord is Good","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/380","content_text":"\"Good\" is a word with mixed meanings in our society today. What does it mean that God is good and how does this promise encourage and challenge us in the midst of the brokenness we see in our world and in our own lives?\n\nSermon questions available at [newlife.nyc](newlife.nyc)","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;Good\u0026quot; is a word with mixed meanings in our society today. What does it mean that God is good and how does this promise encourage and challenge us in the midst of the brokenness we see in our world and in our own lives?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eSermon questions available at [newlife.nyc](newlife.nyc)\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"\"Good\" is a word with mixed meanings in our society today. What does it mean that God is good and how does this promise encourage and challenge us in the midst of the brokenness we see in our world and in our own lives?","date_published":"2021-07-19T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8ea85c43-cf98-4733-a4d7-36ef2c5d5742.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31238208,"duration_in_seconds":2603}]},{"id":"b8279abb-6cf6-43c7-92f1-e97e8b70f576","title":"The Promises of God: The Lord is with You","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/379","content_text":"We continue to explore the promises of God. Throughout scripture, we are assured of God's presence. What does this promise mean for us today and how does this promise change the way we live?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue to explore the promises of God. Throughout scripture, we are assured of God\u0026#39;s presence. What does this promise mean for us today and how does this promise change the way we live?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We continue to explore the promises of God. Throughout scripture, we are assured of God's presence. What does this promise mean for us today and how does this promise change the way we live?","date_published":"2021-07-11T12:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b8279abb-6cf6-43c7-92f1-e97e8b70f576.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29446272,"duration_in_seconds":2453}]},{"id":"0dc790f0-667c-4abd-8596-b7cd3f33d541","title":"The Promises of God: The Lord will Sustain You","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/378","content_text":"This Sunday, we start a new summer series on The Promises of God. Pastor Rich leads us through Psalm 55, preaching on the promise that God will sustain us through the challenges of life. Take some time to read through this psalm.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we start a new summer series on The Promises of God. Pastor Rich leads us through Psalm 55, preaching on the promise that God will sustain us through the challenges of life. Take some time to read through this psalm.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we start a new summer series on The Promises of God. Pastor Rich leads us through Psalm 55, preaching on the promise that God will sustain us through the challenges of life. Take some time to read through this psalm.","date_published":"2021-07-04T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0dc790f0-667c-4abd-8596-b7cd3f33d541.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31527936,"duration_in_seconds":2627}]},{"id":"cb726e47-0a8e-46fb-be5e-98763db7352f","title":"Risen with Christ: Nothing Can Separate Us","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/377","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich wraps up our 11-week series through Romans 8. We focus on the soaring climax of Paul's theological focus. If you are curious or even doubtful of God's love, this sermon will give you a much needed change of perspective.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich wraps up our 11-week series through Romans 8. We focus on the soaring climax of Paul\u0026#39;s theological focus. If you are curious or even doubtful of God\u0026#39;s love, this sermon will give you a much needed change of perspective.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich wraps up our 11-week series through Romans 8. We focus on the soaring climax of Paul's theological focus. If you are curious or even doubtful of God's love, this sermon will give you a much needed change of perspective.","date_published":"2021-06-29T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/cb726e47-0a8e-46fb-be5e-98763db7352f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30238848,"duration_in_seconds":2519}]},{"id":"db86eb24-d6ad-4c07-8a7a-20e0c2bf92da","title":"Risen with Christ: God For Us","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/376","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through Romans 8. This is week 10. In this message, we will explore one of the greatest lines in all of the Bible--that God is for us. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through Romans 8. This is week 10. In this message, we will explore one of the greatest lines in all of the Bible--that God is for us. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through Romans 8. This is week 10. In this message, we will explore one of the greatest lines in all of the Bible--that God is for us. ","date_published":"2021-06-22T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/db86eb24-d6ad-4c07-8a7a-20e0c2bf92da.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30282336,"duration_in_seconds":2523}]},{"id":"d5361b19-e742-4f18-ad78-3a1cb33fb1ca","title":"Risen with Christ: From Groaning to Glory","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/375","content_text":"We often hear that God works all things for good but what does \"good\" mean? ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe often hear that God works all things for good but what does \u0026quot;good\u0026quot; mean? \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We often hear that God works all things for good but what does \"good\" mean? ","date_published":"2021-06-14T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d5361b19-e742-4f18-ad78-3a1cb33fb1ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26536896,"duration_in_seconds":2211}]},{"id":"82e6b431-6717-4eb7-8f59-62675b765e41","title":"Risen with Christ: Your Weakness is Your Strength","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/374","content_text":"In our world we are constantly receiving the message that to be \"someone\" means to be strong, never show weakness. But our God invites us to weakness. Join us this Sunday as we explore God's invitation to weakness and the hope that we find in the journey.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn our world we are constantly receiving the message that to be \u0026quot;someone\u0026quot; means to be strong, never show weakness. But our God invites us to weakness. Join us this Sunday as we explore God\u0026#39;s invitation to weakness and the hope that we find in the journey.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In our world we are constantly receiving the message that to be \"someone\" means to be strong, never show weakness. But our God invites us to weakness. Join us this Sunday as we explore God's invitation to weakness and the hope that we find in the journey.","date_published":"2021-06-07T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/82e6b431-6717-4eb7-8f59-62675b765e41.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24538464,"duration_in_seconds":2044}]},{"id":"72f1f659-761d-451d-a5d9-69381368088c","title":"Risen with Christ: Groaning and Hoping","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/373","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through Romans 8. He explores the important connection we have between groaning and hoping. In a world marked by so much groaning, we are called to enter into it, but to do so from a place of hope. If you find yourself groaning in some area of your life, this sermon will serve you well.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through Romans 8. He explores the important connection we have between groaning and hoping. In a world marked by so much groaning, we are called to enter into it, but to do so from a place of hope. If you find yourself groaning in some area of your life, this sermon will serve you well.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series through Romans 8. He explores the important connection we have between groaning and hoping. In a world marked by so much groaning, we are called to enter into it, but to do so from a place of hope. If you find yourself groaning in some area of your life, this sermon will serve you well.","date_published":"2021-05-31T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/72f1f659-761d-451d-a5d9-69381368088c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29010816,"duration_in_seconds":2417}]},{"id":"c1beb93c-7c2e-4466-963d-472b414ebb8f","title":"Our Purpose and the Revealing of the Children of God","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/372","content_text":"We have been exploring what it means to be Risen with Christ. It is our new identity. But what is the purpose of our new identity? This Sunday, you will be reminded of, and be encouraged by, your purpose as a child of God. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe have been exploring what it means to be Risen with Christ. It is our new identity. But what is the purpose of our new identity? This Sunday, you will be reminded of, and be encouraged by, your purpose as a child of God. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We have been exploring what it means to be Risen with Christ. It is our new identity. But what is the purpose of our new identity? This Sunday, you will be reminded of, and be encouraged by, your purpose as a child of God. ","date_published":"2021-05-23T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c1beb93c-7c2e-4466-963d-472b414ebb8f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29501280,"duration_in_seconds":2458}]},{"id":"e4ee945c-b584-496f-9743-e3035ce12abd","title":"Risen with Christ: Adopted Children in God's Family","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/371","content_text":"On Sunday we continue our study of Romans 8. In this week's passage, Paul uses the metaphor of adoption to explain our new life in Christ. Pastor Sherin explores our identity as a child in God's family and how it liberates us from fear and condemnation. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn Sunday we continue our study of Romans 8. In this week\u0026#39;s passage, Paul uses the metaphor of adoption to explain our new life in Christ. Pastor Sherin explores our identity as a child in God\u0026#39;s family and how it liberates us from fear and condemnation. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"On Sunday we continue our study of Romans 8. In this week's passage, Paul uses the metaphor of adoption to explain our new life in Christ. Pastor Sherin explores our identity as a child in God's family and how it liberates us from fear and condemnation. ","date_published":"2021-05-17T15:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e4ee945c-b584-496f-9743-e3035ce12abd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22635936,"duration_in_seconds":1886}]},{"id":"ed15b8c7-79f1-4177-af6a-720e3aea8f50","title":"Risen with Christ: Our Obligation","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/370","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues to explore Romans 8. He examines the critical connection between acceptance and obedience, which is core to the gospel and our lives in God. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich continues to explore Romans 8. He examines the critical connection between acceptance and obedience, which is core to the gospel and our lives in God. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues to explore Romans 8. He examines the critical connection between acceptance and obedience, which is core to the gospel and our lives in God. ","date_published":"2021-05-10T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ed15b8c7-79f1-4177-af6a-720e3aea8f50.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27545472,"duration_in_seconds":2295}]},{"id":"c00fe56e-ebc2-4987-bf03-5ec85cd49426","title":"Risen with Christ - Living in Accordance with the Spirit","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/369","content_text":"In this third part of our series through Romans 8, Pastor Rich explores the mindset that leads to the kind of life we all long for. We pay close attention to the Apostle Paul's flow of thinking and how people who have been set free through Christ are to find new levels of freedom. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this third part of our series through Romans 8, Pastor Rich explores the mindset that leads to the kind of life we all long for. We pay close attention to the Apostle Paul\u0026#39;s flow of thinking and how people who have been set free through Christ are to find new levels of freedom. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this third part of our series through Romans 8, Pastor Rich explores the mindset that leads to the kind of life we all long for. We pay close attention to the Apostle Paul's flow of thinking and how people who have been set free through Christ are to find new levels of freedom. ","date_published":"2021-05-05T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c00fe56e-ebc2-4987-bf03-5ec85cd49426.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28570176,"duration_in_seconds":2380}]},{"id":"9b29e37e-ae87-45f3-bc2d-e013abc6a30d","title":"Hope for the Next Generation","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/368","content_text":"There is great hope for the next generation and it can be found in one place. This week we'll talk about the secret sauce to reaching the next generation. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThere is great hope for the next generation and it can be found in one place. This week we\u0026#39;ll talk about the secret sauce to reaching the next generation. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"There is great hope for the next generation and it can be found in one place. This week we'll talk about the secret sauce to reaching the next generation. ","date_published":"2021-04-26T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/9b29e37e-ae87-45f3-bc2d-e013abc6a30d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28160064,"duration_in_seconds":2346}]},{"id":"49cf4040-cce0-4d1c-8cbb-976b0cbc1464","title":"Risen With Christ: Doing What We Couldn't Do Before","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/367","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on Romans 8. He will preach through verses 2-4, exploring the new possibilities that Christ has secured for us. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on Romans 8. He will preach through verses 2-4, exploring the new possibilities that Christ has secured for us. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich continues our series on Romans 8. He will preach through verses 2-4, exploring the new possibilities that Christ has secured for us. ","date_published":"2021-04-21T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/49cf4040-cce0-4d1c-8cbb-976b0cbc1464.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29704032,"duration_in_seconds":2475}]},{"id":"fcbd1e6a-05f2-4461-968a-c270a228d0bf","title":"Risen with Christ: No Condemnation","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/366","content_text":"This Sunday we start a new 10-week series through Romans 8. This is one of the most theologically packed and beautiful chapters in the entire Bible. Pastor Rich kicks off the series focusing on the gospel truth that there is no condemnation for those in Christ. He explores the ways this can lead to freedom in the ways we see ourselves.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we start a new 10-week series through Romans 8. This is one of the most theologically packed and beautiful chapters in the entire Bible. Pastor Rich kicks off the series focusing on the gospel truth that there is no condemnation for those in Christ. He explores the ways this can lead to freedom in the ways we see ourselves.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we start a new 10-week series through Romans 8. This is one of the most theologically packed and beautiful chapters in the entire Bible. Pastor Rich kicks off the series focusing on the gospel truth that there is no condemnation for those in Christ. He explores the ways this can lead to freedom in the ways we see ourselves.","date_published":"2021-04-12T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/fcbd1e6a-05f2-4461-968a-c270a228d0bf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29381472,"duration_in_seconds":2448}]},{"id":"743b0950-0a79-408f-9b42-e06f47e85e01","title":"Unmute Yourself: A Palm Sunday Reflection","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/364","content_text":"Finding yourself on mute doesn’t just happen on zoom video calls. It happens in our homes, our cities and in our world. Whether it’s the cries of minorities or the pain of the marginalized, many voices are placed on mute. But on this Palm Sunday, we see how the plan of God through Christ empowers us to unmute ourselves.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFinding yourself on mute doesn’t just happen on zoom video calls. It happens in our homes, our cities and in our world. Whether it’s the cries of minorities or the pain of the marginalized, many voices are placed on mute. But on this Palm Sunday, we see how the plan of God through Christ empowers us to unmute ourselves.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Finding yourself on mute doesn’t just happen on zoom video calls. It happens in our homes, our cities and in our world. Whether it’s the cries of minorities or the pain of the marginalized, many voices are placed on mute. But on this Palm Sunday, we see how the plan of God through Christ empowers us to unmute ourselves.","date_published":"2021-03-29T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/743b0950-0a79-408f-9b42-e06f47e85e01.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23227200,"duration_in_seconds":1935}]},{"id":"c2cecbd6-915e-4dc9-bcd2-91032a10bf7f","title":"Reconciliation and Restoration","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/363","content_text":"In this final sermon in the book of Job, Pastor Rich teaches on the hopeful and gracious ending that offers us many lessons as we navigate through pain and difficulty. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final sermon in the book of Job, Pastor Rich teaches on the hopeful and gracious ending that offers us many lessons as we navigate through pain and difficulty. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this final sermon in the book of Job, Pastor Rich teaches on the hopeful and gracious ending that offers us many lessons as we navigate through pain and difficulty. ","date_published":"2021-03-21T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c2cecbd6-915e-4dc9-bcd2-91032a10bf7f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30024724,"duration_in_seconds":2502}]},{"id":"65fde604-19fe-41de-868e-0e26b10a7c06","title":"God Speaks in the Whirlwind","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/362","content_text":"This Sunday, we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich preaches on one of the most majestic, and possibly frustrating chapters, in the Bible. We will learn the surprising way how God responded to Job in his time of grief and questioning, and what it means for our lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich preaches on one of the most majestic, and possibly frustrating chapters, in the Bible. We will learn the surprising way how God responded to Job in his time of grief and questioning, and what it means for our lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich preaches on one of the most majestic, and possibly frustrating chapters, in the Bible. We will learn the surprising way how God responded to Job in his time of grief and questioning, and what it means for our lives.","date_published":"2021-03-15T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/65fde604-19fe-41de-868e-0e26b10a7c06.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29242656,"duration_in_seconds":2436}]},{"id":"c4ddf0db-3ee1-4742-bf2a-8b54598926c9","title":"Theology Gone Bad","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/361","content_text":"This Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich explores what might be the most important theme of this book--the faulty theology of Job's friends. The ancient theology they espouse is deeply ingrained in the hearts of many people. Pastor Rich highlights this theology and offers an alternative way of understanding God and making sense of our pain. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich explores what might be the most important theme of this book--the faulty theology of Job\u0026#39;s friends. The ancient theology they espouse is deeply ingrained in the hearts of many people. Pastor Rich highlights this theology and offers an alternative way of understanding God and making sense of our pain. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich explores what might be the most important theme of this book--the faulty theology of Job's friends. The ancient theology they espouse is deeply ingrained in the hearts of many people. Pastor Rich highlights this theology and offers an alternative way of understanding God and making sense of our pain. ","date_published":"2021-03-08T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c4ddf0db-3ee1-4742-bf2a-8b54598926c9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28728864,"duration_in_seconds":2394}]},{"id":"713fa88d-3340-41f9-b064-75f46d24d8fe","title":"Job's Dark Night","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/360","content_text":"This Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich focuses on one of the speeches of Job. This is a speech that teaches us a great deal about ways we respond to suffering, and how God meets us in grace. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich focuses on one of the speeches of Job. This is a speech that teaches us a great deal about ways we respond to suffering, and how God meets us in grace. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we continue our Lenten series through the book of Job. Pastor Rich focuses on one of the speeches of Job. This is a speech that teaches us a great deal about ways we respond to suffering, and how God meets us in grace. ","date_published":"2021-03-02T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/713fa88d-3340-41f9-b064-75f46d24d8fe.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26455680,"duration_in_seconds":2204}]},{"id":"ba5c5a34-3e7d-41da-ac20-b6dd98bf5c1b","title":"Suffering: Asking How Instead of Why","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/359","content_text":"As we continue to explore the book of Job in this Lenten season, we consider the initial response of Job's friends as his suffering escalates. In light of this passage, Pastor Sherin considers whether the most pressing question in times of mourning isn't why we suffer, but rather \"How can we persevere in times of suffering?\" How might this question lead us to be better companions to those experiencing sorrow and grief?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we continue to explore the book of Job in this Lenten season, we consider the initial response of Job\u0026#39;s friends as his suffering escalates. In light of this passage, Pastor Sherin considers whether the most pressing question in times of mourning isn\u0026#39;t why we suffer, but rather \u0026quot;How can we persevere in times of suffering?\u0026quot; How might this question lead us to be better companions to those experiencing sorrow and grief?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As we continue to explore the book of Job in this Lenten season, we consider the initial response of Job's friends as his suffering escalates. In light of this passage, Pastor Sherin considers whether the most pressing question in times of mourning isn't why we suffer, but rather \"How can we persevere in times of suffering?\" How might this question lead us to be better companions to those experiencing sorrow and grief?","date_published":"2021-02-22T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ba5c5a34-3e7d-41da-ac20-b6dd98bf5c1b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27605664,"duration_in_seconds":2300}]},{"id":"3ee4ba37-4e0f-477c-a921-5ba3ea24bb1d","title":"Finding God Through Suffering","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/358","content_text":"To kick off the Lenten season we are beginning a new series through the book of Job. This Sunday, Pastor Rich gives an overview of the book of Job, and offers a way to respond to the pain and suffering that often comes our way. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTo kick off the Lenten season we are beginning a new series through the book of Job. This Sunday, Pastor Rich gives an overview of the book of Job, and offers a way to respond to the pain and suffering that often comes our way. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To kick off the Lenten season we are beginning a new series through the book of Job. This Sunday, Pastor Rich gives an overview of the book of Job, and offers a way to respond to the pain and suffering that often comes our way. ","date_published":"2021-02-15T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3ee4ba37-4e0f-477c-a921-5ba3ea24bb1d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32277312,"duration_in_seconds":2689}]},{"id":"866dbe83-041b-43f6-8d50-9bd1ec11bd87","title":"Life Together: Making Room for the \"Other\"","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/357","content_text":"Hospitality in the Bible is quite different from how the word is used today. We will look at what it means in Scripture and how it draws us deeper into the love of God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHospitality in the Bible is quite different from how the word is used today. We will look at what it means in Scripture and how it draws us deeper into the love of God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hospitality in the Bible is quite different from how the word is used today. We will look at what it means in Scripture and how it draws us deeper into the love of God.","date_published":"2021-02-08T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/866dbe83-041b-43f6-8d50-9bd1ec11bd87.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32067936,"duration_in_seconds":2672}]},{"id":"87541118-74a8-4f0f-8d3a-4cde9a61d1e5","title":"Life Together: The Way of Forgiveness","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/356","content_text":"The topic of forgiveness is one that we need to revisit regularly, as it makes or breaks community life. This Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches a message on the healing act of forgiveness. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe topic of forgiveness is one that we need to revisit regularly, as it makes or breaks community life. This Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches a message on the healing act of forgiveness. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The topic of forgiveness is one that we need to revisit regularly, as it makes or breaks community life. This Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches a message on the healing act of forgiveness. ","date_published":"2021-02-01T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/87541118-74a8-4f0f-8d3a-4cde9a61d1e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29894112,"duration_in_seconds":2491}]},{"id":"3329a2c2-dc69-4502-856f-6c940603dc17","title":"Life Together: Dealing with Conflict","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/355","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series called Life Together. We take a look at one of the most important stories in the Bible that helps us navigate the conflicts we come across. We will gain some insights as to how to work through conflict in a way that is marked by love, integrity, and the way of Jesus. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series called Life Together. We take a look at one of the most important stories in the Bible that helps us navigate the conflicts we come across. We will gain some insights as to how to work through conflict in a way that is marked by love, integrity, and the way of Jesus. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series called Life Together. We take a look at one of the most important stories in the Bible that helps us navigate the conflicts we come across. We will gain some insights as to how to work through conflict in a way that is marked by love, integrity, and the way of Jesus. ","date_published":"2021-01-25T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3329a2c2-dc69-4502-856f-6c940603dc17.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35682624,"duration_in_seconds":2973}]},{"id":"eed63423-94f2-469b-8e81-246909c11e87","title":"Life Together: Drawing Near to One Another","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/354","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series on the importance and power of community. To start the series, we look at an important passage from the book of Hebrews on the call to draw near to one another. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series on the importance and power of community. To start the series, we look at an important passage from the book of Hebrews on the call to draw near to one another. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series on the importance and power of community. To start the series, we look at an important passage from the book of Hebrews on the call to draw near to one another. ","date_published":"2021-01-18T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/eed63423-94f2-469b-8e81-246909c11e87.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28937123,"duration_in_seconds":2410}]},{"id":"c20bc39e-b0c7-44cf-8b47-02791c1a42e6","title":"Not Forsaking Our Baptism","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/353","content_text":"In response to this past week's riot on the Capitol, Pastor Rich preaches from Romans 6 as a word of encouragement to the church community.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn response to this past week\u0026#39;s riot on the Capitol, Pastor Rich preaches from Romans 6 as a word of encouragement to the church community.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In response to this past week's riot on the Capitol, Pastor Rich preaches from Romans 6 as a word of encouragement to the church community.","date_published":"2021-01-11T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c20bc39e-b0c7-44cf-8b47-02791c1a42e6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32333794,"duration_in_seconds":2693}]},{"id":"87eebb8d-7d9e-4847-bd37-c540913dac01","title":"Giving Thought to our Ways: The 4 Most Important Questions for a Spiritually Healthy 2021","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/352","content_text":"The first Sunday of the year is a good time to make conscious changes and build new habits to ground us in God's love. This Sunday Pastor Rich offers 4 of the most important questions we need to ask ourselves as we launch into a new year. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe first Sunday of the year is a good time to make conscious changes and build new habits to ground us in God\u0026#39;s love. This Sunday Pastor Rich offers 4 of the most important questions we need to ask ourselves as we launch into a new year. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The first Sunday of the year is a good time to make conscious changes and build new habits to ground us in God's love. This Sunday Pastor Rich offers 4 of the most important questions we need to ask ourselves as we launch into a new year. ","date_published":"2021-01-03T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/87eebb8d-7d9e-4847-bd37-c540913dac01.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27798029,"duration_in_seconds":2315}]},{"id":"9c6e37f4-a619-456a-92af-0662b98e459e","title":"The Road Ahead","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/351","content_text":"The end of the year is here - but what does the Road Ahead mean for us? Join us this Sunday as we explore the journey \"alone and together\" through the eyes of the gospel writer Luke and the disciples on the Emmaus Road.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe end of the year is here - but what does the Road Ahead mean for us? Join us this Sunday as we explore the journey \u0026quot;alone and together\u0026quot; through the eyes of the gospel writer Luke and the disciples on the Emmaus Road.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The end of the year is here - but what does the Road Ahead mean for us? Join us this Sunday as we explore the journey \"alone and together\" through the eyes of the gospel writer Luke and the disciples on the Emmaus Road.","date_published":"2020-12-27T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/9c6e37f4-a619-456a-92af-0662b98e459e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18644113,"duration_in_seconds":1553}]},{"id":"0df60819-6bc3-48ab-a7f0-7cd31077841f","title":"Waiting with Isaiah: God With Us","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/350","content_text":"In this final Advent sermon of 2020, Pastor Rich preaches on the 3 most important words of the season--God with us. In a world marked by pain, isolation, and fear, these words demonstrate the heart of God, as well as the call to live faithfully in this world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final Advent sermon of 2020, Pastor Rich preaches on the 3 most important words of the season--God with us. In a world marked by pain, isolation, and fear, these words demonstrate the heart of God, as well as the call to live faithfully in this world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this final Advent sermon of 2020, Pastor Rich preaches on the 3 most important words of the season--God with us. In a world marked by pain, isolation, and fear, these words demonstrate the heart of God, as well as the call to live faithfully in this world.","date_published":"2020-12-20T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0df60819-6bc3-48ab-a7f0-7cd31077841f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27458181,"duration_in_seconds":2287}]},{"id":"2ca3dc22-666d-4102-b123-c85dd40c7c72","title":"Waiting with Isaiah: God Speaks in the Dark","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/349","content_text":"On this third week of Advent we anchor our joy in the spoken promises of God - not because we see their fulfillment just yet, but because of the reliability of the One who speaks these words into the dark.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn this third week of Advent we anchor our joy in the spoken promises of God - not because we see their fulfillment just yet, but because of the reliability of the One who speaks these words into the dark.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"On this third week of Advent we anchor our joy in the spoken promises of God - not because we see their fulfillment just yet, but because of the reliability of the One who speaks these words into the dark.","date_published":"2020-12-14T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2ca3dc22-666d-4102-b123-c85dd40c7c72.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20597151,"duration_in_seconds":1715}]},{"id":"967dcca8-41eb-4333-843e-43ec572d0543","title":"Waiting with Isaiah: Comfort, my people","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/348","content_text":"This Sunday, Pastor Sherin continues our Advent series by exploring Isaiah 40. As Israel moves into a long period of exile, how does God sustain his people as they wait?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, Pastor Sherin continues our Advent series by exploring Isaiah 40. As Israel moves into a long period of exile, how does God sustain his people as they wait?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, Pastor Sherin continues our Advent series by exploring Isaiah 40. As Israel moves into a long period of exile, how does God sustain his people as they wait?","date_published":"2020-12-07T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/967dcca8-41eb-4333-843e-43ec572d0543.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27986455,"duration_in_seconds":2331}]},{"id":"542871b2-b87f-4972-a7b7-782b31a4af4a","title":"Advent - Waiting with Isaiah","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/347","content_text":"Today marks the beginning of the Advent season, a time of preparation for Christmas. During Advent we fix our attention on the coming of God in Christ. For the next four weeks we will journey with Isaiah the prophet, listening to his words of hope in a world marked by darkness, sin and injustice. This Sunday, Pastor Rich teaches on a vision Isaiah saw of the coming Messiah, and the hope this vision brings to our lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday marks the beginning of the Advent season, a time of preparation for Christmas. During Advent we fix our attention on the coming of God in Christ. For the next four weeks we will journey with Isaiah the prophet, listening to his words of hope in a world marked by darkness, sin and injustice. This Sunday, Pastor Rich teaches on a vision Isaiah saw of the coming Messiah, and the hope this vision brings to our lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Today marks the beginning of the Advent season, a time of preparation for Christmas. During Advent we fix our attention on the coming of God in Christ. For the next four weeks we will journey with Isaiah the prophet, listening to his words of hope in a world marked by darkness, sin and injustice. This Sunday, Pastor Rich teaches on a vision Isaiah saw of the coming Messiah, and the hope this vision brings to our lives. ","date_published":"2020-12-01T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/542871b2-b87f-4972-a7b7-782b31a4af4a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31318966,"duration_in_seconds":2609}]},{"id":"4217241b-4415-4790-9b0c-137abad9316a","title":"Facing Trouble in the World","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/346","content_text":"We live in turbulent and troubling times. Covid spread, economic hardship, racial unrest, and political uncertainty are some of our present realities. How do the words of Christ empower us to face trouble in our world? This Sunday, A. Redd Sevilla, Launch Pastor of New Life East, will explore the answer to this question. We invite you to read John 16 and 17.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe live in turbulent and troubling times. Covid spread, economic hardship, racial unrest, and political uncertainty are some of our present realities. How do the words of Christ empower us to face trouble in our world? This Sunday, A. Redd Sevilla, Launch Pastor of New Life East, will explore the answer to this question. We invite you to read John 16 and 17.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We live in turbulent and troubling times. Covid spread, economic hardship, racial unrest, and political uncertainty are some of our present realities. How do the words of Christ empower us to face trouble in our world? This Sunday, A. Redd Sevilla, Launch Pastor of New Life East, will explore the answer to this question. We invite you to read John 16 and 17.","date_published":"2020-11-17T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4217241b-4415-4790-9b0c-137abad9316a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24150640,"duration_in_seconds":2012}]},{"id":"8be7e966-6a8e-4a83-8ced-d2284acfab0e","title":"Resisting Powers and Principalities","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/345","content_text":"In this final sermon from our God, Politics and The Church series, Pastor Rich examines the powers often hidden behind the chaos of our world. This message will help us recognize the larger battles before us and what it means to be faithful to Jesus in this polarized, political world. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final sermon from our God, Politics and The Church series, Pastor Rich examines the powers often hidden behind the chaos of our world. This message will help us recognize the larger battles before us and what it means to be faithful to Jesus in this polarized, political world. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this final sermon from our God, Politics and The Church series, Pastor Rich examines the powers often hidden behind the chaos of our world. This message will help us recognize the larger battles before us and what it means to be faithful to Jesus in this polarized, political world. ","date_published":"2020-11-09T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8be7e966-6a8e-4a83-8ced-d2284acfab0e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31441436,"duration_in_seconds":2619}]},{"id":"0f609f7f-c0d6-4b51-87a3-a86aa68ce939","title":"An Alternative Community","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/344","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our God, Politics and the Church series with a call to remember our prophetic and counter cultural call to be a different kind of community. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our God, Politics and the Church series with a call to remember our prophetic and counter cultural call to be a different kind of community. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our God, Politics and the Church series with a call to remember our prophetic and counter cultural call to be a different kind of community. ","date_published":"2020-11-02T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0f609f7f-c0d6-4b51-87a3-a86aa68ce939.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32172517,"duration_in_seconds":2680}]},{"id":"f0e576a6-103e-4ca7-8abd-41a27ed144aa","title":"Resisting the Politics of Fear","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/343","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich leads us to consider the ways fear is used as a strategy to perpetuate hostility and division. We will learn how to love well in ways that resist fear and promote healing in our world. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich leads us to consider the ways fear is used as a strategy to perpetuate hostility and division. We will learn how to love well in ways that resist fear and promote healing in our world. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich leads us to consider the ways fear is used as a strategy to perpetuate hostility and division. We will learn how to love well in ways that resist fear and promote healing in our world. \r\n","date_published":"2020-10-26T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f0e576a6-103e-4ca7-8abd-41a27ed144aa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33441190,"duration_in_seconds":2786}]},{"id":"4def53cc-bd4a-486c-9106-38cc24f2da25","title":"God, Politics and the Church — Disordered Attachments","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/342","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the ways politics takes a place in our lives that damages our relationship with God and each other. He spends time teaching on “political enmeshment” and how to faithfully engage politics without losing our distinctive call to follow Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the ways politics takes a place in our lives that damages our relationship with God and each other. He spends time teaching on “political enmeshment” and how to faithfully engage politics without losing our distinctive call to follow Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the ways politics takes a place in our lives that damages our relationship with God and each other. He spends time teaching on “political enmeshment” and how to faithfully engage politics without losing our distinctive call to follow Jesus.","date_published":"2020-10-20T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4def53cc-bd4a-486c-9106-38cc24f2da25.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29935450,"duration_in_seconds":2494}]},{"id":"2a7e4fee-08a5-4225-a0b5-8d5ff3f209d1","title":"God, Politics, and the Church","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/341","content_text":"This week, we begin a new sermon series on \"God, Politics, and the Church.\" In a world caught in political hostility, the call to be Christ-followers is desperately needed. Pastor Rich offers a vision of Christian formation that helps us resist political entanglements, while bearing witness to the healing power of Jesus for the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week, we begin a new sermon series on \u0026quot;God, Politics, and the Church.\u0026quot; In a world caught in political hostility, the call to be Christ-followers is desperately needed. Pastor Rich offers a vision of Christian formation that helps us resist political entanglements, while bearing witness to the healing power of Jesus for the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week, we begin a new sermon series on \"God, Politics, and the Church.\" In a world caught in political hostility, the call to be Christ-followers is desperately needed. Pastor Rich offers a vision of Christian formation that helps us resist political entanglements, while bearing witness to the healing power of Jesus for the world.","date_published":"2020-10-12T14:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2a7e4fee-08a5-4225-a0b5-8d5ff3f209d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29378992,"duration_in_seconds":2447}]},{"id":"aa9fc3c4-95fd-437e-bd6e-3bda78d866d3","title":"The Wilderness as God's Classroom","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/340","content_text":"At times, we find ourselves in a wilderness - seasons of waiting, transition, living with limits and the in-between. The wilderness in our lives provides a liminal space where God’s activity and invitation is more present than we may see.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAt times, we find ourselves in a wilderness - seasons of waiting, transition, living with limits and the in-between. The wilderness in our lives provides a liminal space where God’s activity and invitation is more present than we may see.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"At times, we find ourselves in a wilderness - seasons of waiting, transition, living with limits and the in-between. The wilderness in our lives provides a liminal space where God’s activity and invitation is more present than we may see.\r\n","date_published":"2020-10-07T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/aa9fc3c4-95fd-437e-bd6e-3bda78d866d3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31188132,"duration_in_seconds":2598}]},{"id":"efe396b0-221d-47d7-acd2-dd180344dd27","title":"Vision Sunday: Becoming Who You Already Are","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/339","content_text":"Every September, we take the time to re-explore our Vision as a Church family. This Vision Sunday, Pastor Rich offers fresh insight into the kind of life that God calls us into. A life marked by particular values, rhythms and practices. \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEvery September, we take the time to re-explore our Vision as a Church family. This Vision Sunday, Pastor Rich offers fresh insight into the kind of life that God calls us into. A life marked by particular values, rhythms and practices. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/sermon-questions-09.20.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Every September, we take the time to re-explore our Vision as a Church family. This Vision Sunday, Pastor Rich offers fresh insight into the kind of life that God calls us into. A life marked by particular values, rhythms and practices. ","date_published":"2020-09-21T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/efe396b0-221d-47d7-acd2-dd180344dd27.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25599914,"duration_in_seconds":2132}]},{"id":"bc6a400f-caca-4084-9bf8-73a26d363db0","title":"Making Space to Grieve Our Losses","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/338","content_text":"Pastor Rich leads us in a special message to help us pay attention to our losses. It's often the case that we don't take time to grieve, and as result, we miss important opportunities for God's healing and grace to meet us. This service has contemplative elements to it, so please make space in your home to be attentive to God and ourselves during our time of worship. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich leads us in a special message to help us pay attention to our losses. It\u0026#39;s often the case that we don\u0026#39;t take time to grieve, and as result, we miss important opportunities for God\u0026#39;s healing and grace to meet us. This service has contemplative elements to it, so please make space in your home to be attentive to God and ourselves during our time of worship. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich leads us in a special message to help us pay attention to our losses. It's often the case that we don't take time to grieve, and as result, we miss important opportunities for God's healing and grace to meet us. This service has contemplative elements to it, so please make space in your home to be attentive to God and ourselves during our time of worship. ","date_published":"2020-09-16T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/bc6a400f-caca-4084-9bf8-73a26d363db0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31070800,"duration_in_seconds":2588}]},{"id":"f9ef142c-4bab-4413-b48d-a448b6bb4797","title":"Four Big Learnings: 10 Years of New Life CDC","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/337","content_text":"A. Redd Sevilla has transitioned to lead the launch of New Life East, a new NLF congregation in Long Island. This Sunday he shares a reflection on 4 big learnings as the Director of New Life CDC over the past decade. If you seek to live a life marked by service, you will gain from his insight.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA. Redd Sevilla has transitioned to lead the launch of New Life East, a new NLF congregation in Long Island. This Sunday he shares a reflection on 4 big learnings as the Director of New Life CDC over the past decade. If you seek to live a life marked by service, you will gain from his insight.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A. Redd Sevilla has transitioned to lead the launch of New Life East, a new NLF congregation in Long Island. This Sunday he shares a reflection on 4 big learnings as the Director of New Life CDC over the past decade. If you seek to live a life marked by service, you will gain from his insight.","date_published":"2020-09-08T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f9ef142c-4bab-4413-b48d-a448b6bb4797.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44302481,"duration_in_seconds":3164}]},{"id":"ea8a88ae-e124-4302-a49a-90cc5340344e","title":"The Foundation of the Church","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/336","content_text":"Pastor Rich preaches on a foundational truth that Jesus announces about the Church. This truth will help us to recognize our role in being the Church, and remind us of who we are called to be in the world. \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich preaches on a foundational truth that Jesus announces about the Church. This truth will help us to recognize our role in being the Church, and remind us of who we are called to be in the world. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sermon-questions-08.30.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich preaches on a foundational truth that Jesus announces about the Church. This truth will help us to recognize our role in being the Church, and remind us of who we are called to be in the world. ","date_published":"2020-08-31T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ea8a88ae-e124-4302-a49a-90cc5340344e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26791734,"duration_in_seconds":2232}]},{"id":"511abf25-e08a-43f5-b990-4039a2045af9","title":"Church: The Temple of God","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/335","content_text":"The Temple in Jerusalem was central to worship before Jesus ushered in a new reality. How does this image help us to be the Church now, when we find ourselves scattered and unable to meet in the usual ways?\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Temple in Jerusalem was central to worship before Jesus ushered in a new reality. How does this image help us to be the Church now, when we find ourselves scattered and unable to meet in the usual ways?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sermon-questions-08.23.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Temple in Jerusalem was central to worship before Jesus ushered in a new reality. How does this image help us to be the Church now, when we find ourselves scattered and unable to meet in the usual ways?","date_published":"2020-08-24T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/511abf25-e08a-43f5-b990-4039a2045af9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23809783,"duration_in_seconds":1983}]},{"id":"7248143f-6df7-4d89-b220-bac79bfdc39e","title":"Church: Citizens of Heaven","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/334","content_text":"As the church we are called to live in the world by the values of heaven. When we do this the world around us gets to see what it looks like when heaven comes to earth. \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the church we are called to live in the world by the values of heaven. When we do this the world around us gets to see what it looks like when heaven comes to earth. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sermon-questions-08.16.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As the church we are called to live in the world by the values of heaven. When we do this the world around us gets to see what it looks like when heaven comes to earth. ","date_published":"2020-08-18T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/7248143f-6df7-4d89-b220-bac79bfdc39e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19180200,"duration_in_seconds":1597}]},{"id":"513a5f4a-e9b8-40c9-9b75-33539d12612b","title":"The Flock of Christ","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/333","content_text":"Though goats and sheep were common, God uses sheep as a reference to His people, all throughout Scripture. Though many of us may have little real-life experience with sheep or flocks, the word picture holds deep significance for followers of Jesus today, whether we are city or country dwellers. \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThough goats and sheep were common, God uses sheep as a reference to His people, all throughout Scripture. Though many of us may have little real-life experience with sheep or flocks, the word picture holds deep significance for followers of Jesus today, whether we are city or country dwellers. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sermon-questions-08.09.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Though goats and sheep were common, God uses sheep as a reference to His people, all throughout Scripture. Though many of us may have little real-life experience with sheep or flocks, the word picture holds deep significance for followers of Jesus today, whether we are city or country dwellers. ","date_published":"2020-08-10T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/513a5f4a-e9b8-40c9-9b75-33539d12612b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26310027,"duration_in_seconds":2191}]},{"id":"f6d6f7f9-ace1-47ce-8fb1-9d35b40993cb","title":"The Church as The Bride of Christ","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/332","content_text":"The Church is the Bride of Christ - but what does that mean for us today? How does it impact our lives and mission to the world?\n\nSERMON QUESTIONS: https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sermon-questions-8.2.2020.pdf","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Church is the Bride of Christ - but what does that mean for us today? How does it impact our lives and mission to the world?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eSERMON QUESTIONS: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sermon-questions-8.2.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/sermon-questions-8.2.2020.pdf\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Church is the Bride of Christ - but what does that mean for us today? How does it impact our lives and mission to the world?","date_published":"2020-08-03T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f6d6f7f9-ace1-47ce-8fb1-9d35b40993cb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24037021,"duration_in_seconds":2002}]},{"id":"410521e0-e823-49e6-b99a-e38033d423be","title":"Church as the Body of Christ","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/331","content_text":"We continue our series exploring the identity and mission of the Church. In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the Church as the Body of Christ. We take a look at Paul’s words to the church in Corinth and see how his message connects to our congregation in Queens.\n\nSERMON QUESTIONS: https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-questions-7.26.2020.pdf\n\nNEXT STEPS: https://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\n\nOFFERING: https://newlife.nyc/give\n\nPHASE 2 REOPENING FAQ: https://newlife.nyc/reopening_faq","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue our series exploring the identity and mission of the Church. In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the Church as the Body of Christ. We take a look at Paul’s words to the church in Corinth and see how his message connects to our congregation in Queens.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eSERMON QUESTIONS: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-questions-7.26.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-questions-7.26.2020.pdf\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eNEXT STEPS: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/nextsteps\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOFFERING: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/give\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/give\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003ePHASE 2 REOPENING FAQ: \u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/reopening_faq\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://newlife.nyc/reopening_faq\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We continue our series exploring the identity and mission of the Church. In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the Church as the Body of Christ. We take a look at Paul’s words to the church in Corinth and see how his message connects to our congregation in Queens.","date_published":"2020-07-28T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/410521e0-e823-49e6-b99a-e38033d423be.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28056880,"duration_in_seconds":2337}]},{"id":"5a8fd6c9-b887-4fe6-b12b-60e602b42aa9","title":"Church as Family","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/330","content_text":"Part 1 of our #Church series is all about the universal identity and mission of the Church. In this new world we find ourselves in, it’s important that we revisit the universal identity and mission of Church. In this sermon, Pastor Rich focuses on the “Church as Family.” \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart 1 of our #Church series is all about the universal identity and mission of the Church. In this new world we find ourselves in, it’s important that we revisit the universal identity and mission of Church. In this sermon, Pastor Rich focuses on the “Church as Family.” \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-questions-7.19.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part 1 of our #Church series is all about the universal identity and mission of the Church. In this new world we find ourselves in, it’s important that we revisit the universal identity and mission of Church. In this sermon, Pastor Rich focuses on the “Church as Family.” ","date_published":"2020-07-20T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5a8fd6c9-b887-4fe6-b12b-60e602b42aa9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26780387,"duration_in_seconds":2231}]},{"id":"167f080c-97db-4799-8840-4bc225c4ae69","title":"A Deeper Kind of Freedom","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/329","content_text":"Pastor Rich offers a sermon on the kind of freedom offered by Jesus—one that comes from above, is experienced within, and is expressed to the world. \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich offers a sermon on the kind of freedom offered by Jesus—one that comes from above, is experienced within, and is expressed to the world. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-questions-7.05.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":" Pastor Rich offers a sermon on the kind of freedom offered by Jesus—one that comes from above, is experienced within, and is expressed to the world. ","date_published":"2020-07-06T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/167f080c-97db-4799-8840-4bc225c4ae69.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23332145,"duration_in_seconds":1943}]},{"id":"8a66ec5a-1f4c-41f7-91ef-2b204cd34545","title":"Choosing Joy: Joy and Contentment","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/328","content_text":"In this final sermon in our series through Philippians, Pastor Rich preaches on the connection between joy and contentment. In a world often marked by discontentment and coveting, we will explore the forces within us, and outside of us, that hinder our joy.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final sermon in our series through Philippians, Pastor Rich preaches on the connection between joy and contentment. In a world often marked by discontentment and coveting, we will explore the forces within us, and outside of us, that hinder our joy.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/sermon-questions-6.28.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this final sermon in our series through Philippians, Pastor Rich preaches on the connection between joy and contentment. In a world often marked by discontentment and coveting, we will explore the forces within us, and outside of us, that hinder our joy.","date_published":"2020-07-01T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8a66ec5a-1f4c-41f7-91ef-2b204cd34545.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27821504,"duration_in_seconds":2317}]},{"id":"413bcec3-45ca-4c0d-bf5c-8738f97d9313","title":"Choosing Joy: A New Ambition","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/327","content_text":"We’ve all got ambition for something, in some cases it drives us to reach goals and build our lives. But is there something else we can be ambitious for that will impact our lives in deeper ways? Paul points us to a new ambition that leads us to the life we were all made for. \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’ve all got ambition for something, in some cases it drives us to reach goals and build our lives. But is there something else we can be ambitious for that will impact our lives in deeper ways? Paul points us to a new ambition that leads us to the life we were all made for. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/sermon-questions-6.7.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We’ve all got ambition for something, in some cases it drives us to reach goals and build our lives. But is there something else we can be ambitious for that will impact our lives in deeper ways? Paul points us to a new ambition that leads us to the life we were all made for. ","date_published":"2020-06-08T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/413bcec3-45ca-4c0d-bf5c-8738f97d9313.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24632119,"duration_in_seconds":2052}]},{"id":"c7b0cb03-a233-4dcc-b910-b658d724953a","title":"Choosing Joy: Joyful Confidence","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/326","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our series through Philippians. In this part of the letter, Paul is addressing \"joy-killers\" that come in the form of misplaced confidence. We will learn what it means to place our confidence in the right things that produce joy.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our series through Philippians. In this part of the letter, Paul is addressing \u0026quot;joy-killers\u0026quot; that come in the form of misplaced confidence. We will learn what it means to place our confidence in the right things that produce joy.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/sermon-questions-5.31.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our series through Philippians. In this part of the letter, Paul is addressing \"joy-killers\" that come in the form of misplaced confidence. We will learn what it means to place our confidence in the right things that produce joy.","date_published":"2020-06-01T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c7b0cb03-a233-4dcc-b910-b658d724953a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28132996,"duration_in_seconds":2343}]},{"id":"dda07607-c033-4e3d-959c-453b34b52f85","title":"Joyful Service: The Anti-Grumbling Vaccine","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/325","content_text":"In this pandemic, we find ourselves in high stress environments at home, at work or in our own neighborhoods. We observe much suffering around us. There is much reason to complain and grumble. Yet what the world needs now is an anti-grumbling vaccine. What we need is a joyful service that imparts hope in a hurting world.\n\nPhilippians 2 shows us how we build this into our lives.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this pandemic, we find ourselves in high stress environments at home, at work or in our own neighborhoods. We observe much suffering around us. There is much reason to complain and grumble. Yet what the world needs now is an anti-grumbling vaccine. What we need is a joyful service that imparts hope in a hurting world.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003ePhilippians 2 shows us how we build this into our lives.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/sermon-questions-5.24.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this pandemic, we find ourselves in high stress environments at home, at work or in our own neighborhoods. We observe much suffering around us. There is much reason to complain and grumble. Yet what the world needs now is an anti-grumbling vaccine. What we need is a joyful service that imparts hope in a hurting world.\r\n\r\nPhilippians 2 shows us how we build this into our lives.","date_published":"2020-05-25T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/dda07607-c033-4e3d-959c-453b34b52f85.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32648903,"duration_in_seconds":2720}]},{"id":"746c7ac0-f97e-4003-b0cd-c3ee744166ac","title":"Choosing Joy: Joyful Unity","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/324","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our series through Philippians. We focus on the joy that comes through unity of mind and spirit. Pastor Rich helps us wade through the issues that often divide people inside and outside the church. The call to unity is a fruit of something deeper. Pastor Rich explores what's beneath the surface.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our series through Philippians. We focus on the joy that comes through unity of mind and spirit. Pastor Rich helps us wade through the issues that often divide people inside and outside the church. The call to unity is a fruit of something deeper. Pastor Rich explores what\u0026#39;s beneath the surface.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/sermon-questions-5.17.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our series through Philippians. We focus on the joy that comes through unity of mind and spirit. Pastor Rich helps us wade through the issues that often divide people inside and outside the church. The call to unity is a fruit of something deeper. Pastor Rich explores what's beneath the surface.","date_published":"2020-05-18T10:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/746c7ac0-f97e-4003-b0cd-c3ee744166ac.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20036881,"duration_in_seconds":1669}]},{"id":"e2a9557b-4768-4a79-af95-f5c3492cb513","title":"Choosing Joy: The Bigger Picture","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/323","content_text":"Pastor Sherin continues our sermon series exploring Paul's letter to the Philippians. The apostle Paul cultivated joy as he faced uncertainty, suffering and even death. What insights can we gain from his life, and how can they guide us toward joy in this current crisis?\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Sherin continues our sermon series exploring Paul\u0026#39;s letter to the Philippians. The apostle Paul cultivated joy as he faced uncertainty, suffering and even death. What insights can we gain from his life, and how can they guide us toward joy in this current crisis?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/sermon-questions-5.10.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Sherin continues our sermon series exploring Paul's letter to the Philippians. The apostle Paul cultivated joy as he faced uncertainty, suffering and even death. What insights can we gain from his life, and how can they guide us toward joy in this current crisis?","date_published":"2020-05-11T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e2a9557b-4768-4a79-af95-f5c3492cb513.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22183207,"duration_in_seconds":1848}]},{"id":"5a88317a-20f9-4e91-8034-35b0ad43c54f","title":"Grace and Peace","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/322","content_text":"This Sunday we start a new sermon series through the book of Philippians. Over the next two months we will find guidance from the Apostle Paul in navigating the difficulties of life while still choosing joy. This week Pastor Rich explores the connection between 3 words: Joy, Grace, and Peace.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday we start a new sermon series through the book of Philippians. Over the next two months we will find guidance from the Apostle Paul in navigating the difficulties of life while still choosing joy. This week Pastor Rich explores the connection between 3 words: Joy, Grace, and Peace.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/sermon-questions-4.26.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday we start a new sermon series through the book of Philippians. Over the next two months we will find guidance from the Apostle Paul in navigating the difficulties of life while still choosing joy. This week Pastor Rich explores the connection between 3 words: Joy, Grace, and Peace.","date_published":"2020-04-27T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5a88317a-20f9-4e91-8034-35b0ad43c54f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28940166,"duration_in_seconds":2411}]},{"id":"2f7d81c0-7906-4e82-bc60-e2278c14cb76","title":"Breakfast and Grace","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/321","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on one of the encounters Jesus had with his first disciples after the resurrection. Jesus graciously offers them breakfast. We explore what this gesture communicates in our relationship with God. As a way of preparing for the sermon, please read the passage and consider preparing a good breakfast to enjoy before the service or during the sermon!\n\nText: John 21:1-14\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on one of the encounters Jesus had with his first disciples after the resurrection. Jesus graciously offers them breakfast. We explore what this gesture communicates in our relationship with God. As a way of preparing for the sermon, please read the passage and consider preparing a good breakfast to enjoy before the service or during the sermon!\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eText: John 21:1-14\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/sermon-questions-4.19.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on one of the encounters Jesus had with his first disciples after the resurrection. Jesus graciously offers them breakfast. We explore what this gesture communicates in our relationship with God. As a way of preparing for the sermon, please read the passage and consider preparing a good breakfast to enjoy before the service or during the sermon!","date_published":"2020-04-20T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2f7d81c0-7906-4e82-bc60-e2278c14cb76.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28331468,"duration_in_seconds":2360}]},{"id":"6d6230ef-ecc9-4337-823e-3a7d3fb69317","title":"Easter Sunday: The God Who Finds Us","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/320","content_text":"Pastor Rich preaches on the best news in the world: Jesus is alive! We look at one of the great stories in scripture that connects to our current reality in the pandemic we are in.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich preaches on the best news in the world: Jesus is alive! We look at one of the great stories in scripture that connects to our current reality in the pandemic we are in.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/sermon-questions-4.12.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich preaches on the best news in the world: Jesus is alive! We look at one of the great stories in scripture that connects to our current reality in the pandemic we are in.","date_published":"2020-04-13T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6d6230ef-ecc9-4337-823e-3a7d3fb69317.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25737550,"duration_in_seconds":2144}]},{"id":"02ba91f8-8123-4173-aea9-84e4537d639b","title":"Triumph and a Donkey","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/319","content_text":"A baby donkey and the short-lived affections of a crowd seem to have little to point towards triumph. Yet the way Jesus enters Jerusalem gives good news that is for all and stretches us as we consider who He is.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA baby donkey and the short-lived affections of a crowd seem to have little to point towards triumph. Yet the way Jesus enters Jerusalem gives good news that is for all and stretches us as we consider who He is.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/sermon-questions-4.5.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A baby donkey and the short-lived affections of a crowd seem to have little to point towards triumph. Yet the way Jesus enters Jerusalem gives good news that is for all and stretches us as we consider who He is.","date_published":"2020-04-06T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/02ba91f8-8123-4173-aea9-84e4537d639b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22161296,"duration_in_seconds":1846}]},{"id":"71abbd1c-8cab-4565-96f6-2db15c918724","title":"Humility: Jesus Calms The Storm","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/318","content_text":"Pastor Rich offers a word on receiving the peace Jesus offers in the midst of a storm. As our city continues to reel from the ongoing effects of Covid-19, we need to hear a word from God about our individual and collective response. Pastor Rich offers a word of encouragement to keep us grounded in the hope and peace that comes through Jesus.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich offers a word on receiving the peace Jesus offers in the midst of a storm. As our city continues to reel from the ongoing effects of Covid-19, we need to hear a word from God about our individual and collective response. Pastor Rich offers a word of encouragement to keep us grounded in the hope and peace that comes through Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/sermon-questions-3.29.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich offers a word on receiving the peace Jesus offers in the midst of a storm. As our city continues to reel from the ongoing effects of Covid-19, we need to hear a word from God about our individual and collective response. Pastor Rich offers a word of encouragement to keep us grounded in the hope and peace that comes through Jesus.","date_published":"2020-03-30T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/71abbd1c-8cab-4565-96f6-2db15c918724.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22850510,"duration_in_seconds":1903}]},{"id":"dd87f010-9c4c-4aaf-bb4d-3ca21ba3b212","title":"Cultivating Presence in a World of Social Distancing","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/317","content_text":"This Sunday, we gather again to worship from our homes. Pastor Rich preaches on what it means to cultivate presence with God, each other ,and ourselves during this time. We will take a break from our Humility series to focus in on what God seems to be saying to our church.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday, we gather again to worship from our homes. Pastor Rich preaches on what it means to cultivate presence with God, each other ,and ourselves during this time. We will take a break from our Humility series to focus in on what God seems to be saying to our church.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday, we gather again to worship from our homes. Pastor Rich preaches on what it means to cultivate presence with God, each other ,and ourselves during this time. We will take a break from our Humility series to focus in on what God seems to be saying to our church.","date_published":"2020-03-23T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/dd87f010-9c4c-4aaf-bb4d-3ca21ba3b212.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25763300,"duration_in_seconds":2146}]},{"id":"01e9f585-11cd-4807-8024-74d72cbf6ec1","title":"Humility: I Don't Need to Hide","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/316","content_text":"The story of the garden is a beautiful, poetic unfolding of God's love and heart for us. It is the story of humanity - it is your story and my story.\nJoin us as we explore the connection between the hidden life of humility and \"being seen\" as the beloved of Christ.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe story of the garden is a beautiful, poetic unfolding of God\u0026#39;s love and heart for us. It is the story of humanity - it is your story and my story.\u003cbr\u003e\nJoin us as we explore the connection between the hidden life of humility and \u0026quot;being seen\u0026quot; as the beloved of Christ.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The story of the garden is a beautiful, poetic unfolding of God's love and heart for us. It is the story of humanity - it is your story and my story.\r\nJoin us as we explore the connection between the hidden life of humility and \"being seen\" as the beloved of Christ.","date_published":"2020-03-16T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/01e9f585-11cd-4807-8024-74d72cbf6ec1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23795469,"duration_in_seconds":1982}]},{"id":"d2102773-4e39-47d5-9d65-7aa772de779d","title":"Humility: I Have Blind Spots","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/315","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our series on humility, focusing on the story of the blind man who was healed by Jesus. The story shows how we can become overconfident in our ability to see, and fail to humbly receive perspective outside of ourselves. Humility, however, declares that we all have blind spots.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our series on humility, focusing on the story of the blind man who was healed by Jesus. The story shows how we can become overconfident in our ability to see, and fail to humbly receive perspective outside of ourselves. Humility, however, declares that we all have blind spots.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our series on humility, focusing on the story of the blind man who was healed by Jesus. The story shows how we can become overconfident in our ability to see, and fail to humbly receive perspective outside of ourselves. Humility, however, declares that we all have blind spots.","date_published":"2020-03-02T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d2102773-4e39-47d5-9d65-7aa772de779d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32855257,"duration_in_seconds":2737}]},{"id":"70eb760f-6a2a-4e6a-9fc8-d6f923a77ac9","title":"Humility: I Need to Change","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/314","content_text":"In this third sermon in our series on humility, Pastor Sherin will explore a passage from 1 John, helping us to understand why change is a critical part of our walk with Christ.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this third sermon in our series on humility, Pastor Sherin will explore a passage from 1 John, helping us to understand why change is a critical part of our walk with Christ.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this third sermon in our series on humility, Pastor Sherin will explore a passage from 1 John, helping us to understand why change is a critical part of our walk with Christ.","date_published":"2020-02-24T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/70eb760f-6a2a-4e6a-9fc8-d6f923a77ac9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26937676,"duration_in_seconds":2244}]},{"id":"b8cc0e69-41ec-4732-84a3-4bdfb42b0669","title":"Humility: Have Mercy on Me","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/313","content_text":"In this second sermon on humility, Pastor Rich leads us through the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. You will learn how our ongoing confession for mercy is one of the ways God forms humility in us.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this second sermon on humility, Pastor Rich leads us through the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. You will learn how our ongoing confession for mercy is one of the ways God forms humility in us.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/sermon-questions-2.16.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this second sermon on humility, Pastor Rich leads us through the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. You will learn how our ongoing confession for mercy is one of the ways God forms humility in us.","date_published":"2020-02-17T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b8cc0e69-41ec-4732-84a3-4bdfb42b0669.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26030289,"duration_in_seconds":2168}]},{"id":"a39b322b-62ce-4ea0-85be-2bc50c737557","title":"Humility: The Way Up is Down","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/312","content_text":"We begin a new 9-week series on the theme of Humility. Pastor Rich leads us through Philippians 2--a passage of scripture known as the Christ hymn. Rich gives us an overview of the series and explore how Jesus models and invites us into a life marked by humility. This series will have important implications for all of our relationships. \n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe begin a new 9-week series on the theme of Humility. Pastor Rich leads us through Philippians 2--a passage of scripture known as the Christ hymn. Rich gives us an overview of the series and explore how Jesus models and invites us into a life marked by humility. This series will have important implications for all of our relationships. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/sermon-questions-2.9.2020.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We begin a new 9-week series on the theme of Humility. Pastor Rich leads us through Philippians 2--a passage of scripture known as the Christ hymn. Rich gives us an overview of the series and explore how Jesus models and invites us into a life marked by humility. This series will have important implications for all of our relationships. ","date_published":"2020-02-10T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a39b322b-62ce-4ea0-85be-2bc50c737557.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38246053,"duration_in_seconds":3186}]},{"id":"b597f4a3-03e2-436f-9681-de28458b55fa","title":"Morality or Jesus? - Matt Manno","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/311","content_text":"Almost everyone has a desire to be a good person, but have you taken a moment to consider what informs your faith? Is it our morality that determines our faith or is it Jesus? This week we'll explore the differences between morality and a relationship with Jesus as well as look at what Christ is calling us to.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAlmost everyone has a desire to be a good person, but have you taken a moment to consider what informs your faith? Is it our morality that determines our faith or is it Jesus? This week we\u0026#39;ll explore the differences between morality and a relationship with Jesus as well as look at what Christ is calling us to.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Almost everyone has a desire to be a good person, but have you taken a moment to consider what informs your faith? Is it our morality that determines our faith or is it Jesus? This week we'll explore the differences between morality and a relationship with Jesus as well as look at what Christ is calling us to.","date_published":"2020-02-06T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b597f4a3-03e2-436f-9681-de28458b55fa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28657298,"duration_in_seconds":2387}]},{"id":"bc070bca-b301-4415-a29e-e51a2206f90b","title":"Sacramental Living: Finding God in the Ugly","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/310","content_text":"We continue last week’s talk about finding God in all aspects of life. Yes, God can be found in the everyday. But what about in government and politics? Can the presence of God be found amidst the ugliness and division we read about and watch in media? The book of Genesis will provide insight on the kind of posture we can take to truly find God everywhere.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue last week’s talk about finding God in all aspects of life. Yes, God can be found in the everyday. But what about in government and politics? Can the presence of God be found amidst the ugliness and division we read about and watch in media? The book of Genesis will provide insight on the kind of posture we can take to truly find God everywhere.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We continue last week’s talk about finding God in all aspects of life. Yes, God can be found in the everyday. But what about in government and politics? Can the presence of God be found amidst the ugliness and division we read about and watch in media? The book of Genesis will provide insight on the kind of posture we can take to truly find God everywhere.","date_published":"2020-01-27T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/bc070bca-b301-4415-a29e-e51a2206f90b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35852855,"duration_in_seconds":2987}]},{"id":"d6e65f82-1417-417a-903b-4c9acadaf3d7","title":"Sacramental Living: God is in this place","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/309","content_text":"In this third sermon from our Sacramental Living series, Pastor Rich preaches about the ways we miss God in ordinary moments. Using the story of Jacob, we will learn about growing in awareness of God's presence in the everyday, tangible realities of life. The hope is that we would see all of life as moments to meet God, refusing to compartmentalize our faith.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this third sermon from our Sacramental Living series, Pastor Rich preaches about the ways we miss God in ordinary moments. Using the story of Jacob, we will learn about growing in awareness of God\u0026#39;s presence in the everyday, tangible realities of life. The hope is that we would see all of life as moments to meet God, refusing to compartmentalize our faith.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this third sermon from our Sacramental Living series, Pastor Rich preaches about the ways we miss God in ordinary moments. Using the story of Jacob, we will learn about growing in awareness of God's presence in the everyday, tangible realities of life. The hope is that we would see all of life as moments to meet God, refusing to compartmentalize our faith.","date_published":"2020-01-20T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d6e65f82-1417-417a-903b-4c9acadaf3d7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33505668,"duration_in_seconds":2791}]},{"id":"1707b6b5-b26e-4450-b1f6-651d730979c6","title":"Sacramental Living: Remembering Our Baptism","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/308","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches through the sacrament of baptism. Whether you have already been baptized, or are considering it, this message explores what God seeks to do for and in us through our baptism. Our baptism is to impact every aspect of our lives, and our witness to Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches through the sacrament of baptism. Whether you have already been baptized, or are considering it, this message explores what God seeks to do for and in us through our baptism. Our baptism is to impact every aspect of our lives, and our witness to Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches through the sacrament of baptism. Whether you have already been baptized, or are considering it, this message explores what God seeks to do for and in us through our baptism. Our baptism is to impact every aspect of our lives, and our witness to Jesus.","date_published":"2020-01-13T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1707b6b5-b26e-4450-b1f6-651d730979c6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29126798,"duration_in_seconds":2426}]},{"id":"ded2a550-0727-4403-86af-eb45b114fb38","title":"Sacramental Living: The Bread and the Cup","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/307","content_text":"We will begin the new year with a focus on the sacraments. Last Sunday, Pastor Rich preached on the significance of The Lord's Table, and how the bread and the cup are to shape our lives. We also took communion after the sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe will begin the new year with a focus on the sacraments. Last Sunday, Pastor Rich preached on the significance of The Lord\u0026#39;s Table, and how the bread and the cup are to shape our lives. We also took communion after the sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We will begin the new year with a focus on the sacraments. Last Sunday, Pastor Rich preached on the significance of The Lord's Table, and how the bread and the cup are to shape our lives. We also took communion after the sermon.","date_published":"2020-01-08T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ded2a550-0727-4403-86af-eb45b114fb38.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34916049,"duration_in_seconds":2909}]},{"id":"9f113641-4e81-4217-a931-7ddebb11198a","title":"Joseph: A Story of Grace","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/306","content_text":"Joseph doesn't have much said about him in scripture and he doesn't have a song. But the story of Grace told through his life is still miraculous for us today.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoseph doesn\u0026#39;t have much said about him in scripture and he doesn\u0026#39;t have a song. But the story of Grace told through his life is still miraculous for us today.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Joseph doesn't have much said about him in scripture and he doesn't have a song. But the story of Grace told through his life is still miraculous for us today.","date_published":"2019-12-30T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/9f113641-4e81-4217-a931-7ddebb11198a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24838219,"duration_in_seconds":2069}]},{"id":"27085954-575d-466e-880b-f8ab6b27e4cd","title":"Advent: The Song of Simeon","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/305","content_text":"In this final week of Advent, we take a closer look at the life of Simeon as he waited for the Messiah. Pastor Sherin explores Simeon's encounter with Jesus when he is presented at the temple, and his response of praise.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final week of Advent, we take a closer look at the life of Simeon as he waited for the Messiah. Pastor Sherin explores Simeon\u0026#39;s encounter with Jesus when he is presented at the temple, and his response of praise.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/sermon-questions-12.22.19.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this final week of Advent, we take a closer look at the life of Simeon as he waited for the Messiah. Pastor Sherin explores Simeon's encounter with Jesus when he is presented at the temple, and his response of praise.","date_published":"2019-12-23T18:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/27085954-575d-466e-880b-f8ab6b27e4cd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28743833,"duration_in_seconds":2394}]},{"id":"3d8e8e7d-26c8-4cfb-8fa4-a9a26cdd6ac3","title":"Advent: The Angels' Song","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/304","content_text":"In this Advent sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the song the Angels sang when Christ was born. The lyrics to this song hold together two themes that are to mark our relationship with God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this Advent sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the song the Angels sang when Christ was born. The lyrics to this song hold together two themes that are to mark our relationship with God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this Advent sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the song the Angels sang when Christ was born. The lyrics to this song hold together two themes that are to mark our relationship with God.","date_published":"2019-12-16T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3d8e8e7d-26c8-4cfb-8fa4-a9a26cdd6ac3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34585828,"duration_in_seconds":2881}]},{"id":"8fe1049c-d2f1-4c5f-b803-af44440625c8","title":"The Song of Zechariah","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/303","content_text":"In this second week of Advent, Pastor Rich preaches on Zechariah's song. Zechariah's story is one of waiting on God, and being surprised by God's faithfulness. As we wait for God to intervene in our lives, Zechariah (and his wife Elizabeth) teach us so much. Read through Zechariah's song and the background of his story in Luke 1:5-23. \n\nSermon Notes","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this second week of Advent, Pastor Rich preaches on Zechariah\u0026#39;s song. Zechariah\u0026#39;s story is one of waiting on God, and being surprised by God\u0026#39;s faithfulness. As we wait for God to intervene in our lives, Zechariah (and his wife Elizabeth) teach us so much. Read through Zechariah\u0026#39;s song and the background of his story in Luke 1:5-23. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/sermon-questions-12.8.19.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Notes\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this second week of Advent, Pastor Rich preaches on Zechariah's song. Zechariah's story is one of waiting on God, and being surprised by God's faithfulness. As we wait for God to intervene in our lives, Zechariah (and his wife Elizabeth) teach us so much. Read through Zechariah's song and the background of his story in Luke 1:5-23. ","date_published":"2019-12-09T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8fe1049c-d2f1-4c5f-b803-af44440625c8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31890326,"duration_in_seconds":2656}]},{"id":"c3abaccc-7518-48ee-9d45-db55e01bd4cc","title":"Advent: The Song of Mary","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/302","content_text":"On the first Sunday in Advent, Pastor Rich preaches through the song of Mary. \n\nAdvent is a time of waiting for God's coming in Christ. As we wait, we look with hope and expectation for the world that God will create when Christ finally reigns. Mary's song gives us a glimpse of this world to come.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn the first Sunday in Advent, Pastor Rich preaches through the song of Mary. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eAdvent is a time of waiting for God\u0026#39;s coming in Christ. As we wait, we look with hope and expectation for the world that God will create when Christ finally reigns. Mary\u0026#39;s song gives us a glimpse of this world to come.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"On the first Sunday in Advent, Pastor Rich preaches through the song of Mary. \r\n\r\nAdvent is a time of waiting for God's coming in Christ. As we wait, we look with hope and expectation for the world that God will create when Christ finally reigns. Mary's song gives us a glimpse of this world to come.","date_published":"2019-12-05T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c3abaccc-7518-48ee-9d45-db55e01bd4cc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31010619,"duration_in_seconds":2583}]},{"id":"66d6d829-69d8-44c4-ac15-96c59c15fbb3","title":"Stories of Gratitude and Hope","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/301","content_text":"This Thanksgiving season, New Lifers share stories of gratitude, hope, and the ways God has moved in their life.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Thanksgiving season, New Lifers share stories of gratitude, hope, and the ways God has moved in their life.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Thanksgiving season, New Lifers share stories of gratitude, hope, and the ways God has moved in their life.","date_published":"2019-11-25T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/66d6d829-69d8-44c4-ac15-96c59c15fbb3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36985394,"duration_in_seconds":3081}]},{"id":"4f2b0b5a-f7e6-4ddc-a31d-4f73dc520e5d","title":"How We Got Here: A New Story","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/300","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the call of Abraham, and the way God uses him to see the world restored. In Genesis 12, we see a new story of hope and blessing that responds to the stories of brokenness and pain in Genesis 1-11. As we explore this text, we will see the ways God calls us into a new future, marked by a journey of trust.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the call of Abraham, and the way God uses him to see the world restored. In Genesis 12, we see a new story of hope and blessing that responds to the stories of brokenness and pain in Genesis 1-11. As we explore this text, we will see the ways God calls us into a new future, marked by a journey of trust.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the call of Abraham, and the way God uses him to see the world restored. In Genesis 12, we see a new story of hope and blessing that responds to the stories of brokenness and pain in Genesis 1-11. As we explore this text, we will see the ways God calls us into a new future, marked by a journey of trust.","date_published":"2019-11-18T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4f2b0b5a-f7e6-4ddc-a31d-4f73dc520e5d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44287129,"duration_in_seconds":3162}]},{"id":"ae635bed-1aef-4649-a72a-70baf7669c67","title":"How We Got Here: Put Down Your Bricks","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/299","content_text":"In this final sermon from our \"How We Got Here\" series, Pastor Rich preaches on the famous story of the Tower of Babel. Rich explores the two problems that marked the building of this tower, and how these two problems continue to impact our lives and world in significant ways. The hope is that we will choose to build a life in obedience and partnership with God, for the sake of the world.\n\nSermon Questions","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final sermon from our \u0026quot;How We Got Here\u0026quot; series, Pastor Rich preaches on the famous story of the Tower of Babel. Rich explores the two problems that marked the building of this tower, and how these two problems continue to impact our lives and world in significant ways. The hope is that we will choose to build a life in obedience and partnership with God, for the sake of the world.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/sermon-questions-11.10.19.pdf=_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this final sermon from our \"How We Got Here\" series, Pastor Rich preaches on the famous story of the Tower of Babel. Rich explores the two problems that marked the building of this tower, and how these two problems continue to impact our lives and world in significant ways. The hope is that we will choose to build a life in obedience and partnership with God, for the sake of the world.","date_published":"2019-11-11T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ae635bed-1aef-4649-a72a-70baf7669c67.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35267491,"duration_in_seconds":2938}]},{"id":"15f745dd-e91a-4979-a3c3-72f49ac4c206","title":"How We Got Here: Our Sin and Faithfulness","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/298","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores one of the most famous stories in the entire Bible. He teaches on Noah's Ark and the Flood. Like the previous sermons on Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel, Noah's story is our story. Our world consistently feels like it's under water, and we need a way to rise above it. Pastor Rich shares how our lives are deeply connected to this story, and how God wants to use us to see a world reborn.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores one of the most famous stories in the entire Bible. He teaches on Noah\u0026#39;s Ark and the Flood. Like the previous sermons on Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel, Noah\u0026#39;s story is our story. Our world consistently feels like it\u0026#39;s under water, and we need a way to rise above it. Pastor Rich shares how our lives are deeply connected to this story, and how God wants to use us to see a world reborn.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores one of the most famous stories in the entire Bible. He teaches on Noah's Ark and the Flood. Like the previous sermons on Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel, Noah's story is our story. Our world consistently feels like it's under water, and we need a way to rise above it. Pastor Rich shares how our lives are deeply connected to this story, and how God wants to use us to see a world reborn.","date_published":"2019-11-04T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/15f745dd-e91a-4979-a3c3-72f49ac4c206.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37241269,"duration_in_seconds":3102}]},{"id":"2970af55-4d88-47cd-89a4-355f49727238","title":"CDC Sunday: Shalom of the City and the Shalom of Self","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/297","content_text":"We put a pause on our regular series in order to make room for New Life CDC Sunday. This Sunday we highlight the work of our CDC (community development corporation) among the poor and marginalized.\n\nJeremiah 29:1-14\n\nGod gives the people of God the mandate to seek the shalom (peace and prosperity) of the city. He says if the city does well, His people will do well. Sadly, this mandate is easily drowned out by the shalom of the self. In Jeremiah 29, God shows how he moves his people toward the pursuit of shalom for all.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe put a pause on our regular series in order to make room for New Life CDC Sunday. This Sunday we highlight the work of our CDC (community development corporation) among the poor and marginalized.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eJeremiah 29:1-14\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eGod gives the people of God the mandate to seek the shalom (peace and prosperity) of the city. He says if the city does well, His people will do well. Sadly, this mandate is easily drowned out by the shalom of the self. In Jeremiah 29, God shows how he moves his people toward the pursuit of shalom for all.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We put a pause on our regular series in order to make room for New Life CDC Sunday. This Sunday we highlight the work of our CDC (community development corporation) among the poor and marginalized.\r\n\r\nJeremiah 29:1-14\r\n\r\nGod gives the people of God the mandate to seek the shalom (peace and prosperity) of the city. He says if the city does well, His people will do well. Sadly, this mandate is easily drowned out by the shalom of the self. In Jeremiah 29, God shows how he moves his people toward the pursuit of shalom for all.","date_published":"2019-10-28T12:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2970af55-4d88-47cd-89a4-355f49727238.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34829917,"duration_in_seconds":2901}]},{"id":"35cf2b4c-e4f1-451a-8a6d-f735002d6d61","title":"How We Got Here: The Destructive Power of Jealousy","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/296","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our short series on the origins of our brokenness. He preaches from the famous story of Cain and Abel, highlighting the ways jealousy has damaged our world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our short series on the origins of our brokenness. He preaches from the famous story of Cain and Abel, highlighting the ways jealousy has damaged our world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our short series on the origins of our brokenness. He preaches from the famous story of Cain and Abel, highlighting the ways jealousy has damaged our world.","date_published":"2019-10-24T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/35cf2b4c-e4f1-451a-8a6d-f735002d6d61.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35655298,"duration_in_seconds":2970}]},{"id":"c410ae70-ccef-4091-8de9-5973160490e5","title":"How We Got Here: Taking and Receiving","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/295","content_text":"In this new sermon series, Pastor Rich explores the origin story of sin and how this story continues to be lived out in our lives and our world. Rich also explores the ways God offers freedom and healing to us as we become people who freely receive.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this new sermon series, Pastor Rich explores the origin story of sin and how this story continues to be lived out in our lives and our world. Rich also explores the ways God offers freedom and healing to us as we become people who freely receive.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this new sermon series, Pastor Rich explores the origin story of sin and how this story continues to be lived out in our lives and our world. Rich also explores the ways God offers freedom and healing to us as we become people who freely receive.","date_published":"2019-10-14T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c410ae70-ccef-4091-8de9-5973160490e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36053421,"duration_in_seconds":3003}]},{"id":"1985acf1-8d10-4e82-9fc2-2569952462bd","title":"Vision Sunday","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/294","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich will unpack the 5 values of New Life that form us to be a \"peculiar\" people in the world. If you are new to our congregation, this serves as a great introduction to who we are as a church. If you have been a part of our church for some time, you will be invited to deepen your commitment to seeing these values work in and through your life. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich will unpack the 5 values of New Life that form us to be a \u0026quot;peculiar\u0026quot; people in the world. If you are new to our congregation, this serves as a great introduction to who we are as a church. If you have been a part of our church for some time, you will be invited to deepen your commitment to seeing these values work in and through your life. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich will unpack the 5 values of New Life that form us to be a \"peculiar\" people in the world. If you are new to our congregation, this serves as a great introduction to who we are as a church. If you have been a part of our church for some time, you will be invited to deepen your commitment to seeing these values work in and through your life. ","date_published":"2019-10-07T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1985acf1-8d10-4e82-9fc2-2569952462bd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38216890,"duration_in_seconds":3184}]},{"id":"4e75bf8a-15e4-4343-8867-3a2bbcf5c69d","title":"Sabbatical Reflections: Pathway to a Transformed Life","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/293","content_text":"Pastor Rich shares his reflections from his sabbatical, offering a vision of transformation that applies to all aspects of our lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich shares his reflections from his sabbatical, offering a vision of transformation that applies to all aspects of our lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich shares his reflections from his sabbatical, offering a vision of transformation that applies to all aspects of our lives.","date_published":"2019-09-30T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4e75bf8a-15e4-4343-8867-3a2bbcf5c69d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34290602,"duration_in_seconds":2857}]},{"id":"718b2174-58e9-4afa-85bc-6d72cb29a2c3","title":"Sabbatical Reflections: Desiring One Thing","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/292","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich shares reflections from his sabbatical on the importance of prayer. He offers a vision of how prayer forms us, as well as practical next steps to strengthen your life with God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich shares reflections from his sabbatical on the importance of prayer. He offers a vision of how prayer forms us, as well as practical next steps to strengthen your life with God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich shares reflections from his sabbatical on the importance of prayer. He offers a vision of how prayer forms us, as well as practical next steps to strengthen your life with God.","date_published":"2019-09-23T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/718b2174-58e9-4afa-85bc-6d72cb29a2c3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33789802,"duration_in_seconds":2815}]},{"id":"773c18d2-7c98-47a5-88af-3b028ccb5981","title":"Distance, Presence, Silence, Forgiveness - Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/291","content_text":"In this dialogue, Pete sits down with Rich to discuss the four words he received while on his Sabbatical. Rich shares important insight and revelation that he hopes will have an impact on our church community.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this dialogue, Pete sits down with Rich to discuss the four words he received while on his Sabbatical. Rich shares important insight and revelation that he hopes will have an impact on our church community.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this dialogue, Pete sits down with Rich to discuss the four words he received while on his Sabbatical. Rich shares important insight and revelation that he hopes will have an impact on our church community.","date_published":"2019-09-16T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/773c18d2-7c98-47a5-88af-3b028ccb5981.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36856889,"duration_in_seconds":3070}]},{"id":"2138d043-0a5c-4d88-8db2-259b7049609b","title":"Weathering The Storm: The Fruit of Patience ","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/290","content_text":"Patience is a gift we truly need in our world. How can we learn to stay present, stay connected and weather the storms of life? This is the final message in our Walk This Way: Fruit of the Spirit series.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePatience is a gift we truly need in our world. How can we learn to stay present, stay connected and weather the storms of life? This is the final message in our Walk This Way: Fruit of the Spirit series.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Patience is a gift we truly need in our world. How can we learn to stay present, stay connected and weather the storms of life? This is the final message in our Walk This Way: Fruit of the Spirit series.","date_published":"2019-09-09T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2138d043-0a5c-4d88-8db2-259b7049609b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32452059,"duration_in_seconds":2703}]},{"id":"eba2dc39-6943-4406-a4ba-5796739e89e6","title":"Freedom, Self-Control and the War within Us","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/289","content_text":"Jesus intends for all of us to be free.  Yet, you might be battling with unwanted habitual behavior that has robbed you of the full experience of freedom.  What is the role of self-control?  How can we be fully free?  This week, we continue with our Walk this Way: The Fruit of the Spirit series, as we explore the fruit of self-control.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus intends for all of us to be free.  Yet, you might be battling with unwanted habitual behavior that has robbed you of the full experience of freedom.  What is the role of self-control?  How can we be fully free?  This week, we continue with our Walk this Way: The Fruit of the Spirit series, as we explore the fruit of self-control.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus intends for all of us to be free.  Yet, you might be battling with unwanted habitual behavior that has robbed you of the full experience of freedom.  What is the role of self-control?  How can we be fully free?  This week, we continue with our Walk this Way: The Fruit of the Spirit series, as we explore the fruit of self-control.","date_published":"2019-09-04T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/eba2dc39-6943-4406-a4ba-5796739e89e6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36034341,"duration_in_seconds":3002}]},{"id":"eb49869b-7b65-4de6-a98d-98e23c463445","title":"The Fruit of Love - Pastor AJ Sherrill","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/288","content_text":"The fruit of the Spirit is another way of talking about the divine life. Cultivating the spiritual fruit of the Kingdom is the path in which we best bear the image of God in the world. Within the current culture of rage, vitriol and aggression, love through kindness is a preposterous yet undeniable call of following Jesus. This sermon from Pastor AJ Sherrill is a biblical and practical teaching as to how best to cultivate a love that sends us into the world with the aroma of Christ.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe fruit of the Spirit is another way of talking about the divine life. Cultivating the spiritual fruit of the Kingdom is the path in which we best bear the image of God in the world. Within the current culture of rage, vitriol and aggression, love through kindness is a preposterous yet undeniable call of following Jesus. This sermon from Pastor AJ Sherrill is a biblical and practical teaching as to how best to cultivate a love that sends us into the world with the aroma of Christ.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The fruit of the Spirit is another way of talking about the divine life.  Cultivating the spiritual fruit of the Kingdom is the path in which we best bear the image of God in the world.  Within the current culture of rage, vitriol and aggression, love through kindness is a preposterous yet undeniable call of following Jesus.  This sermon from Pastor AJ Sherrill is a biblical and practical teaching as to how best to cultivate a love that sends us into the world with the aroma of Christ.","date_published":"2019-08-27T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/eb49869b-7b65-4de6-a98d-98e23c463445.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30914287,"duration_in_seconds":2575}]},{"id":"6efdcf4f-e0f0-448f-afd2-c39a032aedca","title":"Walking in Real Joy - Matt Manno","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/287","content_text":"Who doesn't love to experience joy? Often the joy we're searching for is a far cry from the true joy that the spirit produces. This Sunday we'll look at a moment from the life of Paul where there seems little reason for joy and get a glimpse of what real joy looks like. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWho doesn\u0026#39;t love to experience joy? Often the joy we\u0026#39;re searching for is a far cry from the true joy that the spirit produces. This Sunday we\u0026#39;ll look at a moment from the life of Paul where there seems little reason for joy and get a glimpse of what real joy looks like. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Who doesn't love to experience joy? Often the joy we're searching for is a far cry from the true joy that the spirit produces. This Sunday we'll look at a moment from the life of Paul where there seems little reason for joy and get a glimpse of what real joy looks like. ","date_published":"2019-08-19T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6efdcf4f-e0f0-448f-afd2-c39a032aedca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32779141,"duration_in_seconds":2731}]},{"id":"c4e9d36c-b599-43ed-805d-488707071cac","title":"Faithfulness: Warriors are Formed in the Winepress","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/286","content_text":"Guest Speaker Valerie Althouse offers the third sermon in our Fruit of the Spirit series, focused on faithfulness.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGuest Speaker Valerie Althouse offers the third sermon in our Fruit of the Spirit series, focused on faithfulness.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Guest Speaker Valerie Althouse offers the third sermon in our Fruit of the Spirit series, focused on faithfulness.","date_published":"2019-08-12T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c4e9d36c-b599-43ed-805d-488707071cac.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27271280,"duration_in_seconds":2272}]},{"id":"3e8a65a0-6578-4e1d-a703-c3e3548b655e","title":"Finding your place at the table: The fruit of Peace","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/285","content_text":"Title: Finding your place at the table: The fruit of Peace\nScripture: Luke 14:1,7-11\nSpeaker: Jacqueline Snape, Executive Pastor\n\nIn the message, we explore our barriers to peace, and the hope that we have when we find our place at the table with Him.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTitle: Finding your place at the table: The fruit of Peace\u003cbr\u003e\nScripture: Luke 14:1,7-11\u003cbr\u003e\nSpeaker: Jacqueline Snape, Executive Pastor\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eIn the message, we explore our barriers to peace, and the hope that we have when we find our place at the table with Him.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Title: Finding your place at the table: The fruit of Peace\r\nScripture: Luke 14:1,7-11\r\nSpeaker: Jacqueline Snape, Executive Pastor\r\n\r\nIn the message, we explore our barriers to peace, and the hope that we have when we find our place at the table with Him.","date_published":"2019-07-29T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3e8a65a0-6578-4e1d-a703-c3e3548b655e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29516742,"duration_in_seconds":2459}]},{"id":"377ec1ec-0d14-4ee0-999e-6a3837cd9658","title":"The 7 Saddest Words in the New Testament - Pete Scazzero","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/284","content_text":"In this message, Pastor Pete takes a look at this passage describing the massive defection of many “disciples” (except for the 12). We learn from this passage about the nature of discipleship – that of Jesus freeing us for a glorious future by stripping us of our limited ideas of him that are filled with our own projections and illusions.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pastor Pete takes a look at this passage describing the massive defection of many “disciples” (except for the 12). We learn from this passage about the nature of discipleship – that of Jesus freeing us for a glorious future by stripping us of our limited ideas of him that are filled with our own projections and illusions.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pastor Pete takes a look at this passage describing the massive defection of many “disciples” (except for the 12). We learn from this passage about the nature of discipleship – that of Jesus freeing us for a glorious future by stripping us of our limited ideas of him that are filled with our own projections and illusions.","date_published":"2019-07-22T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/377ec1ec-0d14-4ee0-999e-6a3837cd9658.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36522621,"duration_in_seconds":3042}]},{"id":"d0845914-61a1-4a1b-93c5-473f8b3ac6d9","title":"You Are Not Forgotten - Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/283","content_text":"Pastor Sherin shares her journey from atheism to belief, and her undeniable encounter with God's grace. In this sermon she explores the passage in Isaiah, and wrestles with the great mystery that God is still present with us, even in the midst of profound suffering and trauma. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Sherin shares her journey from atheism to belief, and her undeniable encounter with God\u0026#39;s grace. In this sermon she explores the passage in Isaiah, and wrestles with the great mystery that God is still present with us, even in the midst of profound suffering and trauma. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Sherin shares her journey from atheism to belief, and her undeniable encounter with God's grace. In this sermon she explores the passage in Isaiah, and wrestles with the great mystery that God is still present with us, even in the midst of profound suffering and trauma. ","date_published":"2019-07-15T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d0845914-61a1-4a1b-93c5-473f8b3ac6d9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33230490,"duration_in_seconds":2768}]},{"id":"d1af8cc1-8190-4b1f-b054-372005e32b99","title":"Encounters with Jesus: Waiting in the Boat | Aimee Fareth","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/282","content_text":"In the book of John we will hear about how the disciples are waiting in the boat and get stuck in a storm. We all have storms in our lives, but in our waiting, Jesus starts doing a new thing. We welcome you to join us as New Lifer and storyteller Aimee Fareth leads us in the final message of our series, Encounters with Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the book of John we will hear about how the disciples are waiting in the boat and get stuck in a storm. We all have storms in our lives, but in our waiting, Jesus starts doing a new thing. We welcome you to join us as New Lifer and storyteller Aimee Fareth leads us in the final message of our series, Encounters with Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In the book of John we will hear about how the disciples are waiting in the boat and get stuck in a storm. We all have storms in our lives, but in our waiting, Jesus starts doing a new thing. We welcome you to join us as New Lifer and storyteller Aimee Fareth leads us in the final message of our series, Encounters with Jesus.","date_published":"2019-07-08T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d1af8cc1-8190-4b1f-b054-372005e32b99.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26409904,"duration_in_seconds":2200}]},{"id":"a5b49e71-d49d-440b-ac15-716b84517c93","title":"Encounters with Jesus: Blessed, Broken, Given - Glenn Packiam","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/281","content_text":"We are easily overwhelmed by the demands of life and the needs of others, and often feel inadequate to the task. Our lives seem too mundane or messy to matter to God and His Kingdom purposes. Yet, through the story of Jesus taking something as ordinary as bread into His hands and doing the miraculous with it, we learn to reflect on how our lives might become blessed, broken, and given.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe are easily overwhelmed by the demands of life and the needs of others, and often feel inadequate to the task. Our lives seem too mundane or messy to matter to God and His Kingdom purposes. Yet, through the story of Jesus taking something as ordinary as bread into His hands and doing the miraculous with it, we learn to reflect on how our lives might become blessed, broken, and given.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are easily overwhelmed by the demands of life and the needs of others, and often feel inadequate to the task. Our lives seem too mundane or messy to matter to God and His Kingdom purposes. Yet, through the story of Jesus taking something as ordinary as bread into His hands and doing the miraculous with it, we learn to reflect on how our lives might become blessed, broken, and given.","date_published":"2019-07-01T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a5b49e71-d49d-440b-ac15-716b84517c93.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30533053,"duration_in_seconds":2543}]},{"id":"f0e2b4da-d0de-4a6a-801a-2979686554d0","title":"Encounters with Jesus: Mission, Fear and Trampling Scorpions","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/279","content_text":"Fear can be an obstacle to mission. In Luke 10:1-20 we see how an encounter with Jesus empowers us to conquer fear and live a life of joyful mission. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFear can be an obstacle to mission. In Luke 10:1-20 we see how an encounter with Jesus empowers us to conquer fear and live a life of joyful mission. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fear can be an obstacle to mission. In Luke 10:1-20 we see how an encounter with Jesus empowers us to conquer fear and live a life of joyful mission. ","date_published":"2019-06-24T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f0e2b4da-d0de-4a6a-801a-2979686554d0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38913628,"duration_in_seconds":3242}]},{"id":"c0fd900a-67aa-4432-8add-eada3cf34fc7","title":"Encounters with Jesus: He Came As Grace - Dr. Derwin L. Gray","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/280","content_text":"Grace is greater than we can imagine or comprehend. But grace is a gift that we can experience. Join Dr. Derwin L. Gray, Lead Pastor, Transformation Church, as he explores the beauty of God’s grace in John 4:1-42.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGrace is greater than we can imagine or comprehend. But grace is a gift that we can experience. Join Dr. Derwin L. Gray, Lead Pastor, Transformation Church, as he explores the beauty of God’s grace in John 4:1-42.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Grace is greater than we can imagine or comprehend. But grace is a gift that we can experience. Join Dr. Derwin L. Gray, Lead Pastor, Transformation Church, as he explores the beauty of God’s grace in John 4:1-42.","date_published":"2019-06-16T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c0fd900a-67aa-4432-8add-eada3cf34fc7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31079539,"duration_in_seconds":2589}]},{"id":"19daa2e9-437c-42dd-8b8a-60187cd8aea2","title":"Encounters with Jesus: No Longer Alone - Sherin Swift","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/278","content_text":"In this message, Pastor Sherin preaches on Jesus' healing at the pool of Bethesda. She explores the pain and impact of loneliness, the necessity of community, and the power God gives us to connect with those around us.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pastor Sherin preaches on Jesus\u0026#39; healing at the pool of Bethesda. She explores the pain and impact of loneliness, the necessity of community, and the power God gives us to connect with those around us.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pastor Sherin preaches on Jesus' healing at the pool of Bethesda. She explores the pain and impact of loneliness, the necessity of community, and the power God gives us to connect with those around us.","date_published":"2019-06-10T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/19daa2e9-437c-42dd-8b8a-60187cd8aea2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30894255,"duration_in_seconds":2573}]},{"id":"31ad4693-29ef-4dfb-b776-7069c4e3f083","title":"Encounters with Jesus - A Ministry of Absence","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/277","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich offers words before he goes off on a 3 1/2 month sabbatical. He preaches on Jesus's ministry of absence and what it means for his sabbatical, our own rhythms and the presence of the Spirit during these times.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich offers words before he goes off on a 3 1/2 month sabbatical. He preaches on Jesus\u0026#39;s ministry of absence and what it means for his sabbatical, our own rhythms and the presence of the Spirit during these times.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich offers words before he goes off on a 3 1/2 month sabbatical. He preaches on Jesus's ministry of absence and what it means for his sabbatical, our own rhythms and the presence of the Spirit during these times.","date_published":"2019-06-03T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/31ad4693-29ef-4dfb-b776-7069c4e3f083.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36641561,"duration_in_seconds":3052}]},{"id":"a8a3f6be-4224-420b-9579-fbfbdc397f72","title":"Encounters with Jesus: When the Wine Runs Out","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/276","content_text":"Pastor Rich preaches on Jesus' first miracle recorded in the gospels, the turning of water into wine. He addresses what it means to encounter Jesus in times of crisis and how God's grace is abundantly poured out in some of the lowest moments of our lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich preaches on Jesus\u0026#39; first miracle recorded in the gospels, the turning of water into wine. He addresses what it means to encounter Jesus in times of crisis and how God\u0026#39;s grace is abundantly poured out in some of the lowest moments of our lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich preaches on Jesus' first miracle recorded in the gospels, the turning of water into wine. He addresses what it means to encounter Jesus in times of crisis and how God's grace is abundantly poured out in some of the lowest moments of our lives. ","date_published":"2019-05-28T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a8a3f6be-4224-420b-9579-fbfbdc397f72.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35340420,"duration_in_seconds":2944}]},{"id":"707f44a1-c0a4-4554-9b24-08944d8b899b","title":"Jesus is God, Right Here, Right Now! - Larry Felder Sr.","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/275","content_text":"Text: Mark 4:35-41 CSB\n\nAs you will see from this text, it is about much more than the calming of a storm, in reality it is about Jesus’ real identity, his deity, he is God! The disciples would come to discover this truth over time and by God’s grace so will we. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eText: Mark 4:35-41 CSB\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eAs you will see from this text, it is about much more than the calming of a storm, in reality it is about Jesus’ real identity, his deity, he is God! The disciples would come to discover this truth over time and by God’s grace so will we. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Text: Mark 4:35-41 CSB\r\n\r\nAs you will see from this text, it is about much more than the calming of a storm, in reality it is about Jesus’ real identity, his deity, he is God! The disciples would come to discover this truth over time and by God’s grace so will we. ","date_published":"2019-05-20T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/707f44a1-c0a4-4554-9b24-08944d8b899b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34943833,"duration_in_seconds":2911}]},{"id":"2f57df49-4b5f-4de5-950c-a0af3ccd9ec4","title":"Encounters with Jesus - Just a Crumb","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/274","content_text":"The book of Matthew tells the story of a Syrophonecian woman who approached Jesus as he withdrew further into the region of Tyre and Sidon. Jesus appears to put her off, but she continues to plead for Jesus to heal her daughter, responding with “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Jesus was moved by her faith and healed her daughter. Pastor Matt leads us in a message about how this woman pressed in and hung on to Jesus and what it means for our own faith. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe book of Matthew tells the story of a Syrophonecian woman who approached Jesus as he withdrew further into the region of Tyre and Sidon. Jesus appears to put her off, but she continues to plead for Jesus to heal her daughter, responding with “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Jesus was moved by her faith and healed her daughter. Pastor Matt leads us in a message about how this woman pressed in and hung on to Jesus and what it means for our own faith. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The book of Matthew tells the story of a Syrophonecian woman who approached Jesus as he withdrew further into the region of Tyre and Sidon. Jesus appears to put her off, but she continues to plead for Jesus to heal her daughter, responding with “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Jesus was moved by her faith and healed her daughter. Pastor Matt leads us in a message about how this woman pressed in and hung on to Jesus and what it means for our own faith. ","date_published":"2019-05-13T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2f57df49-4b5f-4de5-950c-a0af3ccd9ec4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30243528,"duration_in_seconds":2519}]},{"id":"d5e7798b-515d-4d67-9081-25eb311f081d","title":"Encounters with Jesus - Amazing Grace, Amazing Faith","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/273","content_text":"We begin a new series entitled, \"Encounters with Jesus.\" Over the next 2 months we will explore various stories from the gospels that highlight the ways Jesus encountered ordinary people and what it means for our lives. In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the amazing grace of Jesus and the amazing faith of a Roman Centurion. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe begin a new series entitled, \u0026quot;Encounters with Jesus.\u0026quot; Over the next 2 months we will explore various stories from the gospels that highlight the ways Jesus encountered ordinary people and what it means for our lives. In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the amazing grace of Jesus and the amazing faith of a Roman Centurion. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We begin a new series entitled, \"Encounters with Jesus.\" Over the next 2 months we will explore various stories from the gospels that highlight the ways Jesus encountered ordinary people and what it means for our lives. In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the amazing grace of Jesus and the amazing faith of a Roman Centurion. \r\n","date_published":"2019-05-07T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d5e7798b-515d-4d67-9081-25eb311f081d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34841037,"duration_in_seconds":2884}]},{"id":"6d1607e1-ce52-49e6-90eb-bab831078c02","title":"How Free People Live: You Shall Not Covet","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/272","content_text":"In this Ten Commandments series finale, Pastor Rich preaches on the 10th command, “You shall not covet.” In a world that is marked by discontentment and an endless fascination with more, God’s final command is a path to true freedom and joy. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this Ten Commandments series finale, Pastor Rich preaches on the 10th command, “You shall not covet.” In a world that is marked by discontentment and an endless fascination with more, God’s final command is a path to true freedom and joy. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":" In this Ten Commandments series finale, Pastor Rich preaches on the 10th command, “You shall not covet.” In a world that is marked by discontentment and an endless fascination with more, God’s final command is a path to true freedom and joy. ","date_published":"2019-04-29T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6d1607e1-ce52-49e6-90eb-bab831078c02.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36629338,"duration_in_seconds":3051}]},{"id":"bb0fc0d0-981f-4d6e-a61f-5cab8a5199f5","title":"Resurrection Sunday","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/271","content_text":"On this Easter Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches on the good news of Jesus' resurrection. In this passage, Jesus encounters two men who have experienced profound disappointment. The Risen Jesus finds them and helps them to make sense of his life and history as they knew it. If you or someone you know has experienced disappointment, this Easter sermon is for you. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn this Easter Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches on the good news of Jesus\u0026#39; resurrection. In this passage, Jesus encounters two men who have experienced profound disappointment. The Risen Jesus finds them and helps them to make sense of his life and history as they knew it. If you or someone you know has experienced disappointment, this Easter sermon is for you. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"On this Easter Sunday, Pastor Rich preaches on the good news of Jesus' resurrection. In this passage, Jesus encounters two men who have experienced profound disappointment. The Risen Jesus finds them and helps them to make sense of his life and history as they knew it. If you or someone you know has experienced disappointment, this Easter sermon is for you. ","date_published":"2019-04-23T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/bb0fc0d0-981f-4d6e-a61f-5cab8a5199f5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27375196,"duration_in_seconds":2280}]},{"id":"7b9ec374-7a92-4d01-8d84-ec03e79a5896","title":"Good Friday Contemplative Service","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/270","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Pastor Rich shares a reflection from our Good Friday Service.","date_published":"2019-04-22T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/7b9ec374-7a92-4d01-8d84-ec03e79a5896.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15812037,"duration_in_seconds":1317}]},{"id":"a7762ed2-b42d-481d-9f69-58ef77062fc8","title":"You Shall Not Steal, You Shall Not Give False Testimony - Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/269","content_text":"We continue our sermon series through the 10 Commandments. Pastor Rich explores the 8th and 9th commandments together. He explains how these two commands damage community and the ways God calls his people to be marked by stewardship and honesty.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue our sermon series through the 10 Commandments. Pastor Rich explores the 8th and 9th commandments together. He explains how these two commands damage community and the ways God calls his people to be marked by stewardship and honesty.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We continue our sermon series through the 10 Commandments. Pastor Rich explores the 8th and 9th commandments together. He explains how these two commands damage community and the ways God calls his people to be marked by stewardship and honesty.","date_published":"2019-04-15T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a7762ed2-b42d-481d-9f69-58ef77062fc8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36042792,"duration_in_seconds":3003}]},{"id":"8bb48709-b68d-4e84-be16-7b35f1984c4a","title":"GRC2019: The Spirit of Reconciliation - David W. Swanson","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/268","content_text":"The ministry of reconciliation requires us to reckon with sociological realities and systemic injustices. But the first multicultural church testifies that true reconciliation begin with the power of the Holy Spirit. What does it look like to depend on the Spirit within this nation’s legacies of white supremacy, genocide, and systemic racism?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe ministry of reconciliation requires us to reckon with sociological realities and systemic injustices. But the first multicultural church testifies that true reconciliation begin with the power of the Holy Spirit. What does it look like to depend on the Spirit within this nation’s legacies of white supremacy, genocide, and systemic racism?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The ministry of reconciliation requires us to reckon with sociological realities and systemic injustices. But the first multicultural church testifies that true reconciliation begin with the power of the Holy Spirit. What does it look like to depend on the Spirit within this nation’s legacies of white supremacy, genocide, and systemic racism?\r\n","date_published":"2019-04-12T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8bb48709-b68d-4e84-be16-7b35f1984c4a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36496642,"duration_in_seconds":3040}]},{"id":"e054c254-b2a0-490d-8e15-b56452a13bf4","title":"GRC2019: Finding God's Story in Our Story, Culture, and History - Nikki Toyama-Szeto","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/267","content_text":"In Acts 17, Paul challenges the Athenians to take a look at the ways that God is revealing himself in their history, culture, and story. God’s story is intertwined with the stories of his people. God uses history and culture, in surprising ways to reveal his character and his heart.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Acts 17, Paul challenges the Athenians to take a look at the ways that God is revealing himself in their history, culture, and story. God’s story is intertwined with the stories of his people. God uses history and culture, in surprising ways to reveal his character and his heart.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In Acts 17, Paul challenges the Athenians to take a look at the ways that God is revealing himself in their history, culture, and story. God’s story is intertwined with the stories of his people. God uses history and culture, in surprising ways to reveal his character and his heart.","date_published":"2019-04-10T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/e054c254-b2a0-490d-8e15-b56452a13bf4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30670757,"duration_in_seconds":2555}]},{"id":"0961880c-9928-40f9-8674-75b7e056ce27","title":"Episode 266: How Free People Live - You Shall Not Commit Adultery","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/266","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on one of the commands that often reminds us of the wounding we have experienced or observed in others. The 7th commandment was given to remind the people of God that their lives were to be marked by fidelity, love, and loyalty. Sadly, the people of God in the story of scripture, and throughout history have often fallen short. Pastor Rich also explores the power of sex, the call to faithfulness, and the ways that God's grace moves towards us when we fail. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on one of the commands that often reminds us of the wounding we have experienced or observed in others. The 7th commandment was given to remind the people of God that their lives were to be marked by fidelity, love, and loyalty. Sadly, the people of God in the story of scripture, and throughout history have often fallen short. Pastor Rich also explores the power of sex, the call to faithfulness, and the ways that God\u0026#39;s grace moves towards us when we fail. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on one of the commands that often reminds us of the wounding we have experienced or observed in others. The 7th commandment was given to remind the people of God that their lives were to be marked by fidelity, love, and loyalty. Sadly, the people of God in the story of scripture, and throughout history have often fallen short. Pastor Rich also explores the power of sex, the call to faithfulness, and the ways that God's grace moves towards us when we fail. ","date_published":"2019-04-08T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/0961880c-9928-40f9-8674-75b7e056ce27.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39416916,"duration_in_seconds":3284}]},{"id":"3b4900f5-eee5-4a7e-a660-c3659da9b8f4","title":"Episode 265: GRC2019: Pete Scazzero - Going Beneath The Surface of Racism","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/265","content_text":"For the past 31 years, New Life Fellowship Church has been one of the most multiracial churches in North America. This happened out of an intentional, beneath-the-tip-of-the- iceberg approach to discipleship that deeply informed our approach to race and the gospel. (In fact, the development of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship around the world happened out of the crucible of racial reconciliation.) From the creation of speci c tools (e.g. genogram your family, incarnational listening, clean ghting) to a theology of brokenness and vulnerability and grief and loss, New Life developed speci c theological applications of the gospel to the powers and principalities around race to become a prophetic sign for the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor the past 31 years, New Life Fellowship Church has been one of the most multiracial churches in North America. This happened out of an intentional, beneath-the-tip-of-the- iceberg approach to discipleship that deeply informed our approach to race and the gospel. (In fact, the development of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship around the world happened out of the crucible of racial reconciliation.) From the creation of speci c tools (e.g. genogram your family, incarnational listening, clean ghting) to a theology of brokenness and vulnerability and grief and loss, New Life developed speci c theological applications of the gospel to the powers and principalities around race to become a prophetic sign for the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"For the past 31 years, New Life Fellowship Church has been one of the most multiracial churches in North America. This happened out of an intentional, beneath-the-tip-of-the- iceberg approach to discipleship that deeply informed our approach to race and the gospel. (In fact, the development of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship around the world happened out of the crucible of racial reconciliation.) From the creation of speci c tools (e.g. genogram your family, incarnational listening, clean ghting) to a theology of brokenness and vulnerability and grief and loss, New Life developed speci c theological applications of the gospel to the powers and principalities around race to become a prophetic sign for the world.\r\n","date_published":"2019-04-05T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3b4900f5-eee5-4a7e-a660-c3659da9b8f4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52936342,"duration_in_seconds":4410}]},{"id":"8498ba4a-4a95-4206-8461-f8e765eaf851","title":"Episode 264: GRC2019: Mark Charles - The spiritual price of the Doctrine of Discovery","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/264","content_text":"Throughout his ministry Jesus was adamant that his kingdom was not of this world. He responded sharply whenever his disciples tried to mix his teachings with worldly power. But, in the 4th century the heresy of Christian Empire prevailed. This plenary session examines the deep spiritual cost of rejecting the teachings of Jesus that was necessary in order to create a dehumanizing doctrine of discovery.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThroughout his ministry Jesus was adamant that his kingdom was not of this world. He responded sharply whenever his disciples tried to mix his teachings with worldly power. But, in the 4th century the heresy of Christian Empire prevailed. This plenary session examines the deep spiritual cost of rejecting the teachings of Jesus that was necessary in order to create a dehumanizing doctrine of discovery.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Throughout his ministry Jesus was adamant that his kingdom was not of this world. He responded sharply whenever his disciples tried to mix his teachings with worldly power. But, in the 4th century the heresy of Christian Empire prevailed. This plenary session examines the deep spiritual cost of rejecting the teachings of Jesus that was necessary in order to create a dehumanizing doctrine of discovery.","date_published":"2019-04-03T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8498ba4a-4a95-4206-8461-f8e765eaf851.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39826023,"duration_in_seconds":3318}]},{"id":"68af51e3-7e3f-438e-947d-063283cf90db","title":"Episode 263: Do Not Murder","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/263","content_text":"Sermon Questions\n\nIn this message, Pastor Rich explores the 6th Commandment, “Do not murder.” In a world of anger and violence, this commandment is one we need to pay special attention to. Rich explores some nuances of this commandment that go beyond what might be apparent.\n\nVisit us at [NewLife.nyc](newlife.nyc)","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"http://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/semon-questions-3.31.19.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eSermon Questions\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pastor Rich explores the 6th Commandment, “Do not murder.” In a world of anger and violence, this commandment is one we need to pay special attention to. Rich explores some nuances of this commandment that go beyond what might be apparent.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eVisit us at [NewLife.nyc](newlife.nyc)\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pastor Rich explores the 6th Commandment, “Do not murder.” In a world of anger and violence, this commandment is one we need to pay special attention to. Rich explores some nuances of this commandment that go beyond what might be apparent.\r\n","date_published":"2019-04-01T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/68af51e3-7e3f-438e-947d-063283cf90db.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33647713,"duration_in_seconds":2803}]},{"id":"75eaf530-e827-40f3-9895-eae2b0f0d954","title":"Episode 262: GRC2019: Can You Drink The Cup? - Rich Villodas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/262","content_text":"Any attempt to address the connection of the gospel to matters of racial justice and reconciliation requires a spirituality marked by a “cruciformed” imagination. The death and resurrection of Jesus points to God’s great act of reconciling all things. It is out of this place that followers of Jesus are called to imitate him as we seek to build communities marked by truth, mercy, justice, and forgiveness. In this session, Rich Villodas explores the various “cups” we must drink to be people marked by the gospel’s great power to tear down barriers.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAny attempt to address the connection of the gospel to matters of racial justice and reconciliation requires a spirituality marked by a “cruciformed” imagination. The death and resurrection of Jesus points to God’s great act of reconciling all things. It is out of this place that followers of Jesus are called to imitate him as we seek to build communities marked by truth, mercy, justice, and forgiveness. In this session, Rich Villodas explores the various “cups” we must drink to be people marked by the gospel’s great power to tear down barriers.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Any attempt to address the connection of the gospel to matters of racial justice and reconciliation requires a spirituality marked by a “cruciformed” imagination. The death and resurrection of Jesus points to God’s great act of reconciling all things. It is out of this place that followers of Jesus are called to imitate him as we seek to build communities marked by truth, mercy, justice, and forgiveness. In this session, Rich Villodas explores the various “cups” we must drink to be people marked by the gospel’s great power to tear down barriers.","date_published":"2019-03-27T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/75eaf530-e827-40f3-9895-eae2b0f0d954.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31544982,"duration_in_seconds":2628}]},{"id":"25e4a369-6baa-4ff9-92c6-919fb0c8800f","title":"Episode 261: Honor Your Father and Mother","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/261","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the 5th Commandment, Honor your father and mother. For many, this commandment contains many challenges due to the complexity that often marks our families. Pastor Rich highlights some of the important nuances of this commandment aiming at helping us see the liberating ways God wants to work in our lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the 5th Commandment, Honor your father and mother. For many, this commandment contains many challenges due to the complexity that often marks our families. Pastor Rich highlights some of the important nuances of this commandment aiming at helping us see the liberating ways God wants to work in our lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the 5th Commandment, Honor your father and mother. For many, this commandment contains many challenges due to the complexity that often marks our families. Pastor Rich highlights some of the important nuances of this commandment aiming at helping us see the liberating ways God wants to work in our lives. ","date_published":"2019-03-25T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/25e4a369-6baa-4ff9-92c6-919fb0c8800f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40379391,"duration_in_seconds":3364}]},{"id":"af5707c6-0bc8-4ea5-a097-d90c9d3634f9","title":"Episode 260: Becoming World Class Christians - Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/260","content_text":"In this powerful message, Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil declares that the world is waiting for us and to get ready to be deployed as world class Christians.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this powerful message, Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil declares that the world is waiting for us and to get ready to be deployed as world class Christians.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this powerful message, Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil declares that the world is waiting for us and to get ready to be deployed as world class Christians.","date_published":"2019-03-18T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/af5707c6-0bc8-4ea5-a097-d90c9d3634f9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38075414,"duration_in_seconds":3172}]},{"id":"d9ea6147-16ed-46a9-b516-38d70d57686e","title":"Episode 259: How Free People Live - Remember the Sabbath","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/259","content_text":"Pastor Rich continues our sermon series on the 10 Commandments. He offers some fresh perspective on the ancient practice of Sabbath-keeping. Sabbath-keeping is one of New Life's most important values, and through this message, we hope you will start the journey of keeping Sabbath or deepen it.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Rich continues our sermon series on the 10 Commandments. He offers some fresh perspective on the ancient practice of Sabbath-keeping. Sabbath-keeping is one of New Life\u0026#39;s most important values, and through this message, we hope you will start the journey of keeping Sabbath or deepen it.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our sermon series on the 10 Commandments. He offers some fresh perspective on the ancient practice of Sabbath-keeping. Sabbath-keeping is one of New Life's most important values, and through this message, we hope you will start the journey of keeping Sabbath or deepen it.","date_published":"2019-03-12T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d9ea6147-16ed-46a9-b516-38d70d57686e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39970004,"duration_in_seconds":3330}]},{"id":"cf39fb5c-11d5-46f6-9065-bbc765d22dd8","title":"How Free People Live - Do Not Misuse His Name","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/258","content_text":"In this third sermon on the Ten Commandments, we explore what it means to misuse the name of the Lord and how a free people of God are truly meant to speak.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this third sermon on the Ten Commandments, we explore what it means to misuse the name of the Lord and how a free people of God are truly meant to speak.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this third sermon on the Ten Commandments, we explore what it means to misuse the name of the Lord and how a free people of God are truly meant to speak.","date_published":"2019-03-04T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/cf39fb5c-11d5-46f6-9065-bbc765d22dd8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28238747,"duration_in_seconds":2352}]},{"id":"5730ffad-06db-4f9f-a053-1cced604c27d","title":"Episode 257: How Free People Live - Do Not Make any Idols","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/257","content_text":"In this second sermon on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Rich explores the act of creating idols, and the impact it has on our lives with God. Far from being a distant practice in the ancient world, we learn how subtle this practice is in our everyday lives, and what it looks like to be set free.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this second sermon on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Rich explores the act of creating idols, and the impact it has on our lives with God. Far from being a distant practice in the ancient world, we learn how subtle this practice is in our everyday lives, and what it looks like to be set free.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this second sermon on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Rich explores the act of creating idols, and the impact it has on our lives with God. Far from being a distant practice in the ancient world, we learn how subtle this practice is in our everyday lives, and what it looks like to be set free.","date_published":"2019-02-27T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5730ffad-06db-4f9f-a053-1cced604c27d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33857410,"duration_in_seconds":2820}]},{"id":"f19f7eec-4834-4141-b61f-582db8ae9e35","title":"Episode 256: How Free People Live - No other gods","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/256","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich starts a new series on The 10 Commandments. He offers an introduction to this iconic and historical treasure of faith, while exploring the urgent need to take these words seriously. This sermon series will highlight the grace of God and demonstrate how everything in the 10 Commandments ultimately points to God's decisive action through Jesus Christ. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich starts a new series on The 10 Commandments. He offers an introduction to this iconic and historical treasure of faith, while exploring the urgent need to take these words seriously. This sermon series will highlight the grace of God and demonstrate how everything in the 10 Commandments ultimately points to God\u0026#39;s decisive action through Jesus Christ. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich starts a new series on The 10 Commandments. He offers an introduction to this iconic and historical treasure of faith, while exploring the urgent need to take these words seriously. This sermon series will highlight the grace of God and demonstrate how everything in the 10 Commandments ultimately points to God's decisive action through Jesus Christ. ","date_published":"2019-02-19T17:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f19f7eec-4834-4141-b61f-582db8ae9e35.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35925104,"duration_in_seconds":2993}]},{"id":"475e43af-1a0b-41d5-b7c3-ae62156fe4a9","title":"Discerning and Deciding to Step out of the Boat","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/255","content_text":"In this final message of our Discernment series, Pastor Rich preaches through a familiar New Testament story. He explores the call to discern God's will, which results in taking a step of faith. He speaks to themes of courage, failure, and hope in the discernment process. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final message of our Discernment series, Pastor Rich preaches through a familiar New Testament story. He explores the call to discern God\u0026#39;s will, which results in taking a step of faith. He speaks to themes of courage, failure, and hope in the discernment process. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this final message of our Discernment series, Pastor Rich preaches through a familiar New Testament story. He explores the call to discern God's will, which results in taking a step of faith. He speaks to themes of courage, failure, and hope in the discernment process. ","date_published":"2019-02-11T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/475e43af-1a0b-41d5-b7c3-ae62156fe4a9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33412324,"duration_in_seconds":2783}]},{"id":"c02dee6a-0c8b-40ca-b86e-891ce86c222e","title":"Episode 254: Orange Sunday","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/254","content_text":"A special panel discussing the important role of our Family Ministries and the impact that has on a child's spiritual life and development.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA special panel discussing the important role of our Family Ministries and the impact that has on a child\u0026#39;s spiritual life and development.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A special panel discussing the important role of our Family Ministries and the impact that has on a child's spiritual life and development.","date_published":"2019-02-06T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c02dee6a-0c8b-40ca-b86e-891ce86c222e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40366262,"duration_in_seconds":3363}]},{"id":"4b4c4b29-df49-4239-9ea1-928b3423e22c","title":"Episode 253: Prudence as a Way of Discovering God's Will","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/253","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores what it means to \"use our heads\" as we seek to discern God's will. He offers practical ways to think through some of the decisions before us, and show how God's grace moves towards us as we prudently reflect on our lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores what it means to \u0026quot;use our heads\u0026quot; as we seek to discern God\u0026#39;s will. He offers practical ways to think through some of the decisions before us, and show how God\u0026#39;s grace moves towards us as we prudently reflect on our lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores what it means to \"use our heads\" as we seek to discern God's will. He offers practical ways to think through some of the decisions before us, and show how God's grace moves towards us as we prudently reflect on our lives. ","date_published":"2019-01-28T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4b4c4b29-df49-4239-9ea1-928b3423e22c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34582334,"duration_in_seconds":2881}]},{"id":"b5453162-d3b7-4fe1-a8af-95161b079683","title":"Episode 252: I Need You, You Need Me, We Need Him","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/252","content_text":"Special guest Kelvin L. Walker continues our series on Discernment, helping us to see how God comes to us through each other.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSpecial guest Kelvin L. Walker continues our series on Discernment, helping us to see how God comes to us through each other.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Special guest Kelvin L. Walker continues our series on Discernment, helping us to see how God comes to us through each other.","date_published":"2019-01-23T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b5453162-d3b7-4fe1-a8af-95161b079683.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31572197,"duration_in_seconds":2630}]},{"id":"1bd81cc3-016e-42cc-8e56-607a0b0c0338","title":"Episode 251: Understanding and Following Your Heart","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/251","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the importance of understanding and following your heart as an important element of discerning God's will. This sermon will explore commonly held ideas about the role of our feelings in gaining clarity about the direction God is calling us to move towards.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the importance of understanding and following your heart as an important element of discerning God\u0026#39;s will. This sermon will explore commonly held ideas about the role of our feelings in gaining clarity about the direction God is calling us to move towards.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the importance of understanding and following your heart as an important element of discerning God's will. This sermon will explore commonly held ideas about the role of our feelings in gaining clarity about the direction God is calling us to move towards.","date_published":"2019-01-14T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1bd81cc3-016e-42cc-8e56-607a0b0c0338.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33502155,"duration_in_seconds":2791}]},{"id":"1c60b1e1-ad83-490d-b895-2120873e7c4c","title":"Episode 250: Discovering God’s Will For Your Life","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/250","content_text":"To kick off the new year, Pastor Rich leads us in a new sermon series entitled, Discernment: Discovering God’s Will for your Life. If you are facing important decisions that require special direction from the Lord, this is a series you don’t want to miss. Pastor Rich preaches from Psalm 40:1-8. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTo kick off the new year, Pastor Rich leads us in a new sermon series entitled, Discernment: Discovering God’s Will for your Life. If you are facing important decisions that require special direction from the Lord, this is a series you don’t want to miss. Pastor Rich preaches from Psalm 40:1-8. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To kick off the new year, Pastor Rich leads us in a new sermon series entitled, Discernment: Discovering God’s Will for your Life. If you are facing important decisions that require special direction from the Lord, this is a series you don’t want to miss. Pastor Rich preaches from Psalm 40:1-8. ","date_published":"2019-01-07T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1c60b1e1-ad83-490d-b895-2120873e7c4c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25923799,"duration_in_seconds":2159}]},{"id":"5ff68bde-5ea9-46b0-ae35-98df3e626351","title":"Episode 249: Stick With Me","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/249","content_text":"Scripture passage: John 15:1-8 \n\nJesus encourages us to stick with Him as the source of the full potential of our lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eScripture passage: John 15:1-8 \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eJesus encourages us to stick with Him as the source of the full potential of our lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Scripture passage: John 15:1-8 \r\n\r\nJesus encourages us to stick with Him as the source of the full potential of our lives.","date_published":"2018-12-31T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5ff68bde-5ea9-46b0-ae35-98df3e626351.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31770210,"duration_in_seconds":2646}]},{"id":"6b28df08-902b-4a81-83c4-70daaa46a587","title":"The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/248","content_text":"In this Christmas Eve homily, Pastor Rich Villodas explores the central message of Christmas through John 1:14","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this Christmas Eve homily, Pastor Rich Villodas explores the central message of Christmas through John 1:14\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this Christmas Eve homily, Pastor Rich Villodas explores the central message of Christmas through John 1:14","date_published":"2018-12-28T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6b28df08-902b-4a81-83c4-70daaa46a587.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19632894,"duration_in_seconds":1226}]},{"id":"f5fcfdb2-de33-4113-b4b7-f781df1c4b2d","title":"The Crucified God at Christmas","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/247","content_text":"In this message, Pete explores the unimaginable reality, and beauty, of our crucified God who frees us from demonic powers and sin, and longs for us to draw near to him. Pete applies this specifically to an invitation from God to quit rushing and to quit judging others – two tactics of the Evil One to cut us off from Him .","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pete explores the unimaginable reality, and beauty, of our crucified God who frees us from demonic powers and sin, and longs for us to draw near to him. Pete applies this specifically to an invitation from God to quit rushing and to quit judging others – two tactics of the Evil One to cut us off from Him .\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pete explores the unimaginable reality, and beauty, of our crucified God who frees us from demonic powers and sin, and longs for us to draw near to him. Pete applies this specifically to an invitation from God to quit rushing and to quit judging others – two tactics of the Evil One to cut us off from Him .","date_published":"2018-12-26T04:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f5fcfdb2-de33-4113-b4b7-f781df1c4b2d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34572796,"duration_in_seconds":2880}]},{"id":"42e465bd-91e9-441a-a010-ad377986bdeb","title":"Episode 246: Recognizing Jesus","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/246","content_text":"One of the greatest tragedies in history is the refusal to recognize Jesus. This sad reality has been repeated throughout history. In this Advent sermon, Pastor Rich leads us as we continue to explore John 1:1-14. He preaches on the ways we don't recognize Jesus, and the hope of growing in recognition of his presence in our lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOne of the greatest tragedies in history is the refusal to recognize Jesus. This sad reality has been repeated throughout history. In this Advent sermon, Pastor Rich leads us as we continue to explore John 1:1-14. He preaches on the ways we don\u0026#39;t recognize Jesus, and the hope of growing in recognition of his presence in our lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"One of the greatest tragedies in history is the refusal to recognize Jesus. This sad reality has been repeated throughout history. In this Advent sermon, Pastor Rich leads us as we continue to explore John 1:1-14. He preaches on the ways we don't recognize Jesus, and the hope of growing in recognition of his presence in our lives. ","date_published":"2018-12-17T09:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/42e465bd-91e9-441a-a010-ad377986bdeb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31752124,"duration_in_seconds":2645}]},{"id":"4548436d-dce6-4a88-aff4-e1c47f513ef9","title":"Witnessing to the Light","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/245","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our Advent series. He explores what it means to join God in the renewal of the world by being witnesses to the Light. This message has large implications for our homes, workplaces, and our presence in our neighborhood.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our Advent series. He explores what it means to join God in the renewal of the world by being witnesses to the Light. This message has large implications for our homes, workplaces, and our presence in our neighborhood.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our Advent series. He explores what it means to join God in the renewal of the world by being witnesses to the Light. This message has large implications for our homes, workplaces, and our presence in our neighborhood.","date_published":"2018-12-10T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4548436d-dce6-4a88-aff4-e1c47f513ef9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31381893,"duration_in_seconds":2614}]},{"id":"a4a241ee-7ca2-47fc-ae87-1b833e398324","title":"Episode 244: Darkness Can't Put Out The Light","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/244","content_text":"In this first sermon in Advent, Pastor Rich explores the relationship between light and darkness in the gospel of John. He offers a word of hope for those who find themselves in a dark season of life.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this first sermon in Advent, Pastor Rich explores the relationship between light and darkness in the gospel of John. He offers a word of hope for those who find themselves in a dark season of life.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this first sermon in Advent, Pastor Rich explores the relationship between light and darkness in the gospel of John. He offers a word of hope for those who find themselves in a dark season of life.","date_published":"2018-12-05T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a4a241ee-7ca2-47fc-ae87-1b833e398324.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35171836,"duration_in_seconds":2930}]},{"id":"80c3bf27-1f5b-430e-b289-8a1f4b35bfb2","title":"Our Rule of Life","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/243","content_text":"We close our sermon series with a brief message from Pastor Rich and a panel of New Lifers sharing how they have incorporated a rule of life into their lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe close our sermon series with a brief message from Pastor Rich and a panel of New Lifers sharing how they have incorporated a rule of life into their lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We close our sermon series with a brief message from Pastor Rich and a panel of New Lifers sharing how they have incorporated a rule of life into their lives.","date_published":"2018-11-26T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/80c3bf27-1f5b-430e-b289-8a1f4b35bfb2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36333085,"duration_in_seconds":3026}]},{"id":"1a695ba2-a4b0-4b94-93ad-dbc08ae74a15","title":"Episode 242: Testimony Sunday","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/242","content_text":"On Testimony Sunday, one New Lifer shares about his journey through loss \u0026amp; forgiveness. Hear the incredible story of reconciliation between John and Earl.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn Testimony Sunday, one New Lifer shares about his journey through loss \u0026amp; forgiveness. Hear the incredible story of reconciliation between John and Earl.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"On Testimony Sunday, one New Lifer shares about his journey through loss \u0026 forgiveness. Hear the incredible story of reconciliation between John and Earl.","date_published":"2018-11-19T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1a695ba2-a4b0-4b94-93ad-dbc08ae74a15.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29625650,"duration_in_seconds":2468}]},{"id":"99a722d0-7df2-4e80-83e9-eeeb16c6794d","title":"Episode 241: Befriending Silence","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/241","content_text":"In this message, Pastor Rich briefly explores the importance of silence for our life with God. This is followed by a powerful “silent sermon” that will give our community an experience with silence that will deepen our relationship with God. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this message, Pastor Rich briefly explores the importance of silence for our life with God. This is followed by a powerful “silent sermon” that will give our community an experience with silence that will deepen our relationship with God. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this message, Pastor Rich briefly explores the importance of silence for our life with God. This is followed by a powerful “silent sermon” that will give our community an experience with silence that will deepen our relationship with God. ","date_published":"2018-11-13T07:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/99a722d0-7df2-4e80-83e9-eeeb16c6794d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14675850,"duration_in_seconds":1222}]},{"id":"780d8cae-1ebd-48ed-bb3f-201c1e08e198","title":"Episode 240: Living on the Hyphen - Riccardo Stewart","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/240","content_text":"The gospel forms a diverse community where people are one with God and one with each other. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe gospel forms a diverse community where people are one with God and one with each other. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The gospel forms a diverse community where people are one with God and one with each other. ","date_published":"2018-11-05T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/780d8cae-1ebd-48ed-bb3f-201c1e08e198.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37798080,"duration_in_seconds":3149}]},{"id":"5f7e5c39-fd85-4fcb-88cd-cad48eb535c6","title":"Episode 239: Our Workplace and Our Transformation","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/239","content_text":"In this teaching on our Rule of Life, Pastor Rich explores the deep connection between our workplaces and our discipleship. More than a necessary evil, work is to be an area for worship and spiritual transformation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this teaching on our Rule of Life, Pastor Rich explores the deep connection between our workplaces and our discipleship. More than a necessary evil, work is to be an area for worship and spiritual transformation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this teaching on our Rule of Life, Pastor Rich explores the deep connection between our workplaces and our discipleship. More than a necessary evil, work is to be an area for worship and spiritual transformation.","date_published":"2018-10-29T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5f7e5c39-fd85-4fcb-88cd-cad48eb535c6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43799808,"duration_in_seconds":2737}]},{"id":"ad021397-90f0-4105-931e-4284a383701c","title":"Episode 238: Living From a Place of Rest","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/238","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the Rest dimension of Our Rule of Life. He preaches on the rest found in God's love and the practices of rest that sustain our lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the Rest dimension of Our Rule of Life. He preaches on the rest found in God\u0026#39;s love and the practices of rest that sustain our lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the Rest dimension of Our Rule of Life. He preaches on the rest found in God's love and the practices of rest that sustain our lives.","date_published":"2018-10-23T18:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ad021397-90f0-4105-931e-4284a383701c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39216909,"duration_in_seconds":3267}]},{"id":"b6564085-e37c-4ba9-9065-05e1cf1607f4","title":"Episode 237: Survival Habits of the Soul","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/237","content_text":"This week special guest Ken Shigematsu shares a message entitled \"Survival Habits of the Soul\". When we wear the yoke of the Father’s love, we can offer our very best, not out of an anxious need to validate ourselves, but from a place of inner rest and gratitude.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week special guest Ken Shigematsu shares a message entitled \u0026quot;Survival Habits of the Soul\u0026quot;. When we wear the yoke of the Father’s love, we can offer our very best, not out of an anxious need to validate ourselves, but from a place of inner rest and gratitude.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week special guest Ken Shigematsu shares a message entitled \"Survival Habits of the Soul\". When we wear the yoke of the Father’s love, we can offer our very best, not out of an anxious need to validate ourselves, but from a place of inner rest and gratitude.","date_published":"2018-10-15T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b6564085-e37c-4ba9-9065-05e1cf1607f4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29971202,"duration_in_seconds":2497}]},{"id":"68819618-db35-4207-8dfc-3c527bc900d2","title":"The Long Labor of Getting Back to the Center","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/236","content_text":"This week we continue our Rule of Life series. Pastor Rich focuses on the Prayer area of our Rule of Life, referencing Daniel’s commitment to God in a foreign land.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week we continue our Rule of Life series. Pastor Rich focuses on the Prayer area of our Rule of Life, referencing Daniel’s commitment to God in a foreign land.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week we continue our Rule of Life series. Pastor Rich focuses on the Prayer area of our Rule of Life, referencing Daniel’s commitment to God in a foreign land.","date_published":"2018-10-07T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/68819618-db35-4207-8dfc-3c527bc900d2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36151090,"duration_in_seconds":3012}]},{"id":"43f59e64-ebe3-45d7-8d43-87e062d6c47d","title":"Our Rule of Life: Life with Strangers","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/235","content_text":"In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus describes a loving relationship with an unlikely individual. This Sunday, we explore Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbor the stranger in a message from Redd Sevilla, Executive Director, New Life CDC.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus describes a loving relationship with an unlikely individual. This Sunday, we explore Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbor the stranger in a message from Redd Sevilla, Executive Director, New Life CDC.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus describes a loving relationship with an unlikely individual. This Sunday, we explore Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbor the stranger in a message from Redd Sevilla, Executive Director, New Life CDC.\r\n","date_published":"2018-09-30T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/43f59e64-ebe3-45d7-8d43-87e062d6c47d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32793964,"duration_in_seconds":2732}]},{"id":"dee7bf84-44b4-4cbe-b2bf-1fd554fe0d70","title":"Our Rule of Life: Life Together","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/234","content_text":"This Sunday starts our 8-week series on our Rule of Life. The Rule of Life is a simple structure that helps us pay attention to Jesus in everything we do. Throughout this series, we’ll be exploring the framework of practices that hold us together as a church, and we will be guided in creating a personal Rule of Life.\n\nThis week Pastor Rich focuses on how our Rule calls us to work for strong relationships. \n\nText: Mark 3:13-19","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis Sunday starts our 8-week series on our Rule of Life. The Rule of Life is a simple structure that helps us pay attention to Jesus in everything we do. Throughout this series, we’ll be exploring the framework of practices that hold us together as a church, and we will be guided in creating a personal Rule of Life.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis week Pastor Rich focuses on how our Rule calls us to work for strong relationships. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eText: Mark 3:13-19\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This Sunday starts our 8-week series on our Rule of Life. The Rule of Life is a simple structure that helps us pay attention to Jesus in everything we do. Throughout this series, we’ll be exploring the framework of practices that hold us together as a church, and we will be guided in creating a personal Rule of Life.\r\n\r\nThis week Pastor Rich focuses on how our Rule calls us to work for strong relationships. \r\n\r\nText: Mark 3:13-19\r\n\r\n","date_published":"2018-09-23T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/dee7bf84-44b4-4cbe-b2bf-1fd554fe0d70.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36774570,"duration_in_seconds":3064}]},{"id":"eb72a52b-54b7-4430-8b5f-d38adee7f58a","title":"Vision Sunday","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/233","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"On this Vision Sunday, Pastor Rich will preach on what it means to be deeply formed by Jesus and what it means to be a \"5M\" church family. This is a great opportunity to hear about the kind of church New Life is.","date_published":"2018-09-17T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/eb72a52b-54b7-4430-8b5f-d38adee7f58a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36832475,"duration_in_seconds":3068}]},{"id":"f988259d-5c5a-4ee7-8430-d0bb502e23b3","title":"How to Know You're Turned in the Right Direction","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/232","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"This week Geri Scazzero examines Mark 10:46, where Jesus heals a blind man by the name of Bartimaeus. What does it look like as followers of Christ to make sure we’re turned in the right direction, regardless of the world around us?","date_published":"2018-09-09T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f988259d-5c5a-4ee7-8430-d0bb502e23b3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36750148,"duration_in_seconds":3043}]},{"id":"b93a89fd-9caf-4092-ba76-438b2156e6af","title":"Dying to Live - Marie Wood","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/231","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Continuing our sermon series, Living an Authentic Life, New Lifer Marie Wood explores Jesus' teaching on discipleship in Mark 8:34.","date_published":"2018-09-02T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b93a89fd-9caf-4092-ba76-438b2156e6af.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28221532,"duration_in_seconds":2351}]},{"id":"123ffaf4-eaba-4e85-9bc0-519c7db154f7","title":"The Second Yes - Redd Sevilla","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/230","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Matthew 28:18-20","date_published":"2018-08-26T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/123ffaf4-eaba-4e85-9bc0-519c7db154f7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33824858,"duration_in_seconds":2818}]},{"id":"30a7b095-3afe-469a-90fb-32308299dbbb","title":"God's Got More For You - Dr. Ron Walborn","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/229","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this message, Dr. Ron Walborn preaches on receiving the Holy Spirit. He highlights the journey of God's anointing from exclusivity to inclusivity.\r\n\r\nText: Numbers 11:10-29, Joel 2:28,29; John 20:21-22, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4, 14-18, 38,39; 8:14-17","date_published":"2018-08-19T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/30a7b095-3afe-469a-90fb-32308299dbbb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34476837,"duration_in_seconds":2872}]},{"id":"29cd7bd0-ebd3-4ce6-8022-eea875208a60","title":"Quit Blaming","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/228","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich continues our series on Living an Authentic Life. He explores the powerfully destructive practice of blaming, and how God calls us to a different way. An authentic life requires us to live in reality and take healthy responsibility for our lives. Pastor Rich explores this multilayered topic and offer God's invitation to greater freedom in Christ.","date_published":"2018-08-12T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/29cd7bd0-ebd3-4ce6-8022-eea875208a60.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36275961,"duration_in_seconds":3022}]},{"id":"d26ad5f2-96ae-427d-a049-b787988c6e32","title":"Quit Lying","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/227","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this message Pastor Rich continues our series on Living an Authentic Life. He explores the dangerous power of lying and how it keeps us from living the true life God has called us to. ","date_published":"2018-08-05T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d26ad5f2-96ae-427d-a049-b787988c6e32.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39541040,"duration_in_seconds":3257}]},{"id":"17b932a3-546d-4e71-9d98-e67cdb01b328","title":"Quit Denying Sadness, Anger, and Fear","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/226","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich returns to explore the important role difficult emotions such as sadness, anger and fear, play in our life with God. The pathway to an authentic life requires us to embrace our full humanity. This message will unpack this and more. ","date_published":"2018-07-29T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/17b932a3-546d-4e71-9d98-e67cdb01b328.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39608444,"duration_in_seconds":3263}]},{"id":"2bd5ca53-42b8-4cf4-b78e-4975791507d1","title":"Quit Living Someone Else's Life","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/225","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Continuing our sermon series, Living an Authentic Life, Pastor Matt preaches from Mark 3:20-22, 31-34.","date_published":"2018-07-22T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2bd5ca53-42b8-4cf4-b78e-4975791507d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30810716,"duration_in_seconds":2530}]},{"id":"f2abd1c4-f5d6-4058-91ac-1715aa4899a3","title":"Quit Being Afraid of What Others Think","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/224","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Pastor Pete kicks off our new sermon series, Living An Authentic Life, by taking a look at the life of Moses in Exodus 3","date_published":"2018-07-15T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/f2abd1c4-f5d6-4058-91ac-1715aa4899a3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31720970,"duration_in_seconds":2606}]},{"id":"1ea722c6-47b3-4af7-ac8a-1e663e769e03","title":"Ask, Seek, Knock","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/223","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Our guest speaker Christine Lee, (Vicar, All Angels' Church) preaches from Matthew 7 and shares her powerful testimony of life change.","date_published":"2018-07-10T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/1ea722c6-47b3-4af7-ac8a-1e663e769e03.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23620049,"duration_in_seconds":1931}]},{"id":"5ed49469-e1d8-41bd-b8e3-25dc94061254","title":"The Risen Way of Obedience","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/222","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Jesus closes the sermon on the mount with very strong language. His statements are shocking, sobering and life changing.","date_published":"2018-07-01T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5ed49469-e1d8-41bd-b8e3-25dc94061254.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29628533,"duration_in_seconds":2432}]},{"id":"84fc8baa-6e4f-45ce-b5be-d283dbb197b5","title":"The Our Father (Part 2)","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/221","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Pastor Rich continues our Sermon on the Mount series, focusing on the latter half of the Our Father prayer Jesus gave to his disciples. We encourage you to check out part 1 from last week.","date_published":"2018-06-24T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/84fc8baa-6e4f-45ce-b5be-d283dbb197b5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46121419,"duration_in_seconds":2854}]},{"id":"ad3c34b5-2723-4b4c-9086-f4e831072b93","title":"The Our Father","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/220","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich preaches on the prayer Jesus taught his followers. He explores the various layers and invitations God has for us as a community.\r\n","date_published":"2018-06-18T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/ad3c34b5-2723-4b4c-9086-f4e831072b93.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31247116,"duration_in_seconds":2566}]},{"id":"23c25e90-3151-46bd-b28e-bf79b95c1568","title":"Turning The Other Cheek","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/219","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores one of the most famous and misunderstood verses in the bible. He will highlight some of the dangerous misinterpretations of this text and offer a challenging invitation to those who are followers of Jesus.","date_published":"2018-06-10T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/23c25e90-3151-46bd-b28e-bf79b95c1568.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30277339,"duration_in_seconds":2486}]},{"id":"988815c1-ad30-4954-8596-071bec39bcb1","title":"Promises Kept in the Kingdom of God","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/218","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"What’s your word worth? As people of the Word who follow the Living Word, our words matter. Jesus calls us to speak with honesty and integrity in a world filled with false words and false news.\r\n","date_published":"2018-06-03T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/988815c1-ad30-4954-8596-071bec39bcb1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39307219,"duration_in_seconds":2428}]},{"id":"c7334b1d-fa76-439a-87c8-4e757772acdb","title":"Adultery, Lust, and the Kingdom of God","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/217","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores a passage that has been problematic for many. He unpacks Jesus words on the power of lust and the way our relationships and souls are impacted by it. More than just a sermon on external behavior modification, Rich addresses the often overlooked aspects that Jesus wants us to hold on to, that lead to transformed relationships and lives.","date_published":"2018-05-27T15:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c7334b1d-fa76-439a-87c8-4e757772acdb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38629082,"duration_in_seconds":3182}]},{"id":"37694377-0f92-4ee6-908a-bd5e66912da4","title":"Pentecost Sunday - The Holy Spirit","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/216","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"This past Sunday starts the season of Pentecost. Pentecost is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. For one week, we will take a break from our series on the sermon on the mount to explore what the coming of the Spirit means for our lives. ","date_published":"2018-05-21T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/37694377-0f92-4ee6-908a-bd5e66912da4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40248083,"duration_in_seconds":2487}]},{"id":"14d63e20-f0fa-4218-88d3-11bf2d1d1637","title":"Anger and the Kingdom of God","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/215","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Text: Matthew 5:21-24\r\n\r\nPastor Rich explores Jesus’ words on anger from the Sermon on the Mount. Whether you have difficulty getting angry, or whether anger has been a destructive power in your life, this message is for you. ","date_published":"2018-05-13T13:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/14d63e20-f0fa-4218-88d3-11bf2d1d1637.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40147729,"duration_in_seconds":2481}]},{"id":"2073bad4-bcfe-46f9-ba02-4a2f1f02676c","title":"Salt and Light","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/214","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores two core metaphors that describe the life of a Christ-follower, and the Christian community. He explores the surprising grace and calling offered by Jesus in this text.","date_published":"2018-05-06T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2073bad4-bcfe-46f9-ba02-4a2f1f02676c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35520818,"duration_in_seconds":2192}]},{"id":"5f792ed4-cbd9-4bc7-9476-71a52481b1aa","title":"The Risen Way of Peacemaking Part 2","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/213","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Pastor Rich offers a summary of all the beatitudes and explores how they connect to being peacemakers. ","date_published":"2018-04-29T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5f792ed4-cbd9-4bc7-9476-71a52481b1aa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51201692,"duration_in_seconds":3172}]},{"id":"32acad13-4d79-4529-8e5b-b47c3996d9e6","title":"The Risen Way of Peacemaking Part 1","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/212","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the ways peacemaking bears witness to Jesus and the resurrection. He addresses the call to peacemaking in personal, social and global perspectives.","date_published":"2018-04-22T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/32acad13-4d79-4529-8e5b-b47c3996d9e6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52540581,"duration_in_seconds":3256}]},{"id":"095ea3e7-e290-496a-8c1f-72037f055a97","title":"The Risen Way of Grief","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/211","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"How do we live into Jesus’ resurrection in a world of brokenness, suffering, and pain? If Jesus is risen, why (and how) should we mourn? The resurrection invites us to mourn as hopeful realists, lamenting the world’s brokenness and grieving as people full of hope.","date_published":"2018-04-15T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/095ea3e7-e290-496a-8c1f-72037f055a97.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38867396,"duration_in_seconds":2401}]},{"id":"3c48d640-8e97-4623-be83-88c7eb685fce","title":"The Risen Way of Poverty of Spirit","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/210","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this new sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Rich preaches on the first beatitude of Jesus. He explores how the abundant resurrection life is to result in a poverty of spirit, out of which, true abundance comes to us.","date_published":"2018-04-08T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3c48d640-8e97-4623-be83-88c7eb685fce.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46314757,"duration_in_seconds":2866}]},{"id":"d4c46406-ac06-4ae4-a3df-44c6e55c0aec","title":"Encounters with the Risen Jesus","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/209","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this special Easter message, Pastor Rich preaches on the significance of the resurrection and explores 3 powerful ways the risen Jesus meets us in our lives.","date_published":"2018-04-01T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d4c46406-ac06-4ae4-a3df-44c6e55c0aec.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36613772,"duration_in_seconds":2260}]},{"id":"059ac718-75a5-4026-848e-1acae412e3bc","title":"What Does It Mean to Follow the Crucified Jesus?","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/208","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Discipleship with Jesus requires a Copernican revolution for all of us. Join Pastor Pete as he contrasts 21st century Christianity with Jesus’ definition of genuine discipleship.","date_published":"2018-03-25T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/059ac718-75a5-4026-848e-1acae412e3bc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43545159,"duration_in_seconds":2693}]},{"id":"3829a606-43e9-4dcc-bbda-9ffd71583000","title":"Episode 207: Resilient Faith: When Weakness Becomes Strength","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/207","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"New Lifer Marie Wood unpacks the Scriptures in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10, and discusses personal weakness and suffering in the light of Jesus' identity as both crucified and risen Lord.","date_published":"2018-03-18T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3829a606-43e9-4dcc-bbda-9ffd71583000.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29094653,"duration_in_seconds":1790}]},{"id":"5da5a304-877a-4ae6-9b14-bed9708b9682","title":"Substitutionary Love","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/206","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"At the cross, God reveals his deep love for sinners and hatred of sin. How can he do both at the same time? He takes our place and bears the punishment on our behalf. Because of that, we see his love and mercy, justice and holiness in ways which invite our worship, witness, and work.","date_published":"2018-03-11T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5da5a304-877a-4ae6-9b14-bed9708b9682.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51028879,"duration_in_seconds":3161}]},{"id":"6c8ac7ca-d781-4a32-ba8f-c5ac16631347","title":"Christ The Victorious One","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/205","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores how Jesus' work on the cross defeated the \"powers\" that have wrecked our world. He shares what this view of the cross means for our everyday lives, especially in the face of personal and global pain, evil and death.","date_published":"2018-03-04T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/6c8ac7ca-d781-4a32-ba8f-c5ac16631347.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43587057,"duration_in_seconds":2696}]},{"id":"b564a35a-2b3b-46c4-9d5c-648398f6d661","title":"Exploring the Cross of Jesus: Blood Sacrifice","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/204","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the important theme of blood sacrifice when understanding the cross of Jesus. This sermon unpacks another angle of the cross, and what His blood sacrifice means for our daily lives.","date_published":"2018-02-25T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b564a35a-2b3b-46c4-9d5c-648398f6d661.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":47524379,"duration_in_seconds":2942}]},{"id":"8051f10b-3f62-4503-b9ff-6daddc83365e","title":"Why the Cross?","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/203","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this new sermon series, Pastor Rich explores the cross of Jesus and learn what God was doing as Jesus was being crucified. He offers fresh perspectives on the nature of sin and what God has done to free us from it. ","date_published":"2018-02-18T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/8051f10b-3f62-4503-b9ff-6daddc83365e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34126989,"duration_in_seconds":2806}]},{"id":"262b88b8-24dc-473f-992f-41d192b8efb2","title":"Missio Dei - Just Say Yes","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/202","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":" This message concludes our series, Missio Dei, with a Commissioning Service of sending you into your workplace/life situation in the name of Jesus. We will model this on Jesus’ sending of Samaritan woman who did very little (in comparison to the miracles of God) and yet an entire city was transformed!","date_published":"2018-02-11T16:15:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/262b88b8-24dc-473f-992f-41d192b8efb2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43002966,"duration_in_seconds":2659}]},{"id":"043066cc-9b50-4232-955e-93c2f2a51106","title":"Missio Dei: Hospitality as Mission","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/201","content_text":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the idea that mission is not just being \"sent out\" but also the act of welcoming someone in. This message offers important biblical reflection on the simple, yet profound practices we can do to be more engaged in God's mission. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the idea that mission is not just being \u0026quot;sent out\u0026quot; but also the act of welcoming someone in. This message offers important biblical reflection on the simple, yet profound practices we can do to be more engaged in God\u0026#39;s mission. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this sermon, Pastor Rich explores the idea that mission is not just being \"sent out\" but also the act of welcoming someone in. This message offers important biblical reflection on the simple, yet profound practices we can do to be more engaged in God's mission. \r\n","date_published":"2018-02-04T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/043066cc-9b50-4232-955e-93c2f2a51106.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40010634,"duration_in_seconds":3297}]},{"id":"b24f3048-a56e-4eb1-8a1d-0ea6cb159241","title":"Missio Dei: The Other Lord's Prayer","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/200","content_text":"We’ve learned a lot about God’s mission – the Missio Dei – over the past few weeks. How do we find our place in it? And is the cost worth it?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’ve learned a lot about God’s mission – the Missio Dei – over the past few weeks. How do we find our place in it? And is the cost worth it?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We’ve learned a lot about God’s mission – the Missio Dei – over the past few weeks. How do we find our place in it? And is the cost worth it?","date_published":"2018-01-28T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/b24f3048-a56e-4eb1-8a1d-0ea6cb159241.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33415301,"duration_in_seconds":2747}]},{"id":"2ef52ebd-1d99-4f34-8ef6-680e4fb7c206","title":"Missio Dei: The Missional Heart","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/199","content_text":"Date: January 21, 2018\n\nSpeaker: Rich Villodas\n\nText: Isaiah 6:1-8\nTitle: The Missional Heart","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDate: January 21, 2018\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eSpeaker: Rich Villodas\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eText: Isaiah 6:1-8\u003cbr\u003e\nTitle: The Missional Heart\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Date: January 21, 2018\r\n\r\nSpeaker: Rich Villodas\r\n\r\nText: Isaiah 6:1-8\r\nTitle: The Missional Heart","date_published":"2018-01-21T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/2ef52ebd-1d99-4f34-8ef6-680e4fb7c206.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38162701,"duration_in_seconds":3143}]},{"id":"5542b0b7-14fb-4ed0-b121-8b1963c3c5f2","title":"Missio Dei: Led By The Spirit Into Mission","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/198","content_text":"Title: Missio Dei: Led By the Spirit Into Mission \n\nSpeaker: Rich Villodas \n\nDate: January 14, 2018 ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTitle: Missio Dei: Led By the Spirit Into Mission \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eSpeaker: Rich Villodas \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eDate: January 14, 2018 \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Title: Missio Dei: Led By the Spirit Into Mission \r\n\r\nSpeaker: Rich Villodas \r\n\r\nDate: January 14, 2018 ","date_published":"2018-01-14T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/5542b0b7-14fb-4ed0-b121-8b1963c3c5f2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39440436,"duration_in_seconds":3249}]},{"id":"79993a6e-124b-4753-893b-e32a0ab65d2e","title":"Missio Dei: Invited into God's Mission","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/197","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Title: Missio Dei: Invited into God's Mission\r\n\r\nSpeaker: Rich Villodas\r\n\r\nDate: January 7, 2018","date_published":"2018-01-07T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/79993a6e-124b-4753-893b-e32a0ab65d2e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34179769,"duration_in_seconds":2811}]},{"id":"3080486e-93d4-41b5-ac93-d23aa8ea575d","title":"The Grand Examen - Locating God's Presence in 2017","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/196","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Title: The Grand Examen - Locating God's Presence in 2017\r\n\r\nSpeaker: Rich Villodas\r\n\r\nDate: December 31, 2017","date_published":"2017-12-31T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/3080486e-93d4-41b5-ac93-d23aa8ea575d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37144614,"duration_in_seconds":3058}]},{"id":"c0b36399-2269-4c99-9965-8a59175e9bc8","title":"Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Reflection","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/195","content_text":"Title: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Reflection\n\nDate: 12.24.17\n\nSpeaker: Rich Villodas\n\nFor more information, visit us at newlife.nyc","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTitle: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Reflection\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eDate: 12.24.17\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eSpeaker: Rich Villodas\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eFor more information, visit us at newlife.nyc\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"","date_published":"2017-12-24T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/c0b36399-2269-4c99-9965-8a59175e9bc8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":49467158,"duration_in_seconds":4085}]},{"id":"a22371de-18f8-439b-8ea5-cbe8b1b4f258","title":"Surrender, Worship, Rejoice by Rev. Christine Lee","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/194","content_text":"Title: Surrender, Worship, Rejoice: An Advent Invitation\n\nSpeaker: Christine Lee\n\nDate: December 17, 2017 \n\nFor more information about New Life Fellowship, please visit: www.newlife.nyc","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTitle: Surrender, Worship, Rejoice: An Advent Invitation\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eSpeaker: Christine Lee\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eDate: December 17, 2017 \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eFor more information about New Life Fellowship, please visit: \u003ca href=\"http://www.newlife.nyc\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ewww.newlife.nyc\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"","date_published":"2017-12-17T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/a22371de-18f8-439b-8ea5-cbe8b1b4f258.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37104244,"duration_in_seconds":3055}]},{"id":"91baffd12bae6d11064b1b170931a183","title":"Episode 193: Life In The Center With God","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/193","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"by Pete Scazzero ","date_published":"2017-12-10T05:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/d2de9500-8aed-4a8c-96de-4677ef70ba09.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37667255,"duration_in_seconds":3102}]},{"id":"fb326235-ac90-4138-99de-c0bec00fe32e","title":"Genealogies and Grace","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/192","content_text":"Speaker: Rich Villodas\n\nDate: December 3, 2017","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSpeaker: Rich Villodas\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eDate: December 3, 2017\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Speaker: Rich Villodas\r\n\r\nDate: December 3, 2017","date_published":"2017-12-03T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/fb326235-ac90-4138-99de-c0bec00fe32e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34250483,"duration_in_seconds":2817}]},{"id":"194fbce5d451add884acfb1fe572401f","title":"Episode 191: When Waiting Gets Hard","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/191","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"by Rich Villodas 11/26/2017","date_published":"2017-11-26T05:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/b3e9cf5b-9106-4359-89d5-58b08ffe7ab1/4950c547-77a9-4cb2-aeb0-3a88772d3c96.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33238887,"duration_in_seconds":2733}]},{"id":"27fd6929bd728651dbb351511cf903c3","title":"Episode 190: Missional","url":"https://nlfsermons.fireside.fm/190","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"by Redd Sevilla 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